The Castle on the Rhine
Angela once told me that I’m a nice person to live with: at least that’s what she thinks and it’s her personal opinion.
The Conversation
In a recent conversation we had via video, Angela, from her house in Mexico, asked me if I would write an introduction based on the communion at which I was present many years ago when the Serbian Mother arrived with Angela at the house of the German Mother – in Germany.
She says it should become the official presentation to her future research on the Church of the Rhine, and that I needn’t worry about self-identification as it’s sufficient to sign it off as brother Hun. No autobiography, no date of birth, no information on my past life will be needed. No pics, no dog tag numbers, and no incriminating info need be revealed.
The book itself, once the research has been completed, will be published in Angela’s own name, and work accomplished by Alexandra in Alexandra’s name. Yet the only person who can give testimony to the communion, she said, is the one who was present to witness it all, and that happens to be her brother.
Looking Forward
This request of hers made my day, I’m looking forward to dedicating myself to the task, and I’ll be applying my Sunday best German in the process. She told me to simply use my own words, that I needn’t ask her for approval of the text, not to leave any detail out and to present it in due course at The Party.
This text, sister Hun declared in German, will be the first page of the future research on the origins of the Germanic Church of the Rhine, and will be valid as much for her part in it as for Alexandra’s.
All that will need to follow this public introduction will be the actual studies, to be carried out in Germany anyway and in Switzerland too, only when one day there is a State contract guaranteeing the funding, accommodation, freedom to travel and the promotion of the work once completed.
Fraternal Duty of Care
To this end I expect to receive a 24-hour briefcase that can be comfortably carried in one hand, lined inside with 24 carat gold bars and containing a work contract with stamp and signature/s, a travel document, a bunch of keys to all the doors of a castle on the Rhine, and the deeds to the castle itself and the landed estates surrounding it – assuring me unrestricted and unlimited access to castle and land. This is the only way I can guarantee for my sister Angela sanctuary and freedom of expression concerning her part in the future work for the Church Under the Full Moon in as much as it concerns Germany.
I will not settle for anything less and this concerns only my duty of care for my sister Angela and my own right to adequate subsistence and sanctuary as I deem necessary for myself. It will also include the right of freedom to come and go at will – to and from the estate.
On my part I will promise not to ever sell or lease out any part of the estate/s and expect these to be permanently exempt from any debt bondage that whomsoever might try foisting onto me for whatever reason or non-reason. No eviction may ever be carried out against my person nor may my freedom to come and go ever be restricted, regardless of any judicial, constitutional, collective or private claims or decisions.
Intellectual Property
Die junge Hunnin verlangt daß ihre zukünftige Arbeit für die Rhein Kirche weder gesnatched und versteckt, noch umgestaltet oder im Namen anderen zugeschrieben wird.
For this reason, Angela’s future research will not become public domain but will retain the status of intellectual property in her name. As far as Germany is concerned, the reference to the Serbian Mother and to the German Mother will be made evident at the very start by way of the aforementioned introduction that I will be styling in German and intend presenting already here at The Party and later as the introduction to the written works once accomplished. Angela states that this will guarantee the integrity of the spiritual provenance of her contacts for readers and listeners to appreciate, the same applying for Alexandra’s participation.
Any excerpts coming directly from the Holy Scriptures will bear the name of their respective authors going by the established biblical convention.
Both Angela and Alexandra renounce on any financial royalties from the research once published, as too does brother Hun, who instead only requires the necessary upfront payment as mentioned above to fund foreseeable expenses related to the research, as well as, in Germany’s case, permanent right of residence and subsistence as already clarified.
Here is today’s Party musical presentation.
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