Why the Rus Helped

If one Orthodox Church was made to fail, then so too the other.

More on the Rus

At the time I spoke to her in early July this year, Alexandra assured me there is no need to elaborate on the 3rd July 2023 spiritual communion, which several days later I presented under the title The Script for the Rhine Church, but only to publish what I was shown as the content is more than sufficient to understand, minus the coded message of strategic importance to the Rhine Church – which I left out.

She didn’t however give such instruction concerning The Party’s last print from the 20th July 2023 A Helping Rus Hand, for which reason I decided to put to writing today’s edition in relation to the Rus.

Serbia and Russia

The 3rd July revelation about Germany and Switzerland had been preceded by the 27th June 2023 print The Serbian Matrix, where I wrote in the introduction: “It started with one church in Valjevo, Serbia”.

While for strategic reasons I have not given all the details of what came about in the Helping Russians page linked to above in order to prevent Bletchley Park getting a full picture of the events, I have made the following consideration: it has to do with Serbia and Russia.

Keeping in mind that the detailed description of the communion can be presented one day in the future on Party space and that therefore the current reference is purposefully vague, there is mention of two traps that were present and both were later exposed for all to see.

This exposing phase at the end came about after I tracked down the agent who had disguised himself and gone into hiding among many people after his sneering remark. But before that happened, I had managed to detect the first of these traps before they were publicly exposed, reason for which the Russians helped me soon thereafter, followed by the known agent – who had been looking on – coming along with his contemptuous scorn.

The Snares

How I was able to see what others couldn’t before it became evident, as stated, is part of the detail for a future publication once we are sure that Angela’s Easter of Resurrection achievements cannot be replaced with the trick or treat of Halloween and ultimately with Karfreitag. Suffice it to say there were two traps, and having detected the first one, by default I avoided the second one too.

And my conclusion is: if Angela’s return to Serbia at Easter and our last arrival in Valjevo the following night could be cancelled by Halloween Man, then so too would Angela’s subsequent visit to the Russian Church in Corso Imperatrice be cancelled, thus eliminating all and every reference to the Spirit in Orthodox Churches, which would result in their replacement with the Swamp.

If the Serbian Mother could be cancelled and all that She did for Angela and reciprocally all that my sister did for Her and the Serbian Child, then equally the same would apply to the Russian Mother and Son. And that would spell the cancellation of Angela’s return to Greece when she worked out a plan to avoid the Swamp and return to Serbia at Easter.

Here is today’s Party dance.

Halloween at War Against the Church

There was no other national Orthodox Church in Angela’s journeys except these two, and if one could be cancelled from her vocabulary, then so would the other one too, and the sneering agent would declare himself invincible.

Yet because sister Hun never betrayed the Serbian Mother, neither will she betray the Russian Mother. And when she decided that the English Church, which she had researched by its cornerstone, was fully presented and needed no further action on her part to be made known, Angela fled England for Mexico in 2019.

The following year the English Child made it to the cornerstone in Folkestone, but because Halloween Man’s allegiance was to his human monarchy who he says “God saves”, he decided to sacrifice the Child through exposure, and as a result the German Mother came to England and saved him, taking him to the German house to his spiritual brother the German Child. Later, after Moloch had been repulsed in Germany and returned to England in the way described at the time here at The Party, the English Child was taken to the heavenly House, while his brother remained in the lower one in Germany.

Will Ye No Come Back?

Once his monarch had peacefully passed away, the known person said of Angela: Are you coming back now? Her reply was No, I won’t!

Looking back at me by video connection from Mexico, with a tear rolling down her cheek she once said to me God not could wait for Humpty Dumpty, He other work to do!

In fact, in the autumn of 2021, the Rhine Scroll was assigned to Germany, not to England. Accordingly, the German Holy Mother will not surrender to Halloween Man and his ilk. The Reign of God’s Son cannot be subordinated and regulated by the British human monarchy and this explains why Halloween Man’s calendar of action does not correspond to Angela’s church calendar.

Heil Dir Deutsche Heilige Mutter!


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