Mädel’s Table Talk in a Wirtschaft in Bavaria

More information came through on the follow-up to Freundin’s speech, when she sat at table and spoke with small groups of people who had gathered around her to ask questions and to find out more details.

Seven Years of Searching for Oil

She had entered in the morning, now it was the early afternoon, but by this time Mädel had sown seeds in people’s minds that led them to suspect they hadn’t been taught the truth on how World War Two started and why it started.

Information on King Ibn Saud’s role in defining the Mandate for Palestine, the discovery of oil in Saudi Arabia in 1938, the White Paper of 1939 abolishing the Jewish homeland and the planned revolt in Palestine that was being prepared with the aid of Poland – whose government wanted to help millions of Jewish people emigrate to Palestine, all this attracted them back to Freundin’s table for more information.

And so they asked more questions on the topic of energy policy in relation to the two world wars Germany was made to fight in, and she illuminated them further.

In 1908, she explained, after seven years of frantic drilling, British prospectors finally found large quantities of oil in Persia. It was discovered very close to Mesopotamia, now Iraq, but then part of the Ottoman Empire and consequently out of reach of British influence. This meant Whitehall & the Banking City were unable to send any explorers into Mesopotamia in search of more oil, even though they suspected there must have been plenty of it there buried somewhere under the ground.

She went on to state: In 1916, during the first Great War, Germany wanted peace with the British Empire on equal terms, but this didn’t sound good in the cabinet office in London, for if Germany made peace, the Ottoman Empire would likely ask for peace too, and that would have spelled good-bye to the City’s prospect of reaching the Mesopotamian oilfields.

That War Too Was About Oil

What she said to them was stunning, it didn’t correspond to the official war narrative that people had been taught, and they just sat there relying on her talk to illuminate them further.

And so she continued: With an eye on Mesopotamian oil and the huge long-term profits connected to it, all Westminster and Whitehall needed in order to continue the war against Germany, and therewith against the Ottoman Empire too, was for the United States to enter the war. To achieve this, the promise of a Jewish homeland in Palestine – at that time also part of the Ottoman Empire – was deemed the optimal solution, for it would incentivise the US press into cheerleading for the British and against the Germans and in so doing mobilise the American public opinion against Germany.

After plenty of planning and preparation and making sure that in the USA the Germans were now presented as the bad people, the following year of 1917 saw the United States enter the war, and in synchronisation with this, the 1917 Balfour Declaration was also released, promising a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

It Was All About City Wealth

By now it was clear to those present that two world wars had been about oil in the Middle East, the wealth connected to it, and the ownership of the oilfields.

As a result of the American entry into the European war theatre, she clarified, Whitehall was able to continue its efforts to defeat the Ottoman Empire, enter Palestine, Syria and Mesopotamia, and exert its authority over prospective oilfields. In fact, in 1927, large oil reserves were eventually discovered in what had become Iraq, which now was under British authority owing to a mandate granted by the League of Nations – separate to the Mandate for Palestine.

Either a Jewish Homeland or Oil

By this time, Mädel had brought home the realization that the offer of a homeland for the Jews had been thought up in 1916 and used in 1917 as a key to activate the US press in the promotion of propaganda against the Germans and enlist America into the war.

However, once City-banking authority was established over the Middle East following the outcome of that war in 1918, the Jewish homeland narrative was no longer useful to the British government, for it offended some of the notable people in the Arabic speaking sphere of influence, and it was later to offend the king of what had just become the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ibn Saud, who had allowed in to his kingdom American prospectors in search of even more oil.

Going by Alexandra’s transcript of the table talk, Mädel made sure to associate the dates of discovery of oil with the proximity of one or other of the two world wars and the events associated with them, including the fact that the Balfour Declaration came about halfway through World War 1, which was no mere coincidence but clearly an event that fitted several purposes: promote the support of the US media, and have a pretext to continue fighting the Ottoman Empire while officially avoiding any mention of oil.

And along these lines Freundin continued: Indeed it was in 1938 that huge oil reserves were found in Saudi Arabia, and so, in the following year of 1939, Westminster – conditioned by the non-elected City banking elite present in Whitehall, decided to abolish altogether the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Follow the Money!

Unless you follow the flow of money, explained Mädel, you will not understand what caused the continuation of the first Great War in 1916 when Germany asked for peace with the British Empire, nor will you understand the start of the second War.

And if Ze’ev Jabotinsky with military support from Poland had managed to achieve the Jewish revolt in Palestine planned for October of 1939, according to his own reckoning, the media outlets in the USA would have cried foul once the British army started putting the revolt down, denouncing Westminster for reneging on its promise of a Jewish homeland.

The American press could have upset the apple cart by mobilising public opinion against the Saudi kingdom which to all effect had replaced the League of Nations in determining the mandate for Palestine, and this would have thrown a spanner into the plans for lucrative deals involving Saudi oil.

Wolfgang was standing in a corner listening as Freundin again explained to the Bavarians that the Jewish population in Poland numbered several million, and that it was considered an essential priority on the agenda of the Polish state to prevent the British establishment from terminating the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, for the plan devised by Ze’ev Jabotinsky and the Polish government had been for the gradual transfer of the Jewish population to Palestine.

It Was Carefully Planned in Whitehall

And she then repeated something previously stated earlier in the day, stressing the point with an outstretched hand while facing the people staring at her with incredulity: In order to put an end to the Polish preparations to activate a revolt in Palestine, a new plan had to be quickly cobbled together in London, one that would see Poland mobilising for war against Germany instead, somewhere around late August 1939, and likewise France to the west in the same month of August, therefore prior to the 1st September 1939.

The German Folk

When Mädel was still in England, I had told her earnestly and clearly that the German State agenda is fatally flawed with the guilt narrative and self-condemnation, and that the people who turned down Angela’s request to return to her homeland to work for the German Mother and Child would not hesitate to sacrifice the German Church on the Rhine in order to make amends for the ‘unforgivable guilt’ that was foisted onto the Germans in 1945 – something with implications going far beyond the Versailles Treaty of sheer humiliation.

I won’t be dealing with these people any more, I had told her, so when you clear out the place in preparation for the Wirtschaft the German Mother appointed you to administer, the day will come when my sister Angela can return home and commence her studies.

Without a jot of hesitation, I had told an impressed Mädel that Angela won’t be making a pilgrimage to a memorial in Lodz flagellating herself while the German Child is sacrificed, instead she’ll be smiling when she gets down from the train with her brother at her side and trots along to a castle on the Rhine.

Until that day comes, said the Hun unto Freundin, I’m relying on you to reciprocate all that Angela and her brother did for the English Child, who we never abandoned here in England!

Readers will be aware that Angela never allowed anyone to pit the English against the Germans but that instead she left two empty frames!

Here is today’s Party music presentation.


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