Publications at The Party now avail of a typesetting tray of the Ukrainian Cyrillic alphabet enabling the print of pages with Ukrainian script.
В ряд вставай, щоб не було запізно
In today’s Party page, the Hun intends underlining the necessity for Russia to stand in line at the side of Ukraine lest it should be too late.
There is only One spiritual Mother of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, a family of nations each sovereign within their own right with one and the same ecclesiastic foundation going by the title of Kyiv and All Rus.
The Ukrainian Child must not be sacrificed, and Russia, at war against Ukraine, is at risk of going down the road which a state-to-nowhere went. Going to War against the Holy Mother and Child of one’s own Nation is not the right way, and Russia cannot afford to be at War against the Mother of the Ukrainian Child as it means being at War against the same spiritual Mother of the Russian Nation.
A Green Light to Continue Attacking Ukraine
In July 2024, Russia received an invitation from Boris Johnson to wait for a campaign of the Ukrainian army on the most fortified trench and bunker systems in the world: those constructed by the Kremlin in southern and eastern Ukraine.
He stated that Russia should at first lose a part of these occupied territories only to have Ukrainian land ceded to Russia by way of international treaty once the Ukrainian forces are mostly dead – which they would be if they followed his advice.
In fact, there is only one group of people in power who would want the Ukrainians to do just that what Boris Johnson says they should do, and that’s the Kremlin. They know it would spell the end of Ukraine’s military forces and that the Russian army would then counter-attack and potentially take the whole country.
The Return of Tsar Peter to the Shipyards
Yes he offered Russia the return to the G8 and the resumption of financial deals which would enrich City bankers, managers of oil share-companies and tycoons, but if this happened, everyone in Russia would understand why Ukraine was sacrificed and that Russia was sold out by the Kremlin for western City money.
For the Kremlin to say then: “We were at war against the West” after resuming deals with the City banking establishment would sound hollow. The expensive western-made cars and aeroplanes that again would be sold to Russia in large numbers, and the western oil companies turning up in the Kremlin to sign contracts for the repair, maintenance and expansion of Russia’s carbon-extraction industry, would equate to having sold the spiritual Mother and the Church of All the Rus while sacrificing a brother nation.
Here is today’s Party musical presentation.
A Winston Churchill Favourite: Denazification!
According to Boris Johnson, the Kremlin should be in a position to claim to have denazified Ukraine. It was not my intention to bring up matters from the Second World War lest it be misinterpreted, for the Child who Angela’s brother got to know has been described as a Ukrainian Cossack and his interests are at heart. The only other Child towards whom brother Hun had equivalent obligation is the English one, hence there is a duty towards his Kyivan spiritual brother that includes upholding his identity.
However, considering the mindset of the former 10 Downing Street occupant who is claiming to be on Ukraine’s side while trying to justify the Kremlin’s attitude, it is probably better at this point to mention some historical events that official history tends to purge from the narrative.
One such series of events took place in the years immediately preceding the start of WW2, precisely in 1937 and 1938 when Stalin initiated and perpetuated the German Operation which led to the NKVD rounding up and executing over forty-one thousand ethnic Germans in Russia solely for being ethnic Germans.
The Gulags
Tens of thousands more Germans were locked up in gulags, and many of these too were murdered or made to die, meaning that by the time September 1939 came around, the number of ethnic Germans murdered in Russia by order of Stalin starting in 1937 could have been sixty thousand or more.
Those who were executed were most likely taken to mass graves and shot in the back of the head – the crime scenes remaining largely undiscovered. And like so many other massacres of people belonging to ethnic populations in Russia in that same period between 1937 and 1938, as well as in the following years, their deaths were later counted as ‘crimes of the Nazis’. And as we know from the Nuremberg Trials, all evidence from Stalin went uncontested and was accepted as ‘the truth, only the truth, and nothing but the truth’.
In 1941, hundreds of thousands more ethnic Germans were rounded up by the NKVD and these too were sent to gulags, many of them perishing like those before them. During the war, whenever any scene of collective executions was discovered by the Germans and the crime was exposed to the world, the reply inevitably came from Stalin: ‘the Nazis did it’. Yeah right! Well it wasn’t the National Socialists who did it.
The 1933 Ban of the Communist Party
Further to the mention of events usually purged from the history lessons is why the communist party was outlawed in Germany in the 1930s*. When President Hindenburg banned that party and its allies in Germany in 1933, in the three years leading up to that time Stalin is said to have brought about the death through starvation of around five million people by confiscating their grain and the land they worked on. It is said that four out of five of these people made to starve to death were Ukrainians.
The German communist party’s sole agenda was the glorification of Stalin and of his agenda and the desire to foist onto the German Folk that same reign of terror. If these people had come to power in Germany in the 1920s or 1930s, what would have become of Germany? Probably the same that happened to the Germans of Russia.
*Prior to 1939, Communism was also banned in some other countries, including Greece and Yugoslavia, owing to its glorification of Stalin’s regime.
Peter I Received a New Yacht in the Hague
It’s not in the interests of Russia to listen to Boris Johnson and accept his invitation to future G8 reunions, not even if he claims it can be achieved by setting sail from the Hague and heading up the Thames estuary in defiance of destiny as Peter I had done.
His suggestion that the Cossack Army should launch full-scale attacks on the Red Army’s bunkers and trenches in eastern and southern Ukraine, and in so doing bring about the certain demise of Ukraine’s defensive capabilities, and that the Kremlin can then be rewarded with a treaty based on the Yalta agreements of 1944 and 1945, are nothing other than a repetition of the Churchill-Stalin pact.
Even though the tsar would be able, according to him, to meet with the City financial establishment in a ‘legitimate’ capacity (note the inverted commas) following a Yalta-style agreement, these carbon deals would be written in the blood of the sacrifice of a Rus nation!
The days when Winston Churchill gleefully accepted Stalin’s demand to forcibly deport to the territories occupied by the Red Army at the end of WW2 the many Russians and Ukrainians who had fought against his terror along with their families, or who had simply surrendered and become prisoners of war, should be considered as over. This time, Winston Churchill could be legally contested in the West. And if he is legally challenged, then that leaves one option only for the Muscovite government: Just don’t even think of doing it!
In July 2022, shortly following the page The Latvians Visit the Hun dated June of the same year, I sent Mädel to Germany. Her primary task is to bring the German economy into a position whereby the European Union must come to an end.
Once Germany is no longer in a position to pay EU net contributions to other countries who really should learn to pay their own bills, the entire EU Empire will collapse like a pack of cards.
I the Hun did this! It was deemed the only way to make the words of the young Latvian’s sister come true. Since then, though, I started learning Ukrainian.
Here are some words from The Party’s typesetting pallet: Українська Земля
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