Useless UK Spy Force

A Flop

Readers who follow The Party will know that before Mädel made her offer to work in early 2017 with the intention of declaring the UK bankrupt and working for its dissolution in order to bring about Sovereign England, she was still going to school. During this period, she had also been on holiday to Italy, where they tried stealing her manual on economic recipes.

When she got back to England and resumed school, the UK unleashed a spying operation on her following the directives of their Italian Illuminati masters working for the EU. The lamppost investigators and the code breakers were at work, and she complained to me that ‘the door was always open’. The Hun being experienced, I shut the door from within and locked it, leaving them outside in the garden to rot. They were sitting there with their bugs and gaping, and occasionally they’d drop an insult while passing me in the street.

On my part I told the pervs to go and spy in their own bedroom or to go back to bed with their Italian mistress.

You’re just a flop, I said, nothing more than useless.

After Leaving School

This was in the years prior to 2017. After that, when she left school and wanted to apply her skills in economics, the clowns started insulting her instead, and then alternated with pathetic pleas for her work to be sent to them with no contract so they could find out everything they needed to know and pass it on to Italy!

When, the following year in 2018, Alexandra and my sister offered to work for Germany, they went and sent their ridiculous HM revenues at me, while offering to get the file closed and even give some five pound notes if we worshipped their queen.

Pathetically Demented

The rest we know, the Demon went to Hell in early 2019, and my sister later fled to Mexico as the UK died that same year, which corresponded to when they angrily shut The Party down in its previous format. With a deranged look on their features, during the pandemic, when everyone else was getting money galore for doing nothing and were given computers and free wi-fi, they said: nothing for you, Hun!

That’s fine, I said, wait till it’s your turn!

Some more insults came my way, and while I was in financial ruin, they laughed at me and asked is everything alright? with a smile on their nasty mug.

They also made sure we could not go any more to the Light Tower Church owing to lack of funds, no doubt their Italian masters had instructed them to rewire the place to Italy. So when I went to Folkestone, they still had a go, and that is when the English spiritual Child later went from Folkestone to Germany in the spirit to be with his German spiritual brother.

Here is this morning’s Party dance.

The Aftermath

In the meantime, Italy is totally bankrupt save for piles of fake money arriving from the European Central Bank in the form of quantitative easing euros created out of nothing. The UK is dead so we’ll leave that one out, and many another country in the EU depends on QE fakery from the EU central bank to obtain an artificial input of fake finances called ‘pandemic recovery’.

On my part, I made a mistake from the start on returning to England the very first time with Angela after being to Serbia, because I did not demand a proper work contract first. But as the Antichrist had already struck Angela then, they were on the case in conjunction with their Italian godfathers, who seem to have told them what to do, and what not.

Sadly, as those people had lied to me when sister and I had gone to Serbia and crossed the rotten plank while they were being funded to lie, drain my limited funds and enter the EU, here I wrongly believed it would be a straight forward case of being interested in local affairs. But they seemed to have made a plan from the start after being informed from Italy, and being deceived all the time, I ended up not achieving anything.

Except of-course, that I helped Angela present on my old website her research into the foundations of the English Church, and then later the Scottish Church.

No Contract”

The idea that Mädel, on leaving school, would have started flinging work at anyone for nothing and without a contract, or for that matter Alexandra and Angela too, existed in the deranged mind of the UK spy force and their Italian ‘founding father’ masters. It was never going to happen, and it never will.

As for me, my next work is assured when Alexandra has a binding contract with Germany and has received an upfront payment in gold bars. She’ll employ me to help her as adjutant.

Whitehall and Westminster, though, will be going down with a flush of the toilet. I’ll teach them a lesson for turning down the only offer I ever made them after coming back to England the second time from Germany after Mädel had asked me to. They had insulted her when she wanted to work, and I had offered them an alternative, saying If you will renounce your god from the Tanner’s son and honour my Lederhosen, and do so in public, and rethink your attitude towards Freundin … and instead they sent the Demon – who went down where he is destined to go.

Well I did offer!

In our last edition English Mädel in England, it is written:doing things contrary to nature is not in Mädel’s attitude or in her book of recipes, and this is why the German Mother offered her the place corresponding to her skills, loyalty and dignity”.


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