Germany and the Cult of Guilt

More details came out regarding Mädel’s presence in Bavaria when she later sat at table and a crowd gathered around to ask questions.

A Doctrine of Self-Hate

As Freundin’s Wirtschaft speech in Bavaria became known and the details unfolded, it was clear to me that she identified one of the pillars on which governance over Germany has been predicated: instil collective guilt into the Germans.

She had also spelled out the follow-up to this deliberate agenda that had been cemented with hate and horror of Hollywood proportions: shame the entire Folk into being committed to the ultimate sacrifice for the good of Mankind: self-destruction.

In one of our recent Party pages from several days ago entitled Germany Has Two Options and Needs to Decide, we can see that among the last words Mädel said during her address to the Bavarians were: Don’t let it happen again!.

This phrase was in reference to Germany being hypnotised and sleepwalked into another war against Russia along the grounds that “you must never forget your guilt debt, and so the train goes through the open lignite fields on to Lodz and to one final war guaranteeing your destruction – which you owe humanity on account of your unforgivable crimes”.

Study History Properly!

In her closing sentences to the Bavarians, Mädel had exhorted the audience to study the facts of history in order to understand why the Second World War started and the machinations that were going on at the time.

Being hypnotised into believing an historical narrative means, by and large, having an established State agenda foisted onto the general public, with a spate of naming and shaming for anyone whose opinion may diverge owing to critical thinking.

This is the case of Germany, and as the situation stands now, it appears to be leading to one end: hand the country over on a pyre of sacrificial offering in one last war of destruction, not because the people wanted or voted for it, but simply out of guilt.

And this is something we do not want.

Here is today’s first Party tune.

Mädel’s Table Talk

After she had addressed the folks present, Mädel sat at a table, and by and by groups of people were coming to her with questions. As a result there were small crowds seated around her table, and some individuals were visibly in contemplation as they gave deep thought to her words.

Alexandra made note of some of the topics that were spoken about, and Wolfgang too was there attentively listening, occasionally summarising to those present the salient points that had been dwelt upon. In the following paragraphs we’ll look at some of the things that were said.

The Jews … or Arabian Oil: You Choose!

Million of Jews before the war, said Mädel, were said to be living in Poland, which at that time had different borders and included diverse populations, all of which save one now live in other countries. Prior to the war that started in 1939, the Polish government was working together with a well known Revisionist-Zionist leader named Ze’ev Jabotinsky with the intention of getting millions of Jewish people to emigrate from Poland to Palestine.

Listening to something that had always been kept well away from their ears and their eyes, and knowing that Freundin is a trusted person who knows her history on the subject, those within listening range were astounded to hear what she then went on to say:

King Ibn Saud was aware of the Polish government’s intentions and assured the British establishment that they had to choose either a Jewish homeland in Palestine in line with the League of Nations, or his friendship and Arabian oil. It was clear they could not have both.

The City-banking government and Whitehall chose the trillions of dollars worth of oil that would revive the East India Tea Company and therefore decided to sacrifice the Jewish homeland.

Who Were Jabotinsky and Ibn Saud?

Questions were being asked by those gathered around her table as to why the deeds of individuals called Jabotinsky and Ibn Saud are not common knowledge in German history lessons, and Mädel gave answers as best she could:

In their own countries, they are very well known household names, with streets, civic buildings and squares named in their honour, and even a country is named after one of them, but in Germany, those who you are not allowed to criticise may not be mentioned at all if it exposes the State agenda on self-condemnation!

Aware that important details of history directly preceding the Second World War had been hidden from them, and after discussing among each other, the small congregation came to the conclusion that Mädel’s answer had opened the door to more questions, and one such question they posed to her sounded like this: Why are we not supposed to know, and who are we not allowed to criticise?

City Loyalty to Foreign King and Money!

In order to give an answer, Freundin posed a question: In which country is the Christian Faith forbidden?

Someone answered: Is it Germany?

Turning, Mädel said: In reality it is the same country where Judaism too is forbidden, and you may not criticise this kingdom because it has allowed immense riches to enter into the possession of the City magnates. It is the country whose name is that of the Saud family.

And she went on to declare: The German people were made to inherit the sin of the world in 1945 – something even worse than the Versailles Treaty that followed the First Great War, but the kingdom that forbids Christianity and considers the Jews to be cursed is the one that has enriched the bankers of the City.

And she continued: This is the kingdom which the governing establishment in London worked for when, on issuing the White Paper of May 1939, they abolished the Jewish homeland in Palestine. This they did to appease their foreign king, Ibn Saud, to whom they showed loyalty, in total disregard of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine!

The Realization

Wolfgang sat there, his expression grave, and according to Alexandra’s account, all those present fell silent, and only the sound of some stone mugs could be heard being quietly placed back on the tables. And a look of disbelief – and then of sheer distrust, was visible in the eyes of everyone, followed by a dark realization.

Finally, someone spoke up and uttered the words: And our governments since 1948 have kept this secret from us all the time! The man who hated the Jews more than any other and who forbids Christianity is the one who dictates the agenda!

The Guilt Fuelling the Energy Policy

Mädel made the following declaration: Because you are not supposed to join the dots, they make sure you do not get to knowing a truthful account of events. They continue making their lucrative deals with that very kingdom because their energy policy depends on it!

Turning her head slowly and looking in the eyes those who sat there staring at her, she then said: This is why you are meant to feel guilty, in order to cover up those who really were, and still are, behind it. For if ever you were to wake up, the whole guilt narrative would collapse and they would be exposed!

Germany in 1939 was sacrificed in return for trillions of petrodollars worth of oil! This was the precondition for the world’s energy policy which required appeasing king Ibn Saud and preventing a Jewish uprising in Palestine in October 1939.

And Mädel assured them: So long as you remain guilty, you serve their purpose, and playing on your guilt, a compliant group of political parties might sacrifice you one more time, dictated to by foreign governments within an alliance called NATO and the EU. Even to this day, those who accuse you day and night do nothing other than seeking the friendship of the kingdom that bans the Christian Faith and considers the Jews to be cursed! It’s the City-banking policy governing finances and immense wealth.

A Note From the Hun

When Mädel along with Alexandra left England unobserved in July 2022, it was planned in a way that the British Intelligence, who she called The Brittunculi, could not follow her. Not knowing where she is in Germany, they cannot interfere with her work nor shut her down. On my part, however, I shut down her English restaurant right here in England.

Here is today’s second Party presentation.


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