Germany Has Two Options and Needs to Decide
There are two roads now, and one leads to sheer catastrophe.
The EU Total Disaster
In today’s Party page we’ll be looking at the need for the German nation to understand its available options when considering an alliance.
This is essential in order to protect one’s own people from the paranoid attempts of the communist EU commissars to undo and dispose of national sovereignty while chaining many nations to the NATO agenda. Together, the two organizations claim to be an alliance and they have been hell-bent on expansion across Europe and on to the Caucasus.
These people managed in a few decades to destroy the natural economy of many individual countries, and in the name of “free trade” outsourced the bulk of industrial production to China, resulting in mass unemployment. Then they introduced a system whereby millions of people from eastern Europe would be employed in western European countries as well as in England owing to a cheap-labour mentality which added even more millions of people to the unemployment list in the west.
Financially Bankrupt
As a result of their insane policies, they managed to bring the western countries subjected to the European Union into a situation of impossible public debt that can never be serviced – let alone paid off – by conventional means, but instead, as is with a pyramid scheme, only ever increases.
Going by this system, one half of Europe is constantly paying money to the other half, either by way of the EU net-contributor and net-recipient policy, or by way of financial bailouts when a country goes financially bankrupt precisely owing to insane EU monetary and economic policies.
An Example
To give one example, since 2010, German public funds were used to bail out the Greek treasury in order that it could repay the government bonds it had sold at very high interests rates to numerous international banks, otherwise there would have been another banking crisis such as that of 2008, the only difference being in the detail, the 2008 financial crash having been caused by toxic debt owing to mortgages rather than through public debt.
The end result of this and other national bailouts of EU countries, is that Germany’s economy is sinking in both toxic and public debt, just like the economies of so many other western countries chained to the EU.
And the Alliance?
Germany needs the spiritual alliance with Serbia and Mexico, as was the case with England. The English Child made it from the German House to the Heavenly one, the German Child remained in the lower.
The alliance that Angela offers keeps Germany from being blackmailed and bullied by EU commissars and NATO generals into a war against Russia that would bring sheer desolation to the German Folk.
The spiritual alliance is the only one available, and this is the reason Freundin is in Germany, terminating the failed communist dictatorship of the EU commissars running an alien institution bent on bankrupting entire nations, and who, without a light at the end of their failed tunnel, are now bent on digging a grave for the Germans in one monumental war of destruction that Germany neither asked nor voted for.
So Germany can choose between the EU commissars and the NATO generals on one side, and Angela on the other, she having gone to Mexico to escape the handcuffs.
Here is today’s Party musical theme.
Mädel’s Speech
Details are meanwhile coming in on how Freundin entered a Bavarian Wirtschaft and delivered a speech to those present, and, facing the assembled guests, proclaimed that in 1939, an armed revolt was planned in Palestine for the month of October, and Poland was to be the main supplier of militia and weapons.
Looking the bewildered audience in the eyes, she went on to state that London got wind of it and offered Poland a plan B that would see Berlin becoming the object of attention instead of Palestine, and that is why a European war broke out a month earlier in September. This, she explained, prevented Jewish protests breaking out in New York, Paris and London, and it prevented Britain and the USA potentially losing their lucrative contracts with Saudi Arabia, where oil had been discovered in large quantities the previous year.
She rounded off her address to the Bavarians saying that if history is not learnt properly, Germany will be duped into self-condemnation and bullied into marching east and confronting Russia in another country’s war.
Don’t let it happen again!, she told them, adding: Saudi oil, Chinese lithium, Polish lignite … City bankers here there and everywhere … the whole world is looking to see if Germany will one more time fall for the ruse and be hooked into another war planned by others. And if you didn’t vote for it, then don’t do it, because this is how democracy functions!
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