I Took Mädel From the English
"You did not salute our queen, we cannot see you and will not speak to you!" Well it's too late now!
When the British in 2018 declared me dead, they hated me for not worshipping their queen, saying We are going to duck you under the water, we’ll force you down for so long that if you come back up again you will be a changed person – or you will be dead.
Unable to breathe, I held out, but they continued applying pressure to the iron covering of the waterhole, many Britishes together, and many Irish joined in, hating me. And I thought I’d rather be dead than surrender to them!
Eventually I got out through a different exit and saw them still pressing down on the iron cover with expressions of sheer hate on their faces, and in April 2021 I opened The Party again.
Suddenly realising I was alive, they gathered for their next attack. However, I had been obeying hermana Angela’s orders from Mexico, seeing that she had gone there to flee the British and was promoting the alliance between Sovereign England and Mexico. Once Angela declared it over about six months later, it was over. It started with Angela and it ended with her too. So it wasn’t my doing but hers.
When, in November 2021, said alliance had ended as described in previous pages, I said: Mädel, you must go to Germany because if you are staying in England you’re working on your own!
Looking her straight in the eyes, I continued Alexandra looked after us with financial help because I never received a penny from the Britishes, she got me over that flu I had in October 2019 which later became a two year holiday with everyone staying at home and getting paid for it while I was in the waterhole, and the only five pound I had left in 2018 I donated to the British to buy a shovel with.
When this had sunk in, I gave out the following sentence You were never meant for them, Mädel, you always said you were not British, but they however imposed another over England, and so your homeland is Germany!
As she sat there looking at me, I concluded And the only one thing I still have to do is pull you out of England!
With a smirk on her face, Mädel managed to ask What about Lithuania?
They can keep Vilnius! I replied, I’m off to Germany and you’re coming too!
That’s why she is there now waiting for me.
Here is tonight’s Party song.
A Laughing Matter
Later on that same day, Alexandra came round to visit us, she had heard of the conversation from Mädel, and laughing, said I thought the Thug later changed his mind and offered you 130 pounds a day to become British.
Spitting out the contempt from my mouth, I replied They could walk in front of me in the street dropping gold bars to become British, I wouldn’t stoop to pick them up!
Even Mädel started crying tears with laughter, something quite unusual, and Alexandra was over the moon at the prospect of moving along with her to Germany, for there was no way she was staying behind. In fact, she could be English today, German tomorrow and Jewish the day after, you wouldn’t know how she managed it, and she says that travelling from place to place was always something she liked doing. I guess that’s connected to her studies.
Anyway, when the British forced me to die in that waterhole, when I did come back up through another conduit and another hole, it didn’t bother me what type of British they were and which part of the British Isles they came from, all I knew was that once dead, you’re dead!
In our recent Party print Mädel Safely in Germany, I noted: “All’s well that ends well!”
As Alexandra stood there laughing, I turned to Freundin saying A dead man is not for you, Mädel, which is why the English must lose you, for they have a price to pay and I’m personally making sure they pay up!
Freedom of Choice
The rest we know, the English Child had made it to Germany and from there to the high House, the Scottish Child is safe somewhere but I’m not telling the British where, and I was done helping the Fair Lady.
Whether the Irish and the Welsh want to surrender unconditionally to the German Holy Mother or not is their business, but there are times in life when you have to take what’s available, and if they have something better on offer at Bletchley Park, personally I don’t mind, but in that case it won’t be from a Holy Mother nor from Angela.
As her brother Hun, I’m quite curious to see what becomes of it. The Irish and the Welsh may well have a hate agenda against Angela’s brother, after all he fought the British in Normandy, but if hate is that strong that they cannot even surrender to the German Holy Mother who saved the English Child, I personally only can repeat what I know from Angela: she isn’t going to surrender to those people full stop.
The End
That’s when it all happened, the Fair Lady lost, the German Mother offered Freundin her future, and I promised that the English will lose her, and what the Irish do or don’t do, along with the Welsh, concerning their hate towards Angela and their faith in the uk policeman who swore allegiance to his queen, does not bother me.
I simply related the German Mother’s offer, and if they turned it down, it’s too bad, then go without! And please believe me I won’t shed a tear. I really don’t care what you get then.
What I do know, however, is that Germany will never get a jot from the British concerning anyone to do with The Party, nor will Italy, and if they don’t want to contact me, seeing that in their case I do care, The Party will just continue reminding them that the Hun is waiting for a meeting in England with representatives at state level to sign the relevant contract and receive the relevant documents and gold payments.
Going by my contacts with both the German and the Italian Ladies In High, the various British or whatever they’re calling themselves in Ireland and Britain don’t have even one bargaining chip in their arsenal. All they can offer is a hoax and their prison.
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