A Helping Rus Hand

A partial presentation referring to a trap that was set, followed by another one in case the first failed. To prevent codebreakers getting a clear picture, no full description will be given in this page.

The Russians in Communion

Here is a brief reference to yesterday’s 19th July 2023 communion in which the Russians were present. While these were friendly towards me and helpful, there later appeared the British agent who came along sneering at me. He must have been looking on and seen that I had detected the trap and avoided falling into it and that the Russians had helped.

He then went into hiding disguising himself among many people, however I went looking for him, and coming across this agent, explained to him that he could go himself into the trap if he wanted to. Shortly thereafter this black hole was exposed, along with another one further down.

The details of yesterday’s event and how it evolved can be explained in original source one day at The Party only – some time in the future. Alexandra, who I contacted by safe-mail, said it’s sufficient for now to mention that the Russians were present and helped, contrary to the Bletchley Park agent who was looking on and then went into hiding*.

The Roman Bridge

In many ways, yesterday’s communication bears a stark resemblance with the one set in Rome many years ago when Angela and I were in Italy, and which has been mentioned and in part explained on Party space. At that time, the Russians had prevented sabotage being carried out on the bridge in Rome during the night hours while the Italians were asleep and ignored the time of their visitation.

Back then, the saboteurs who had tried passing beneath the Roman bridge were unknown to me.

Locked Door

With yesterday's Russian communion leading to another one from the days of Italy, I might as well remind readers here that the work Angela accomplished in Italy was on the spiritual foundations of national churches as presented in the Scriptures, it was not on the Italian Cornerstone that is built upon these foundations and needs to be researched.

This latter work on the cornerstone she had wanted to carry out back then as a logical continuation seeing that she was living in Italy and had spiritual contacts with the Italian Mother, but was unable to owing to a no-response, no-funding and detracting-and-hiding-away policy.

But as we have made clear here on previous Party pages, on arriving thereafter in England, my sister told me very clearly that here the Italian door remains shut! No research on the Italian national Church will be done here in England and secretly trafficked over to Italy by Bletchley Park, for such research can and must only be carried out in Italy based on a binding work contract with the Italian State.


These are Angela’s orders and they cannot be circumvented by the British agents regardless what they promised Italy. Being in prison on my part will not change this because Angela fled to Mexico and I cannot read spiritual scripts – nor did the Italiana allow Her Italian Scroll to be taken and trafficked over to England – see our Battle of Chivasso pages.

The Italian Lady knows that unless Angela returned to Italy with her brother, there will be no Italian cornerstone because only my sister can read the Scroll, understand its contents and investigate accordingly.

Resurrection or Crucifixion

The connection between Valjevo and Liguria has been presented on Party pages describing how Angela wanted to apply her Serbian blueprint to the Italian Church. But first she needed to discover the foundations and did this in Italy following our last return from Serbia. It has also been written how she works in the name of Resurrection – see our Easter in Serbia pages and also the Russian Church in Corso Imperatrice, Liguria.

Yet if the Italian State still wants to exchange Valjevo for the Swamp, they are free to go ahead and do so, but it will be the exact opposite of all that Angela stands for and they will have chosen Crucifixion – see the Italiana’s denunciation of the thirty pound sterling deal and the very first words die Hunnin said to me in Germany followed by a shudder: Heute ist Karfreitag.

If the Italians go that way, then sister Hun will not show up and they will have inherited a Government Bond instead. And this brings us to yesterday’s communication whereby the Russians helped whereas the British agent looked on and later came and sneered with a mocking remark.

Just Nothing!

He won’t be giving the Italians anything on my sister’s work that she hasn’t even started, and the Italian door in England is shut and cannot be opened. The Italian gateway can only be reached in Italy, as is written on her spiritual calendar, and this has been assured by the Italian spiritual Mother. In fact the Italian Scroll remained in Italy, it never got past Chivasso, it never went west to the British Isles.

Equally, the German and German-Swiss Script of the Rhine Church is where it now is: in Germany and in Switzerland – as was made clear when the Rhine Scroll was assigned in Mexico in the autumn of 2021 not to England, but to Germany, exactly as Angela explained to me when she came and visited us for a week so soon as this decision came about, clarifying that both she and Alexandra would one day be working for the German Mother in the Land of the Rhine.

Much depends on a work contract in Angela’s name: she cannot be replaced even by Bletchley Park, and losing her is not an option.

Here is today’s Party song.

*In the past The Hun has received in communion more important information on the Rus, but he cannot write it here at this point in time so long as Halloween Man is taking the credit and in return no-one is supposed to act upon the information received. He is not the recipient of these communications and he isn’t supposed to commit sabotage to pervert the outcome.


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