Non Est Mea Culpa

Today, 10th July 2023, the Italian spiritual Mother showed me the love in Her heart for the Italian Church, She didn’t wait long following the last Party publication.

The Background

Angela always reads what is written at The Party and often we talk together, she dialling in from Mexico by video connection. Since I wrote about the spiritual train ticket from Germany to Switzerland on the 25th December 2022, however, and seeing that no reply ever came, she stopped talking altogether about these two countries – Germany and Switzerland.

Originally, many years ago, I had been shown that the Serbian Mother had recommended her to the German Mother, who in turn showed me the Rhine Church with a pathway leading to it. Back then, NATO had been at war against Serbia and the EU was in full expansion mode, and that meant the Serbian Holy Mother and Child too were in their way.

It’s nothing new to Angela who knows this even better than I do through her own spiritual contacts, but I think she had enough being ignored by people who evidently chose the lying Halloween Man and his prison instead.

To be truthful regarding my own point of view, I stopped talking to my sister about Italy, the reason being, after all that I wrote here in regards to the Italian spiritual Mother – and which really needn’t be repeated on this page as it’s already been published and therefore is clear and straightforward and will never change – not one word came through from Italy.

So my assumption was, Halloween Man claimed to have pitted the German Church against the Italian and is out there strutting around! So what!

Here is today’s first musical presentation from The Party.

Not Worth It!

It’s pretty evident that he has, in the figment of his imagination, exchanged Angela for himself and his army of trolls and agents, and, to say it quite plainly, that’s not worth my sister’s time. We have agreed that she should just stay in Mexico and I’ll stay in prison on her behalf.

He’s been pathetically putting the word around about Britishes fishes and chipses if in return Angela could secretly hand over to him a fully packaged script on the Irish and the Welsh, perhaps wrapped in a newspaper and secretly dropped in a bin for him to fish out and walk off with.

The Italian Case

Following the last Party publication The Script for the Rhine Church announcing the communion dating back to the 3rd July – that’s exactly one week ago, today, the 10th July 2023, I received a communion with circumstantial details concerning Italy, but I decided not to make any mention at all of anything.

Halloween Man decided it’s better to pass off the Italian spiritual Mother as a liar, as is evident considering what I wrote about Her towards the end of last year, and at this point I will be informing Alexandra, maybe tomorrow, about my decision not to communicate that which only the Mother of the Italian Church alone could have shown me in today’s sharing of intimate thoughts.

These people are treating Angela in vain, for she is the one who has the spiritual contacts with Mother and Child of a nation, and if ever one day the Italian State came and visited me here by way of representation, I’d let them know that if I was to go back to Italy, I’d write down what I memorised from today’s communion and publish it at The Party, but that this depends on them not on me. The events in today’s spiritual communication were set in Italy, so it concerns them!

Of-course, they can go to the person who said he exchanged my sister die Hunnin for himself and ask him, but he won’t find out from me anything about today’s event. That said, it wouldn’t change a jot, for what I saw was not Angela’s research that they prevented her from carrying out, but rather that she still needs to do this work in Italy. So what can he offer them and why do they always rely on him?

I’m Sorry!

This will hurt my sister, when she reads this she’ll know how much the Italian Mother wanted her back, but she knew this anyway and perhaps even more than I myself can grasp. Yet there is nothing more I can do for Angela on this affair so long as the Italian State isn’t interested and doesn’t care.

I have no documents to travel, no work contract and nothing to fund her studies, and the Italians ignored me, choosing to keep to their own contacts instead. We all know what these are, they’re a colossal Government Bond hoax. He claims to speak, apart from English, fluent German and fluent Italian too, he can read from the other side of the window what’s written on a computer screen even when it’s facing the wall opposite the same window, and he made fantastical promises in Welsh and in Irish which he simply cannot keep.

It’s his reputation versus Angela’s, and as her brother who even sacrificed his own life in a British prison, it’s my duty to make sure her reputation prevails!

Without a binding work contract, I can never fund or accompany sister Hun on her journey, nor could I guarantee that her work wouldn’t be stolen, reverse-engineered and signed off in another’s name in place of her own and that of the Mother she worked for.

It’s Impossible!

Without all the above essential conditions being in place, it’s better for me to inform Italy that, at this rate, they may never know how much a spiritual Mother cares for Her own Church and desires its accomplishment: in the way that only my dear sister who they repudiated could have ever achieved.

They chose another instead, one who lives in a figment of their own imagination, one with earthly contacts and with all the tools of the cheating trade at their disposal, but who will never lay their hands on the spiritual that comes from the Holy Trinity.

What can I say to the Italians? Then keep going to Government Bond! The same one who promised things to the Welsh and to the Irish and then couldn’t keep his word.

Italy had a high place on Angela’s spiritual church calendar, and a high place in her heart too. But I’m not going to go and break her heart another time waiting for people to come forward who only ever stay silent pretending they don’t exist while telling me I am a dead man.

Then good-bye!

My Swiss Francs

Angela wanted to go to Italy, I wanted to go from Germany to Switzerland, but someone in Berlin wanted to go to Lodz instead and someone else in Italy many years ago went running after Winston Churchill. Neither Angela’s nor my wishes may ever come true at this point, and I rest my case!

My Swiss francs are still there, I had kept these and did not leave them to the British, but whether I ever come round to spending them …

Here is the link to our second Party tune.



Mädel, who, as Angela, speaks both Italian and German, is working in German Land explaining why the communist EU system does not have a future. Very often, EU commissars still in places of power have been chosen by previous governments who meanwhile are in the opposition, and sometimes, when their term is over, they go back to their homeland and become leaders of opposition parties promoting EU values in the face of ever increasing popular disbelief in those very ‘values’.

I heard of a speech Freundin apparently gave on EU energy values in which she explained how, only a few years ago, the EU declared coal mines were out and electric cars were in, only to then change their mind and pronounce electric cars as being unviable if produced in too large numbers owing to the missing energy infrastructure to recharge the batteries, whereas coal mines were back in favour again.

Out of the Window!

Thirty years’ worth of progressive climate-change policy was flung out of the window and lignite coal with low carbon values and very high moisture levels became the new norm again. This coal is known for its capacity to produce a very low rendition of heat in comparison to the traditional black coal, most of which has been used up during the Industrial Revolution, and it is also known for its tendency to seep into people’s lungs by way of its very high moisture content, coating them with all sorts of inadvisable chemical particles.

Villages again are being sacrificed to make way for more open-air coal pits, windmills producing electricity only when the wind blows dot the landscape and somehow one is supposed to believe everything the Commissariat says when their non-elected members make a decree.

It’s like the energy policies contrived in Westminster: ten or twenty years ago, thermal walls were the new thing and insulated attics came shortly thereafter. Then they discovered that walls heated from within require too much energy to keep warm and so it became an expensive household flop.

Then they also began to realise that the cold in winter starts mostly from the ground, whereas the warmer air under the insulated roof where people usually don’t live, instead of sinking to ground level and heating the rooms below, just rises up through the rafters and dissipates into the atmosphere.

So people are being told to throw one lot of boilers out and replace them with another kind, and good money is being thrown after bad straight out of the window.

Slowly, Slowly

Mädel has been for one good year in Germany, she’s making progress and, as the one who sent her there, I rely on her to get involved while I keep out of it! So if anyone comes rolling along waving their fist at me here because of the German public’s changing views on EU policies, all I can say is: I don’t know what you want of me, young Mädel is old enough to know what she’s doing, I don’t know where she is located and I don’t write her scripts for her! Bye now!


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