Italian Sovereignty – Part 3

A dead man cannot help Italy, and – as according to the Italians – her brother being dead after all, neither can Angela.

You Died Long Ago!

In our last Party print Italian Sovereignty – Part 2, I wrote “So having contacted Angela, I started by declaring that the Italian State is applying the adage: chi non protesta, acconsente”.

A 20 year oak-ripened brandy was ready on the table in front of me along with some savoury home-made ginger and aniseed bonbons as I continued presenting the case to my sister: I was promised a new life, Angela, but the British Intelligentsia said: “We took one life away from him, let us do it again!”.

And Angela, who understands Italian, sat there looking at me as I went on to paraphrase the Italian State’s response: Ma tu per noi non sei mai esistito, non esisti e non trattiamo con te! Non siamo interessati in tua sorella in Messico, non ci interessa cosa abbia detto la Santa Madre Italiana. Noi non dobbiamo nessun soldo a te e non c’è niente denaro per tua sorella perché possa studiare in Italia.

Penniless in the Pub

Seated outside her house in Mexico looking at me through the screen, hermana had to endure also these words from me: They are acting as if I’m begging them for some coins as charity, for them to help me catch the last bus home because I spent my money in the pub!

A tear of compassion descended her cheek as she looked at me, and it went on with this conclusion: And I thought it was me who was supposed to be helping you research the origins of the Italian Church at the request of the Italian Holy Mother! I thought you were the one who was meant to help the Italians reach the Cornerstone that is Italy’s!

The Last Communion

Further to this, I said to her: “The last time I was in communion with La Santa Madre Italiana, which was some days ago, She gave me to understand that there is a quicker and more direct road from the hospital in Asti to a place near Marmorito Santa Maria that She can guide me along”.

My conclusion was that someone in Italy who is at War against Her and strives for the opposite, decided to go for abortion instead and is working in this direction, because that is the opposite of what She wants.

And thus I made clear to my sister: In Italy they turned the tables on us and are making us both look like fools and beggars! So I’m assigning it to the annals at The Party for future generations to understand what happened. They wanted to humiliate us both and inflict the same on the Italian spiritual Mother, they made your enterprise impossible, and all owing to their inane cult of “You are dead, we won’t deal with you!”.

Angela, seated on the patio of her house in Mexico in front of a colourful garden, looked back at me with sadness in her eyes.

Here is today’s Party song.

Her Own Contacts

Hermana also has her own spiritual contacts, but it was my duty to let her know the latest spiritual information that came to her brother, and as stated in previous pages, unless I am contacted in communion by the Italian Mother, I will not bring the subject up any more.

It so happens She did contact me again, hence the current page and the previous two dedicated to Italian Sovereignty, which serve to make clear that, as it stands, someone decided to abort the Italian Church by making it impossible for sister Hun to return to Italy and do her work. They consider me a non-existing person and there is nothing more in my power to do about it.

They don’t want Angela and they don’t want me to help her, their version being that I am fictional, an invention of Angela’s imagination who, according to them, should stop making false claims about having a brother who allegedly could “help” her.

They want her to behave like a beggar who they can humiliate and whose work they can steal and place in another’s name – for example the founding fathers of Europe, and I’m sure their British friends will be congratulating themselves.

Brandy, Ginger and Aniseed

In the Scriptures it is written: Don’t inflict on others what you wouldn’t like having done to yourself!

On arriving in England many years ago, my sister established an Access Denied! policy in two frames of her version of the union flag. Taking a full sip of brandy and placing a delicious bonbon in my mouth, I congratulated Angela on this decision of hers. Looking at me intensely, a smile came to her face and she cried some tears.

The sweet in my mouth blending into the taste of brandy, I was enjoying the long moments of passion, and then, pointing a finger at her, I announced: If you cry, you cry alone, and If you laugh, the whole world cries tears of laughter with you!


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