In Communion In and Out of England

Today’s Party number relates to the communion received immediately following the last publication here and is being made public in order to keep up to date on affairs.

The Room Into and Out of England

In this recent communion the Hun arrived in a transit room where he placed his travelling gear. The location corresponds to the main road out of England to the port.

Being separate from English territory, the open entrance connected directly to a German train station from where I had arrived, and on the other side of the room was a closed door connecting to England.

On leaving the room through this door and entering England, I went for a brief walk into the countryside, and to the east appeared a cathedral with a dome which I immediately identified as being Italian and located in Italy.

As I moved some steps away, this church was no longer in view and instead another cathedral with a dome appeared in my sight, a lot closer, but still to the east. Neither of the two was in England, and wondering which church this second one was, I made my way back towards the room outside of English territory.

English Economy

There was a Morrisons supermarket on English land that had just closed, for it was 10 o’clock at night. In the last Party print Mädel-in-Waiting in Germany, I noted: “In Germany I made a long-term investment in Mädel whose qualities and skills were known to me, I only needed to get her to Germany once the time was mature”.

Thinking of how closing time had come for England’s economy, I thought the British had said to me ‘You are dead!’, and I had repliedAnd you’re not getting Mädel!’.

Next to Morrisons and parallel to the main road to the port was the place where my room was located, and returning there, I entered through the door, thus leaving English territory. The time for Freundin in England came and went, bye now! were the words I was thinking.

Door Be Closed!

On exiting the room on arrival from the German train station there had been a sensor-controlled door, but on returning I had opened the same door by hand, and once inside I wanted to see whether it would automatically open again or remain shut. Standing in front of it I noticed electronic devices but these did not trigger a command for the door to open, which pleased me as I had no intention or desire of passing through it again.

Readers will know from previous prints that when Angela came originally to England it was from the Land of the Rhine, and also that she had said before departing her homeland Ich kehre wieder!, insisting on taking a return-ticket with her. Indeed the first words she spoke were in German, as the Serbian Mother had been aware of.

Whereas in England I was a dead man, Angela had fled to escape this destiny, and so it rings true: Be careful what you wish for! With Angela in Mexico waiting to make her move to Germany following the return of the Rhine Scroll to the German Mother, Mädel was also bound to leave England for Germany, as too Alexandra, for so it had been shown me in communion.

Here is today’s first Party presentation.

The Timetable

In the room, after sitting down, I looked in the direction towards the train station, which was empty as it was night time. At that very moment a man behind the counter in the train station was looking at me and said: Der Zug nach die Schweiz fährt ab um vier Uhr zehn (etwa – it could have been 4:09 or 4:11 – I can’t remember exactly) von Gleis (indicating a platform). The departure time was the early morning hours.

Just as he finished saying this, I found myself holding a timetable in the form of a booklet with that exact time written on it, and the page had a picture of a cathedral associated with a divine Lady.

The cover of the timetable had a photo of myself, which I later associated to a travel document such as one I will need to receive – whether from Germany or from Switzerland – in order to leave England.

Time to Sleep

As it was between ten and eleven o’clock at night I calculated there were still some hours left for sleep, all I needed to do was set the alarm.

The Hun is sleeping through whatever is happening in England and is waiting to meet a delegation to sign the contract that will enable Angela to return to Germany. For this to happen he’ll need to receive gold bars in advance payment and special travel documents.

On Replacing Holy Mother and Child

In Germany a group of people working for EU Communism has made it impossible for Angela to return to the land of the Rhine and carry out her work for the German Church, but she also has obligations towards Switzerland. This has been made clear on Party space as based on Communion.

No human being possesses the Holy Spirit, but Angela has spiritual contact from High and will only ever dedicate her work to Holy Mother and Child who she worked for at one point in time.

Return to Sender

The Italian spiritual Mother intercepted the Thirty Pound agreement and sent it back to Britain in the form of a £30 stamp. No Lady In High would ever surrender to the British nor sacrifice her Church to accommodate their cult of worship to a human person.

Sister Hun too refused to surrender to them, she fled England to escape their claims that she is a liar or that they can imprison and bug her, thus establishing her word against theirs.

Failed Empires

They were trying to steal Angela’s research in order to attribute it to another in an adulterated version, all the while hiding away whatever she achieved in order to preserve the Banking City and their allies of EU Communism. But not even the Swamp can help them!

If the Germans and the Swiss want Angela to carry out research and studies in order to present these in her own name and dedicated to the respective Lady In High, they will have to come to the transit room outside English territory with the special travel documents for her brother.

The Mother of a Child In High will defend the nation’s church at the very cornerstone of its origins.

Here is today’s second Party presentation.


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