Italian Sovereignty – Part 1
Being recently summoned several times to Communion with the Italian spiritual Mother, I contacted by video my sister in Mexico.
If it wasn’t for the determination of the Italian Mother to preserve what is Hers by right and put it to use, having already stated the situation over and again, I wouldn’t be publishing this page, however I did promise that when I am called upon in communion by the Italiana, I will return to presenting Her case at The Party clarifying the message given. We need to remember that She did not allow the Italian Script to be taken out of Italy, that a battle with Britannia took place in Chivasso and the Italian Lady was on home ground fighting for what is rightfully Hers: The Italian Scroll.
She wasn’t going to allow it to be taken away and exposed to Halloween Man, the one who tried sacrificing the English Child at the very cornerstone in Folkestone, as this same person would then be standing there over the Devil’s Drop on Western Heights waving back and forth at Italy some prison keys.
Aborting a Church Is Another Way of Sacrificing It
The Italian Scroll cannot be claimed by the British who do not have any way of possessing its contents through bugging, imprisoning or other means. We are looking here at research that has never been made possible and which therefore cannot be presented in any shape other than the basic outline – we could call it the equivalent to an empty Italian frame, an intention for what is meant to be, but that could not be filled in with design and colour.
Angela wouldn’t have come back from Mexico so it would have amounted to a waste of time, however the British bluff would have been perpetuated with the intention of creating irreparable damage to the Italian Church before it could ever be presented – let’s call this abortion.
Contrary to the English Church which came about and couldn’t be sacrificed later because the German Mother came and saved the English Child, the Italian cornerstone would be aborted before it ever came to the world.
The War Against Serbia
We know from my sister’s Serbian matrix that in Valjevo she was working with the Serbian Mother and Child who the Swamp went to War against. Attempting to deny this and pass it off as ‘a failure that needs to be cancelled from the world’ is no doubt the fatal error that leads someone in Italy to reckon they can simply ignore the Italian Mother and cancel the link Valjevo-Ancona-Liguria from Angela’s curriculum vitae.
The only one alternative to this – and there is no other alternative – would be the link The Swamp-Abortion, but only if Angela had surrendered to human empire-builders and forsaken the Serbian Mother and along with Her the church dedicated to Presveta Bogorodica, which she didn’t.
Satanic Offerings
Considering that the British institution received an appalto from Italy per gestire dei lavori di costruzione which they have no means of carrying through other than by way of hacking, bugging and spying, this would have meant imprisoning Angela and then either sacrificing her presentations, or reverse-engineering them and signing off bits and pieces in another’s name.
In order for the Italian Church to be presented, there is a corresponding scroll that only Angela can consult and act upon. This involves travelling and investigating. Her work being through spiritual contact, there is nothing mechanical about it, just as there’s no artificial intelligence that can hack and download her work and no science or codebreaking intelligence either. There is no magical formula that can replace her intended studies or bring them about, and there are no seances with impure spirits, ouija sessions and voodoo practices trying to possess the Spirit that can take over from her. When Abortion Man sent the Thug on the attack in 2018, he sent Satan with him, and Satan lost!
Ultimately there is no prison that can prevail over Angela, for she left Sovereign England for Mexico until those who sought her ruination are no longer in a position to threaten her. Without a valid, State-guaranteed work contract along with sufficient no-fuss funding at State level in Italy, the intended work will never start.
There will be no surrender to the British!
Here is today’s Party presentation.
Our following page is Italian Sovereignty - Part 2.
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