Hypnotising Germany by Thread and by Needle
Following yesterday’s publication Germany Has Two Options and Needs to Decide, where we can read the first part of her speech, more news has reached me on the impression Freundin left on the Bavarians who had gathered to listen.
Words Followed by an Eerie Silence
When standing facing her audience in the Wirtschaft, Mädel apparently had the habit of randomly looking people straight in the eyes as she conveyed her message over, and there were those who later claimed she had personally spoken to them as her words resonated into the collective psyche of the crowds present.
What you see, and what you hear, she explained – her blue eyes penetrating an obscure veil of confusion, is exactly that what they want you to see, to hear, and to believe!
According to Wolfgang who was present, they had been sitting there staring back at her as in a trance, and then Mädel had gone on to state: They will repeat it to you at every occasion, on every anniversary, in your school books, in your children’s schoolbooks, in journals and on television. You will try looking away, but they will not let you, and all you will ever see is the needle going back and forth before your eyes.
Going by Alexandra’s account, which is the version that came through to me, Wolfgang stood there to the side looking sternly at them, immobile and with a grim expression on his face. The atmosphere was tense, and during the moments of silence between her phrases, one could have heard a pin drop.
Perfidia Germanica – the Cult of Guilt
And Mädel continued: They will tell you that you are guilty, born guilty, and destined to remain guilty, and that no matter how much you try finding a way out, what you did was so terrible, that you will only ever be found guilty!
It was at this point, after she had paused, that the silence had become deafening, and according to Alexandra, save for an old clock ticking in the background, only the beat of the heart could be heard.
Then Mädel’s voice filled the void again, saying: As the needle travels back and forth before your eyes, they will assure you that the narrative is exactly as they showed and told you, and not one jot different – and that if ever you should deviate from this one truth, your denial will be counted as a crime – thus worsening your lot and your status for straying from the destiny assigned to your people!
At this stage, in Alexandra’s words, the emotional pitch which Freundin’s words had obtained in the mind of those seated within the large hall had matched the resonance of the induced secular guilt which had been hanging over them like a dark veil of cloud. This had happened in such a way, that the emotional status was now strong enough to see through the veil! It was as if a transformation had taken place whereby the cloud could be lifted in order to see the sky above.
The Persecuted Germans
And Freundin once again spoke: And now I want you to see within your heart the sun of the day, and then the moon in the night sky, and the stars, and then recognise the constellation you once knew was there but that was forbidden you to appreciate, and to ask this one question: Why do they accuse me day and night, instilling in me this terrible guilt, if it isn’t to steal the sun by day and the full moon by night, along with the entire firmament, after inflicting their crimes, their crimes, their crimes on my very own people?
Then Freundin extended her right hand out towards those assembled, and, producing a sheet of paper in her left hand, said: Here is the written proof that, in the years and the months preceding the Second World War, it was king Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia who hated the Jews, who told the British government and their non-elected bureaucrats in Whitehall that he considers the Jews to be cursed and that the British government should act accordingly and shut down the Jewish homeland in Palestine.
And looking the startled assembled folks in the eyes, she said: All this has been carefully hidden away from you. Hiding this away from you is the same as lying to you and it is the same as denying it ever happened, all the while accusing you!
From the Hun
Mädel had taken a leaf from her Hun’s book, I had done my research on Alexandra’s indications, she being the expert on Jewish affairs, and shared with her my findings, also publishing them here on Party space before she departed England for Germany.
While Mädel was still here, I had said to her never to associate the English with what a British government did, both then, before and after. These people, I had said to her, tried sacrificing the English Child at the very cornerstone of his own Church in Folkestone, they are also trying to sacrifice the German Child and to deny the German Folk the very Church that stands under the Full Moon.
You Are Needed in Germany
Speaking earnestly with Mädel in the days before her departure, I had reiterated that the task would be one of first clearing out in order to establish a clean table, saying: The German Mother chose you for the Wirtschaft, and She also depends on you to clear the place and prepare for my sister’s return. So long as I have duty of care for Angela, the powers and the empires of this world will not take away the German Church Under the Full Moon, and Sacrifice Man will not secretly bug my sister and hand her work over to anyone to hide away in a box under a bed – while funding himself!
When there is a work contract, binding and signed by the German State, only then will Angela ever return to German Land. And I don’t care how much they accuse me of having committed crimes, I share no guilt, and any crimes of mine have nothing to do with Angela!
Readers are well aware that die Hunnin is staying in Mexico until those who sought her demise are no longer in a position to harm her.
Here is today’s Party offering.
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