The Script for the Rhine Church

The road leading to the foundations and a plan for the cornerstone … and no Angela!

Alexandra Says Yes, Angela Unknown

Today, 3rd July 2023, I received information in communion, and acting upon it at this point in time means nothing more than giving notice of what was shown me.

I later contacted by safe-mail Alexandra who migrated to Germany a year ago and she has approved the publication of what was shown me, but I haven’t spoken with Angela on this, the reason being, she refuses to give any information or details on anything concerning Germany and Switzerland.

And the communion concerned Germany and Switzerland.

Here is toady’s first Party music link.

The Rhine Scroll Unfolded

What I saw was a Script which I’d reckon to be from an unrolled Scroll taken from the office by the rightful person who wrote it, but I could not read one word on seeing the writing or understand one word as it was being read. Angela wasn’t there, and without her, there’s nothing I can do about it! She’s the one who can read from such a Scroll and knows how to act upon it in terms of research.

There is a close connection between this spiritual information and that of the 25th December 2022 entitled In Communion In and Out of England in relation to the cathedral with dome connected to the Germans and the German-Swiss.

So here’s the account based on what I wrote and memorised four days ago immediately after the vision.

Part 1: Area Fine Viae

The revelation to which I was present on the third day of July 2023 was centred in Germany or Switzerland.

There was a level road in the countryside we had been travelling along in what appeared a north-south direction. The end of this road was the essential part, the place of destination consisting of two level areas. The road led directly to the first of these, which, seen in the same north-south direction, could have been a few hundred metres long.

On the right side of this first area were some small plots of land maybe ten or twenty metres in length and not quite as wide as they were long, but not far off.

There were some people in that area, and I had been wondering whether the small distinct plots of land were to be cultivated as lawn or if houses were to be built on them – such as one house on each plot.

The atmosphere was very pleasant in all its aspects. As mentioned, there were some people, some of whom appeared to be Jewish, and it was either in Germany or in Switzerland – or a combination of both.

Continuing in the same direction, we found ourselves passing from the aforementioned first space at the end of the road through what would be approximately the width of a gateway directly into a second open area. This was either square or circular in shape, still in the countryside and with no other exit or entry routes.

This last space was the final destination and it was pivotal in reconnecting directly to the first area which in turn was the place of destination of the road leading to it.

Part 2: Scriptorium

Then I and the man who was accompanying me were in the corridor of a building leading to an office. A young Lady, either German or German-Swiss, was there to meet us, and she went from the corridor to the office to get a sheet of paper and brought it to us in the corridor. It was written in handwriting and she said she’d read it through before giving us the page. This was because her writing might have been hard to decipher.

There were distinct paragraphs, the top half of the page was in German, the bottom half in Swiss-German. I could see the page she was holding and the writing, but could not read the characters. The man with me was listening to what she was reading. There were other people coming and going, one man came out of the same office, glanced briefly, assessed the situation and walked on.

What she was reading I don’t know as not one word registered with me for all that I was listening to her talking. I wasn’t meant to know. The sheet of paper was to be given to us, and the only person who can act upon it and study accordingly is Angela, who however was not present. The Lady was still holding the script when it ended there.

Going by the sheet of paper the young Lady held in front of the Scriptorium, we’re looking at Germany and Switzerland, two separate parts of a script on the same page. That’s all I know.

That’s All

Alexandra and Angela, as stated already in our 2018 Party publications – since deleted with the disqus channels, and again in our current version of Party publications, both wanted to work together in Germany for the Rhine Church, and Alexandra’s expertise is with particular reference to the Jews, she being the expert in Jewish affairs, and this no doubt explains the presence of Jewish people too in the first area at the end of the road.

Alexandra said that what I wrote down concerning the communion is sufficient to publish here, but with all the details minus anything that was considered a coded message given me by the young Lady and that could work out detrimental to Her cause. For reasons of strategy I omitted one detail she said to us.

According to Alexandra, there’s no need to write anything else concerning my thoughts on the communion, as it fits in with previous revelations regarding Germany and Switzerland.

She said: Rather let those who have eyes to see and ears to hear understand what is written here.

Here is today’s second Party presentation, as before and unchanged, to the German Empress.


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