National Sovereignty Aligned With Church Foundations

The Founding Stone

Today’s Party print will be looking at how a nation needs its national Church foundations, and how it is possible to deny this cornerstone by sabotaging a Folk’s access to Holy Mother and Child in their own semblance.

There are many events of communion referring to the Fair Lady of the British Isles that The Party has not revealed, and will only do so one day in the future after matters have been sorted out. But there are details that have been made known, including the Mexican events, in which there is clear reference to Her.

In England, after our return here, Angela had wanted to research the ancient Celtic origins of all national Churches of the British Isles, but, owing to the fact that the local authorities were embedded with Italy, it became impossible, indeed to the point that these attempts were actively discouraged with arrogance by people in places of power.

People working for a monarchy of Norman origin dating back to 1066 and for the Illuminati felt the need to sabotage Angela’s research into the ecclesiastic origins of British nations that should each have in common One Spiritual Mother, who I affectionately named Celtic Britannia. Giving a name to a Person of the Holy Trinity who one knows came out of spiritual love and affection, but they chose to place others first, and this would have meant imposing Italian supremacy in the name of ‘founding fathers’ of Church and of Babylon, of people who are of human origin and in blatant contradiction to the One Father.

Empty Spaces

Owing to Angela’s own spiritual contacts, she was able to tell me soon after our arrival in England that she’d be leaving behind two empty spaces in her Union Flag. She was aware back then of a plan to deport us both to Italy, and from there to a diabolic crucifixion across the sea.

People working for Babylonian empires were not going to let my sister do her work and get it published and promoted, for it would have spelt out the end of their fake paternity over this and that and ruined their plans of domination over many nations.

But if there was one person who could have filled in those two empty spaces, that person was Angela. Had she done so without any contract, the Norman UK would have trashed all her work and confined it to the dustbin, to then deport us both to Italy after getting all the information they wanted. They could only have done this by denying us both any income in relation to the work and to future studies, and by stealth or force they’d have sent us on to their bedfellows.

They would have privately said, we cannot allow this research to get in the way of our Babylonian empire-building.

Politicking in Ecclesiastic Affairs

When inflicting new boundaries of states that previously were not, the EU and NATO will no doubt have sought to do away with ancient stone foundations of one or other national Church and replace them with something that cannot be. This is how the Serbian Mother and Child were betrayed.

Similarly, they tried replacing the ancient English ecclesiastic foundations with the ideological construct established by Henry VIII, descendant of the Normans. For them, the English cornerstone represented the enemy of the UK, and Jesus King of the English Folk became the enemy of the Norman kingdom founded later in the eleventh century. Even though English Law states that the head of the Church is the rightful Monarch, they decided to embark on doing away with Angela’s research, considering her as their adversary.

They said the Prince of Wales stepping back because of Jesus was not going to happen. They claimed the Son of God’s Throne!

In our last Party print From England Back to Switzerland, under the chapter At Communion in Switzerland, it is written: “as we sat at table and ate, we also talked about matters, and I recall the first Lady agreeing with me, whereas the other with dark hair said politely: I have a different opinion”.

What I know is both the Swiss and the French In High are not going to allow sister and brother Huns to be packed off to Italy in a cage, for these are the two only available routes known to the local council to carry out their despicable act.

And yet, the Mexican Holy Mother also had a word to say in this, the One who – again – the UK failures tried doing a dirty one on.

The Mexican Holy Mother

The following is from the point of view of the Mexican Holy Mother and is not influenced by the Hun’s own emotions, thus giving an authentic and unbiased account of how a Lady In High can react to targeted insults that came planned and premeditated.

The ex-UK ghouls sent someone to throw insults at the Mexicans in response to all that The Party had written about La Santa Madre Mexicana.

It was shortly after that when I saw Her in a vision walking past me, between where I lay and the table on which is the altar dedicated to the Fair Lady. In full Mexican dress, and divinely beautiful, She walked past, turned Her head towards the altar opposite me, and said defiantly: No!

Not long after this, my sister came back from Mexico for a week to stay with us, and she has spiritual contact with the Mexican Mother and Child. Angela told me to see to it that The Party repeats the work offer Alexandra had made to Germany in 2018, and that which Angela herself had made to Germany around the same time. She explained that the offence offered to the Mexican Mother was gratuitous, vile, and came from the very people who had sent the Exterminator in early 2019.

By Comparison

By contrast, the Mexican Events explain quite clearly the mutual respect that was between Our Fair Lady and the Mexican Lady, and therefore the insults from the UK leftovers should be considered alien to the attitude and disposition of the Spiritual Mother of the English Folk.

We already know that die Hunnin left two empty spaces in her Union Flag when she departed from Sovereign England, and from the very start her stance has been not to open a door to Italy in England. The Italians would be better advised to think carefully with whom they are dealing when knocking at Whitehall’s door, because Angela doesn’t work there, nor does Mädel. So whatever Whitehall promised the Italians, it has nothing to do with brother Hun either.

He did make an offer of his own to Whitehall back in 2017, as Mädel may well have explained to the German Mother in the spiritual communion – both she and I later came to this conclusion when wondering what her words were in the vision – and they did turn this offer down, for all that it was heart-felt and sincere!

It can be found here in Herod’s UK Tries Overthrowing German Holy Mother, under the chapter The Hun’s Offer.

Here is today’s Party tune. 


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