German Mother Given Foreign Problems
They heaped problems at the doorstep of the German Holy Mother that do not concern Her.
This Is Not Germany’s Problem
In our 12th January 2022 sheet Angela Germanica in Public, the German Lady, after showing me that I am required to help Angela do her work in German land and must hold her by the hand to make sure she is not snatched, showed me what could be the clue to an attempt to snatch Angela away.
In yesterday’s publication Angela Hun Flagbearer, we find: “at the end of this communion I stood next to the German Mother as She showed me two flags in the distance with empty frames, just coloured white, and a third flag in front of those two and on a pole also in white, still not filled in. We were in Germany in the communion”.
She requires that this flag on the pole be given colour and identity, and to achieve this, Schwester Hunnin needs to present the German Church based on its cornerstone.
According to Alexandra, the message is that the other empty-spaced banners are not Germany’s problem, hence they were not shown in the forefront and were not on a flagpole.
Running to Germany
Angela’s return to the land of the Rhine cannot be confused with her return to England after we had left Serbia and sojourned for a while in Italy. It is a known fact already mentioned on Party space that the Italians In High made a case against the Antichrist for spiritually targeting Angela in Italy and knocking her over.
This had nothing to do with Germany, for which reason the Italians are unlikely to have a case to make against my sister working there: in fact they have none.
However, the local authorities here had invested in Italy and always tried sabotaging the Fair Lady of the British Isles, and so there are people running to Germany trying to lay down conditions, attempting to trip and snatch, bitterly lamenting a pair of empty spaces left behind by Angela.
Here is today’s Party presentation for them!
The German Mother does not want people running along and tripping each other up while flinging their problems at Her feet.
Had they not been intent on accommodating the Italians in England when they should have cared for the Fair Lady’s affairs, they wouldn’t need to run to Germany with their problems in matters concerning die Hunnin, and her brother and those who the German Lady is sending to help him wouldn’t need to form a chain to pull her back as others try pulling her away, each side pulling her by a hand.
The German Mother would prefer it if they accepted what Angela offered them in England and did not try pursuing her in German land for what she left open to quandary.
The Hun’s Regiment
As mentioned yesterday, I did not understand what they were trying to tell me when, approaching without looking at me, they claimed he had said he’d join them.
May-be someone else did!
My regiment does not wear those colours.
Here is today’s Party march.
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