Italian Sovereignty – Part 2

A pact with the Devil requires an exorcism, but someone in Italy chose to sacrifice the Italian Church instead.

Two Opposite Versions

In The Party’s last publication Italian Sovereignty – Part 1, I wrote: “We need to remember that She did not allow the Italian Script to be taken out of Italy”.

Referring to the Italian Mother, the opposition between Her action and that of the person who attempted selling the Italian Church for thirty silver pieces has been highlighted. In previous pages it has also been made clear that She stopped the transaction and publicly denounced it.

So having contacted Angela, I started by declaring that the Italian State is applying the adage: chi non protesta, acconsente. The point made at The Party is that the Italian spiritual Mother did not consent to Her Church being aborted through a British prison in return for thirty pounds sterling. Therefore She intercepted and exposed in public the pact with the Devil designed to offer the Italian Church in abortion – see our £30 stamp over Britain pages.

The Communist Agenda

The European Union with its self-proclaimed ‘founding fathers of Europe’ is a communist dictatorship that never denounces the crimes of Stalin but is hell-bent on accusing the Germans of crimes beyond end, an accusation to which they founded a cult.

While on my part I don’t care how many crimes they attributed to me personally, I need to ensure that my sister Angela is not placed in a prison, and this is why I cannot let off the hook the person in Italy who has already hidden in a shoebox her accomplished written work in Italian carried out years ago in Italy. This person is covering himself, he knows what he did, and he decided to challenge the spiritual Mother of the Italian Church in a last attempt at keeping the NATO-EU empire he was working for from crumbling.

International Communism, when organised at the level of an empire, does not allow national sovereignty and will never allow Angela to continue her work in researching and presenting national churches that are each within the heavenly Spirit and proclaim Faith in the One Heavenly Father.

On Losing a War

These people already went to War against the Serbian Mother and Child and they are desperately trying to cancel out of existence Angela’s presence in Serbia. As a result, they decided there is no place for the link Valjevo – Ancona – Liguria because they know that once they are found out and it becomes clear that they lost, they need to go. Only, they decided to cancel the concept of the Spirit with the Serbian Orthodox Church which Angela worked with through Valjevo, and this means they decided to sacrifice the entire history of the Orthodox Churches in order to impose their vile, communist empire.

They Said: “We Don’t Want Nazis”

According to these people, the Italian Mother must lose because She didn’t go to War against the Serbian Church but gave full support to Angela’s enterprise which spiritually connected Serbia and Italy and because She desired to bring the results to fruition. Having understood the reciprocal interest between Serbian Mother and Italian Mother, they went for all-out betrayal (£30 pounds sterling) and for abortion.

Italian Sovereignty guaranteed from High is not what the ‘founding fathers of Europe’ envisaged, and so their army of servants who never bring themselves round to exposing the crimes of their hero Stalin chose to perpetuate a pact with the very person – Sacrifice Man – who sent the Devil in 2018. They made a league with demons, with the very ones who attempted to sacrifice the English Child but failed!

Angela had clearly stated: Jesus is the rightful King of the English Folk!, and they said it wasn’t true. Having seen what they tried doing to the English Child, the Italian Mother knew what would become of Her Church that Angela was meant to research: they would abort it!

Bloody Communism

Angela refused to allow these people to sacrifice the English Child and so she escaped to Mexico. Her brother later died in a British prison but he had refused to surrender.

He needs to help his sister continue her work and has no intention of allowing the friend of Sacrifice Man in Italy to carry out an abortion against the Italian Church.

Having been given a new life, brother Hun is not going to allow this man in Italy to sit there and waste it away while dealing with his British acquaintances, because without her brother, Angela is not coming back. Her work has already been hidden away under a bed in Italy by people running the EU-NATO expansion scheme towards the East, and as we already know from Freundin in Germany, you are not supposed to mention those who one is not allowed to criticise: Stalin and his reign of terror. But Angela will not be locked up in a gulag, hence she is staying right put where she is, in Mexico!

Here is today’s musical Party presentation.

They Wanted to Blow up the Bridge

Contrary to the Italian State which burnt all the bridges when we left Italy, the Italian Mother didn’t. Still they decided to ignore Her work offer to fund Angela’s research in Italy. Having to make this clear to my sister isn’t something I do lightly – it’s no laughing matter. In fact it was Angela herself who told me quite clearly, shortly after we had departed from Italy and arrived in England to work for the English Church, that the Italian door cannot be opened in England.

Not only was it impossible by being penniless in England to carry through studies involving travels in Italy and which require funding and a valid contract, but had the Italian door been opened next door to the transit room where I am currently staying, Halloween Man and his army would have entered through the open door and consigned to Hell all that he found inside, somebody in Italy sitting there and looking on. 

This person in Italy always operated for the communist EU empire and its NATO version, enabling its expansion east across Europe. He knows he couldn’t knock out the Serbian Mother and Child, so he’s trying to hide away all reference to Mother and Child of any nation Angela is working for.

Our following page is Italian Sovereignty Part 3.


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