Concerning Angela in Mexico

Turning Angela’s offer down is never a good idea, but they even turned down the Italian Mother who wanted her back!

The Work Contract Turned Down by Italy

Considering that her two friends had moved to Germany in July 2022, Angela was the only person still available to move to Italy in order to carry out her intended studies into the Italian Cornerstone. In fact, the Italian spiritual Mother had prepared a contract whereby money for Angela only would be paid to her brother whenever she needed it for travels and studies – in Italy – because she will not work without him.

This was meant to be financed in euro, along with a payment to her brother for personal expenses of his own, separate to his sister’s required expenses. The Italian Mother had made no mention of Alexandra or Freundin, both of whom are in Germany operating for the end of the communist European Union, and She had no intention of interfering in their enterprise which cannot be rushed but needs time to bring to fruition.

This contract could only become operational if the Italian State had agreed to it – but instead they turned it down.

Time Wasted and Thrown Away

This intended work contract for Angela and her brother was in autumn of last year, but since then a whole space of time has lapsed because in Italy, the known agency decided to defy one more time the Mother of the Italian Church! Practically, they consider me to be a dead person and did not abide to the fact that I had received a new life after the British, under Sacrifice Man, had done their nasty deed.

This means that what he did was in conjunction with the Italian Rogue Agency, who on their part decided, notwithstanding my good will towards Italy, to continue treating me as a dead person. This has put paid to Angela’s return to Italy to research the Italian Church as I have informed her today that I am no longer interested!*

Angela is staying in Mexico and Halloween Man can explain to the Italians why he made fake promises to them too and falsely claimed to be in a position to go to Mexico, arrest, imprison and bug die Hunnin. This adds to the explanations he owes to the Welsh and the Irish for lying.

Here is today’s first Party song.

*Anyone acquainted with the published Mexican Events will understand to what extent Halloween Man and the Italian rogue agency went in order to defy Heavenly Jerusalem. This is a War they are destined to lose!


This Italian decision was completely strange considering that the German Mother had specifically shown me at the beginning of 2022 that the German State had an agenda bent on misappropriating Angela’s cause and diverting it to another end – one alien to the intended research. She had also shown me, later, that Her alliance with the Italiana is safe and sound and would have eventually seen my sister transferring from Italy to Germany. Going by the Chivasso Alliance, it all made sense.

Alien Agendas

Until Mädel has sorted out Germany’s situation in relation to European Union communism defining the destiny of the German Folk, it was a foregone conclusion that sister Hun wasn’t going to even attempt leaving Mexico for German Land, as I’d have been obliged to pull her away from having an alien agenda foisted upon her, and there was no intention of mine even starting under such conditions. After all, duty of care towards her is an obligation on my part, not something for someone else – eigenwillig – to mess about with.

In fact the German Lady showed me that it was all about two empty frames taking over Germany and then the British marching through Aachen – something She has no intention of submitting to, and if it wasn’t that, then it was how to appease eastern Europe to the point of diverting the flow of the Rhine towards Lodz.

Now I’ve told Mädel that the Rhine will continue to flow from Switzerland into Germany and on into the Netherlands, and also that Germany shouldn’t be abseiled into a war with Russia regardless what I may have – or not have – done back then. It’s got nothing to do with Angela full stop!

In Conclusion

Mädel has not been democratically elected by the German Folk but appointed by the German Mother to clear communism from German Land. This came to be because her Hun shut down her prospects in England.

It was the most satisfying act I accomplished towards the British, and it’s as I once told Mädel years ago: The ancestors of the English Folk were already speaking Ænglisc when they crossed the German Ocean to reach Britannia’s shores in order to establish Ænglaland.

For England to later surrender to the British was not an option, and this is why, on falling in England owing to British hand, I sent Freundin on to Germany – back to her original homeland.

Here is today’s second Party song.

The British shall not prevail over you!, I promised her, and when Mädel departed in July 2022, her friend Alexandra left with her, one going to the ancestral Teutonic homeland of the English, the other to the spiritual homeland of Jerusalem on the Rhine. Both happened to share the same destination. And all this I did for the German Mother!


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