Recalibrating Italy to Reality

Without a national Church presented by Angela, Italy will remain chained to foreign agendas.


The Welsh and the Irish have never asked Angela for a work agreement on the origins of the Welsh and Irish churches, no work request of any nature has ever been made to Angela from the British. But so soon as she presented her work on the English and the Scots, a long and sustained stream of hints came at an establishment level of agents about the Welsh and the Irish – in the name of their own uk divinity based upon Henry VIII. Alas the work she accomplished on the English and Scottish Churches has been hidden away and declared null and void by the British establishment.

Blood, Toil, Tears and Prison

Instead they wanted to freeload work that cannot come from them. Offering only prison and using a no-money policy, they shouldn’t be surprised that Mädel’s English restaurant was declared shut by the Hun.

In the last Party publication If Mädel Failed in England … That Left Germany, I wrote: “Mädel’s English restaurant failed because I transferred Prosperity to the German-Italian alliance.”

I needed to protect Angela’s interests lest the British continue demanding from Italy that she be locked up in a British prison for them to sponge her work – paying themselves. Shutting down Freundin’s English restaurant was essential in safeguarding Angela’s interests. In return for the prison, toil and tears they offered, I the Hun acted accordingly!

On the day she left, departing with Alexandra from England’s shores, at that very hour I shut down their economic prospects. Without my willingness to stand by her, there was nothing she could achieve here, and this was clear to her.


On their part, the Italian State detracted and hid away Angela’s presentation of the Italian Church foundations. At that time her brother was funding her research, as he did later in England, but when he ran out of funds, the Italian people on the case appeared to be quite content in keeping to their arrangements reached with the British whereby, officially, “Angela never presented anything, needs no funding and should be imprisoned, exploited and then eliminated”.

Now that Italy has a new government, I expect investigations to be made into the activities of people who are preventing her from continuing her studies in Italy into the Italian Church. Saying we don’t know anything and remaining silent will not be accepted as a response.

On Losing

The British will not be handing anything over to Italy from Angela, regardless what promises they made or secret agreements they had. Imprisoning and leeching off her work not only is unacceptable, it is also impossible. Funding themselves to imprison her proved to be a failure as she left for Mexico. When the British later boasted that even then they’d arrest and bug her, on that day the Fair Lady Britannia lost and the Jerusalem Scroll passed back to Germany.

Consequently, the Italian State needs to take its arrangements with the British and throw them in the dustbin for they are null and void. The Italian Holy Mother did not surrender to them, just as la Santa Madre de México didn’t – or the German Mother. The idea that Germany and Italy have to surrender to the British Isles is a fabrication!

Punishing the Hun for his past will not be accepted as justification for imprisonment. The real reason he sits behind bars is because they are trying to exploit and then eliminate Angela.

Here is today’s party march.


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