Germany’s Upcoming General Election
Ha ha, so they want to hang on to power!
A Waste of Space
In today’s Party publication no time will be wasted on Germany’s post-1945 established political parties that have been in government over the past decades. As made clear in previous prints, having left it to Freundin to show them the way to the door, I will not be dirtying my hands by even mentioning these characters in the lead-up to the German general election.
Yes they’ve started arguing with the wisdom of people in the United States of America who have sussed them out for what they’re worth and, denying the truth, have flown into a rage. Yet feeding their mouth-frothing hysteria with oxygen is not something the Hun intends doing, hence I’ll just ignore them. Let’s say they took their British government bond to the bank to cash it in long ago … and got nothing. They have to answer for this!
No Selling, No Sacrificing
Instead I’ll be writing about Ukraine and Germany, and here we have two instances of truth. One is that Kyiv and All Rus can never be exchanged, the other is that the Rhine Church cannot be sacrificed.
At this point it doesn’t matter how much the Marshland, Italy and the British lied and claimed I am a non-existing persona. Having summoned me over the past few months on many occasions to Communion, the German Mother assured me I very much do exist for Her and that desertion on my part is an unacceptable option.
Also, trying to tempt Mädel to desert won’t work either, she being fully committed – iron broom in hand and wearing a pair of boots – to clearing out the Wirtschaft. Yet the German Mother does of-course accept that Ukraine has a special place and has shown me so accordingly.
On Whose Side?
One big misunderstanding on the part of Churchill II and Stalin II in their pincer movement from west and from east was the failure to realise and accept that Mother Rus was not on Stalin’s side but Ukraine’s, a nation of the Rus family.
On their part the British had declared Angela’s brother as dead, saying ‘he simply never existed!’, but this was disputed by the spiritual Mother of the Rus who had once declared unto him You can stay with us!
In the Muscovy, they had learnt in the shipyards of William of Orange how to apply Henry VIII’s supremacy laws over Church and Land, an all-encompassing dictatorship with fundamental flaws considering Henry Tudor had not founded the English ecclesiastic body and could not have become its supreme commander. What he had become head of was not the original English Church.
And So It Was for Peter the Novice
Along a similar vein, Peter I did not become the founder of the ecclesial body of Kyiv and All Rus but founded a ‘holy synod’ which met its abrupt end in July 1918, however not before he liquidated the Patriarchate of Moscow and All Russia in 1721, thus terminating its relatively short ‘ecumenical’ existence counting from somewhere in the mid 1600s.
So whatever it was that had been purchased from Istanbul when Peter I was still a boy seemed to have a curse attached to it. Trying to sell, buy or sacrifice a national Church doesn’t bode well.
Five Pounds – That’s All I Was Worth
As for the British, on being declared dead by them I eventually left them my last five pound note – the one with their monarch on front and Winston Churchill on the reverse, and have explained this very clearly here at The Party, and no there will never be a turning back. When they left me to die, I never forgave their act and this will never change.
Demanding I surrender to that establishment would be the same as telling the Ukrainians to surrender to Peter I who ‘founded the holy synod’ and to surrender to Stalin, and it’s something I’m never going to do as it would be betrayal towards the English Child as much as to the Ukrainian.
Here is today’s Party musical presentation.
See-Saw Off!
In a Party article published on the 15th February 2022 in relation to a communion event when Angela and I were staying in Italy, I wrote:
Whatever happened, it appeared that from then on, Italy and Britain were constantly stuck in a fight, whereby if one came along, the other was always there too arguing and fighting and trying to undo what the other was doing.
All I can state here and underline with emphasis is that when the British and Italians come turning up again riding their see-saw, just don’t listen to them, because if you do, they will try dragging your Church down into ruination, for they both assured my sister Angela that I her brother do not exist, never have and never will, and they will tell you to ignore me.
This is why I sent Mädel to Germany in mid 2022 to serve the German post-1945 established government parties a notice: You have to go!
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