The Living Spiritual Church of a Nation

A national Church springs into life at its conception with only One as Holy Father and One as eternal High Priest.

The Holy Child

The first chapter today is about how any national church Angela has researched is none other than the original spiritual foundation for Life of that nation’s ecclesial assembly. This is where the Child of the nation comes into it.

This is why I defined Italy’s acts as an Abortion, and the acts of the German State as a deliberate flinging into the underworld of the Rhine Church.

Those who did it at State level were government actors, they are responsible for what they inflicted, not I Angela’s brother. They will take their British Government Bonds, their EU bluffs, or whatever they sold out for – be it a state or a fake-people identity, and answer for it, not brother Hun.

The English Child made it to the heavenly House owing to Angela with the help of her brother, and owing to the care of the German spiritual Mother, whereas the British tried sacrificing him.

The Serbian Key

Much has been written about this key stemming from the maternal school of Srpska Majka who my sister learnt from. Once we had returned the very last time from Greece to Valjevo and the key was ready, there was no more need to return to Serbia after we had one more time unceremoniously left there.

Those in an EU sponsored entity who subtracted what they imagined to be the Serbian script in reality took a rough copy styled in brother Hun’s hand whereas the original waxen matrix remained concealed in sister’s jacket.

As stated, once we left Valjevo the last time with the key, there was no need to return again to Serbian Land and there is nothing anyone can do about it!

Italy: No National Church

The tragic destiny of Angela’s subsequent presentation in Italy of the founding stone of the Italian Church, which was written in Italian and was the logical continuation of her presence in Serbia, was an example of her Serbian key being used to reach all the way to the origins of a national church in another country – only to be turned down by the State. This was a crying shame and clearly the people responsible had constructed their plans on an EU-funded fake with a Vatican background.

The binding contract we had both hoped for in order to continue the studies on how this church went on to develop in Italy never came into being, and ultimately the thirty British pounds sterling they took equated to aborting the ecclesiastic body of the Italian Church.

This script in Italian noted, among other relevant biblical topics, that the Vatican lineage of popes does not descend from Saint Peter, contrary to what is made to believe.

The group of people who sabotaged this work and consigned it to Hades operated at institutional level and they condemned to death the living Spirit of the Italian Church Angela had wanted to work for. This was an EU State decision of Vatican proportions!

In England Angela Prevailed Where Peter of Moscow Had Failed

Later in England she applied the same Serbian matrix to reach all the way to the source of the English Church, this ecclesial body having come to light over nine hundred years before the advent of Henry Tudor who the British Establishment claims is the ‘founder of the church’ – the equivalent of Peter I being the founder of the ‘holy synod’ in Moscow in 1721.

Peter of the Muscovy, in fact, when in England working in the shipyards of the East India Tea Company, learnt from William of Orange how to apply among the Rus the standards of Henry VIII who, a hundred and fifty years earlier, had claimed to be the founder of the church in England.

He had made this preposterous claim after tearing down English churches, cathedrals and priories, confiscating the lands of the ecclesiastic estates which hitherto had guaranteed work to many English people, and taking all the silver and gold he could find in the premises along with the lead from the stained glass windows, these being smashed to pieces together with entire buildings.

The Purge

While the British Establishment still holds to Henry VIII as the founder of the church, the Patriarchate of Moscow which claimed to have been founded by a pope in Istanbul was liquidated in a purge in 1721. In its place Peter, as seen, founded the ‘holy synod’, thus terminating all purported ecumenical lineage of the Muscovite Patriarchate from Istanbul*.

When the Patriarchate of Moscow was liquidated, the tsar, on pressing the trigger, automatically shot to pieces all the Russian Patriarchate’s claims over Ukraine, Belarus and … yes, Russia too.

*The human ‘holy synod’ in turn would be executed in another purge in July 1918 along with its entire family.

Crossing the Bridge

Somewhere between late 2023 to early 2024, while remaining in Mexico, Angela spiritually crossed the bridge from Italy to Greece by way of what she described as a ‘phone call to Greek Mother’. She was given a set of instructions concerning the original Greek Church whereby her dedication to the Rus must be introduced by one determining factor: the Greek Church was founded not in Constantinople, but in 1st century Hellenic society*.

On this precondition, she was then put in contact with the spiritual Mother of the original Kyivan Church, and that’s when her brother quickly followed her over to the Rus. Having then received duty of care towards the Ukrainian Child, he was given by his sister the task of finding out and reporting on the deeds that led to the Kyivan being exchanged for the Muscovite. Successive 2024 publications at The Party give testimony to this.

The knowledge and certainty that the original Church of Kyiv is the one and only valid ecclesiastic body of all the Rus nations is a result of Angela having applied her Serbian key and informing her brother.

*This essential truth invalidates all claims held by any pope in Istanbul to paternal and spiritual power over the living Kyivan Church of All Rus dating back to over one thousand years.

Caesar Pontifex Maximus

Based on this information given him in 2024 in relation to time and place of ecclesial foundation, her brother’s task was to detect and expose the misdeeds that later occurred.

These included: a pope in Istanbul claiming to have paternal and spiritual authority to transfer a church title to another city, namely from Kyiv to Moscow; Peter later embarking on a pilgrimage to his enabling master of the western trading and banking corporations; tsar Peter later blowing the lights out of the Moscow Patriarchate along with all its Constantinople ‘ecumenical’ sophistry and creating a new institution known as ‘holy synod’.

Being he himself the head of this new institution, the title the tsar now officially attributed to himself was head of State and of church, just like Henry VIII before him. This meant that Peter of the Muscovy joined Henry Tudor in the historical list of people who self-designated as both emperor* and high priest, or caesar pontifex maximus.

*In Henry Tudor’s case as king.

The Italian Church

Angela’s Italian enterprise terminated when two men with menacing expressions blocked our way on an empty road in Italy shortly after we left the house to make public the written Italian presentation referred to above.

They already knew and demanded we hand the text over, which later they would bury inside a coffin after shouting and bawling at us. My sister, spiritually informed, had warned me a day or so before what they were planning to do, but when they presented themselves in front of us, I was aware that ignoring them would mean being later stopped by people in uniform bearing an arrest warrant, and it was pointless arguing with the State along a lone road for I had to think of Angela: she came first, not the written papers.

Although her brother tried again later on her behalf from England, Italy received a thirty pound sterling payment from the British and this was the Abortion payment. Tragically sad but there was nothing else I could do apart from making it public at The Party at the request of the Italian Santa Madre – see the Thirty Pound Stamp over Britain publications.

The Rhine Church

Sister Hun’s German dedication never took off because a compliant German State subdued to a master-slave relationship with the British said in a premeditated, rehearsed-in-front-of-a-mirror and determined fashion: “I don’t know what you are trying to tell me!”.

This is the version they kept to, and I can’t understand why they bothered going to England to tell me this in the street. They could have sent a written letter with stamp and signature to me, I’d have given it to Angela and scanned a copy at The Party for the current and future generations to see.

They decided to condemn to death the Rhine Church and will have to answer for it.

From the Transit Room to Ukraine

The British Establishment always maintained that Angela is a liar, and the reason why she went to Mexico on the 1st September 2019 was to avoid being arrested by them and locked up. Whatever they promised to secretly traffic over to Italy and to Germany – well the Italians and the Germans can sing to the birds for it. Those responsible operated at State level.

When my sister departed for Mexico, she left behind a fully decorated and renovated English House, her presentation of the one true and living English Church being in public domain on one of her brother’s websites – or on a couple of them.

This work is intended to be presented and promoted one day as a book at the same time as her future book on the Rus Church is ready for promotion and presentation. This should be in Ukraine but should not happen before the latter work is complete, and this will require a State-sponsored binding contract with Ukraine.

Mind Your Own Business!

None of this has anything whatsoever to do with the British, the Italians, the Germans or anyone else: only with the English and the Rus ecclesiastic bodies respectively, and by extension Greece owing to the first century Hellenic Church. The others should have tended to their own business when they had the opportunity.

Although the Italian State and their British counterpart always made clear that I would never receive funds for my sister’s studies and would never receive an official reply from anyone, on her part she too made clear that the Italian door will never be opened in England and that no-one else will ever fill in the two empty spaces of her depiction of the union flag: the ones regarding Welsh and Irish.

The last time I saw these two empty frames was in communion, they were hanging in limbo in the land of the Rhine, the German Mother was there and She was showing me some matters relating to the German government which The Party reported on in early 2022.


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