Sie werden ihr blaues Wunder erleben!

Ha! Those people said I wouldn’t ever have a dime, so in 2022 I decided to give them their own medicine. Go Mädel go!

On to Jerusalem on the Rhine

When I spoke with her several weeks ago – I think that particular time was a few months back, Angela told me again she needs to travel from Mexico to Germany.

My assurance to her was that when I sent Mädel there in mid 2022, it was to remove from the corridors of power a pantheon of political parties that were placed there in 1945 and shortly thereafter. Compliant to foreign agendas, they work for foreign interests but not for those of the German Folk.

When I have a castle on the Rhine, we’ll get round to researching the foundations of the Christian Faith in Teutonic Land. You can consider this as a Crusade!, said I.

Satisfied with her brother’s reassuring words and confident he’ll one day be opening the gates to her, a grin came to her face with the reply: Brother, he shut down English cafeteria and then tell Mädel shut down German government, then he sit in room outside England and watch Germany go no-money.

Tears came down her cheeks as I raised an arm and fist in sign of bring on the cavalry, and my words were Deus Vult!

Angela’s Credentials

As it stands, on Angela’s curriculum vitae there are two fully-researched cornerstone texts to be presented, one on the English and the other on Kyiv and All Rus.

This should be interesting for German editors when they understand that Angela needs to dedicate herself now to the Full Moon Church. This will of-course be done when Germany has a decent government that cares for the affairs of the Germans, and a bunch of keys and travel documents have arrived my way together with the deeds, the gold bars and the work contract.

Currently I’m in the transit room next door to England and don’t need to get involved in Germany’s general election. Those people who always made sure I had no money while, self-satisfied, were busy flinging German public funds at half of Europe for free, are now witnessing what is described in German as a blue wonder: the chickens one by one are coming home to roost.

No German government has the right to sacrifice the Rhine Church.

A Dish Gone Wrong

During our conversation, even more tears came to sister Hun’s eyes when I reminded her how once we tried cooking a stew. The pot went black, and Mädel, who had stayed in the living room while Angela and I were in the kitchen, got up and went into the garden, clouds of black smoke billowing out of the door after her.

Angela and I quickly carried the pot out using padded gloves and threw it into the pond, and Freundin later told us how she had seen white mist rising from the water in the form of strange shapes.

That was a vaporised stew, Mädel!, was my reply, and even she couldn’t hold back from joining in with the laughter.

Here is our Party tune for today.

The Central Axis

When one day a decent German Government has contacted me in the way mentioned, in the castle I can then start writing out, in German, the introduction Angela requested of me to her future text, where I’ll be describing the very friendly encounter between Srpska Majka and the German Mother, Angela in communion present.

As I was witness to this, my sister said it is upon me to render testimony to it. There is no other Alliance the Serbian Mother made beyond the three described at The Party, and that was the second one. The first (English) and the third (Rus) have been accomplished, and this leaves the German Mother calling the shots.

So You’re Leaving Me Then?! … Well You’re Not!

In a recent publication I explained how She came to me in Communion some months ago and in no uncertain terms showed me that desertion is not going to happen!

Summoned to my senses, I understood the German Mother takes this very seriously and also knows exactly what vile tricks have been concocted by Moloch & Co. And this corresponded to that which She had warned me about in late 2021 and early 2022.

Well the German Mother is on the case and taking all necessary measures to sort it out. Following the tombstone and thirty silver pieces episodes, the Mother of the Church Under the Full Moon knows what would happen if the demonic ones were ever allowed to have another go. This time they are not coming back.

Teutonic Confirmation

It was after this that Freundin from Germany contacted me, we spoke together and she made it clear that my stay next door to England is transitory and the reason I’m here is in preparation of departing for Germany. Nothing else!

I was right from the start on first meeting her: she looks German … and must be too! This better explains why I closed the door on her English cafeteria before it could ever open and sent her on to Germany where she is rectifying some horrific problems.


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