German Military Operation in England

Special military units of the German Mother launched a spiritual operation in England.

Alexandra’s Clarification

The other day, Alexandra and I spoke about the event in which the German Holy Mother ordered the crucifixion of Moloch. Looking more closely into the details, Alexandra determined that the demonic beast was arrested in Germany at the order of the German Mother because the UK had sent it there with Satan shortly after Alexandra and Angela had expressed their intention in 2018 to work for Germany in their respective spheres of research, which would have included travelling to Germany.

The UK did this to bring the German Mother and Child into ruination after already betraying the Fair Lady of the English Folk and trying to sacrifice her English Child.

However, although Moloch was sentenced to death in Germany, it was placed in prison in England, and the next morning taken out of prison and crucified in England.

Military Operation

This event came about several weeks after a military operation that was revealed in a vision, whereby German soldiers of elite units stormed England. Alexandra says this is proof the German Mother has the power and authority to serve justice on the dead-uk that is holding Hun and Mädel in prison and also caused Angela to flee to avoid prison, and all because we are preventing the traitors from sacrificing Mother and Child.

There Is No Agreement

The Hun has never signed in Britain a work contract with anyone or ever given permission to them to lie to him, starve him out of funds and imprison him. Nor has Angela. These people are delusional, even more they are sheer evil.

They made an agreement with their Italian masters and failed to keep their promises.

The Hun is only waiting to sign a contract with Germany inclusive of an upfront payment in gold to cover expenses and to go to the German embassy to receive special travel documents to quit prison, return to Calais in France with a valid spiritual visa and travel on through Belgium back home to Germany.

Here is today’s Party dance.

Masters of Their Own Deeds

The ‘UK institutions’, as they call themselves, are wholly responsible for their own destiny. They imported Satan from Italy to England, to then send it on to infiltrate Germany in place of Alexandra and Angela in 2018, and they are being treated accordingly In High as if they themselves were Satan.

Within this same context, these people also sent the Diabolic One at me and Mädel in early 2019 and heaped insults on her following her work offer of March 2017. From my point of view, the Diabolic One went to Hell and was proven wrong whenever he tried returning. These are the very people who went to War against German Mother and Child.


Parasites tried leeching off Angela’s shoulders and because of that she is gone. They attempted spying on Mädel even though she does not work for parasites.

The Hun and his sister have empirical and physical evidence that the parasites were acting on behalf of the Italian Illuminati and using NATO and EU domination and expansion as one of their aims, as well as perpetuation of the worship of their queen of Norman origin. They lied all the time and had made plans from the start to deceive. They tried leeching off the shoulders of brother and sister Huns, as well as of Mädel and Alexandra. They knowingly planned to sacrifice the Fair Lady and her English Child.

We Don’t Care!

For some strange reason, people keep turning up in the street saying they are Irish, or part Irish, or that Ireland is one island and should be united, or that the Irish and the Welsh and the Scots should follow the English, or making hints at being Welsh.

At The Party we have already stated that Mädel is English and that neither of us could care less for the two empty spaces in Angela’s union flag as they do not concern us in the slightest. We both know that Angela had a good reason to leave them blank. No-one at The Party has a signed contract with anyone to do work concerning the Irish or the Welsh.

These demented people then use alternating voices to say I do not exist and that I should go and clean their toilet for five pounds or some such insult, and they are quite clearly deranged!

Irish Americans

If, for example, the Americans of Irish origin going back generations do care, it is owing to their Irish ancestry. Well then it should be blatantly obvious why English Mädel cares for the English Folk. Likewise, the Hun should obviously care for the German Holy Mother and Child. And didn’t Freundin say she will never betray the English Mother and English Child?

Regardless what the UK police men and women say as they guide through agents from Italy and carefully place them in positions to sabotage, it is written on Angela’s church calendar, after English and Scottish: German. All information received in communion indicates the exact same, as both of us testify to.


No, Angela does not work with the police, and the English Child did not join them either but made off to Germany to his spiritual brother. He knows who looked after him, who was nice to him and cared for his needs, and it certainly wasn’t people inviting over Beelzebub and Moloch from Italy to try sacrificing him and his Mother, to then send big and little Satan on to Germany to try the same there.

Furthermore, only Angela could ever have filled the two empty spaces, not her brother, and she didn’t for the reasons explained. This is why the German Holy Mother is carrying out a spiritual military operation to knock out the prison gate in England and get the Hun out and Mädel with him.

I do not owe anyone anything here in prison and will give them nothing. Those people are diabolic.


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