The Last Throes of the EU Commissars
The Communist empire in Europe was destined to fail, Mädel is taking part in its downfall.
No Blueprint for EU Communists and the City
With the European Union being unable to get from the British a blueprint of Freundin’s economic policies, the EU commissars running their failed empire found themselves reaping the harvest of their alliance with the uk East India Tea Company based in the City.
Mädel works in unison with my sister and was never going to allow Angela’s enemies to prevail. Having a track record of preventing the British from bugging her and whoring her work over to the EU, she is now working in Germany to bring an end to the Communist empire that Whitehall’s Churchill so desperately tried saving, and she’s preparing the way for Angela’s return to German land.
When they declared War on the Serbian Holy Mother and Child and tried replacing Serbia with a fake state in the Swamp, Angela, who had gone to Valjevo and achieved the blueprint for all her work there, became their designated enemy. The theft of her handwritten text in the Swamp did not prevent her carrying away the beeswax template of her research which she used as a matrix for national churches.
Continuation War
In our last Party page Opposing Communism in Germany, it’s stated: “Operation Overlord continued, and so too did our fight against their overlordship.”
The downfall of International Communism in Europe coincides with the collapse of the British East India Tea Company, and it means the fall of the alliance Stalin-Churchill, the pair impersonated in the end by their successors the EU commissars and Boris Johnson.
Here is today’s Party music presentation.
I Opened the Trojan Horse in England
Being cowards, the British applied a no-money, no replies, you are dead policy, supported by their cowardly ilk in the EU commissariat. These people, who tried doing a favour to their clients in the Swamp who in turn had sold out to them, declared all-out War on Angela, and it was my duty as her brother to defend her, making avail of all the help at my and her disposal. This included opening the doors in England to the Trojan Horse that the Italian Lady had left for the arrogant British to carry away in their attempt at bringing down both the German Mother and the Italiana.
The King of Wales and Northern Ireland
Now that the prince of Wales has become the king of Wales and the British achieved what they wanted, he is the king of Northern Ireland too.
The British don’t get to taking the Rhine Scroll, it’s been assigned back to Germany around November 2021 and that was most final. They do not get to changing this and silently trafficking over to anyone Angela’s work – which she cannot carry out because her brother is being held in a British prison.
They exchanged the Fair Lady for their queen, but this did not prevent the English Child making it from Germany to the High House and to safety while the Scottish Child is safe somewhere – where the British cannot get to him because they don’t know where.
No Child Sacrifice
Trying to sacrifice the Church Under the Full Moon of the German spiritual Mother to the king of the British is something that, as mentioned, needs explaining, it’s something that even the commissars of the Communist empire of the EU cannot achieve, no matter how much their Winston Churchill II colludes with them.
It has been explained here on Party space that the Irish do not get to holding the German Holy Mother and Child to ransom, regardless what the Tea Tephi Codex claims. The Irish did not replace the Jews as the chosen people, they are not chosen above others and should think rather of their own within the context of many nations and not one that is first among the others.
One of Alexandra’s spheres is Jewish Law, and she assured me that Tea Tephi did not transfer the soul and the identity of the Jewish people over to Ireland. Similarly, the English Child was taken to Germany and from there to the higher House, not to Ireland.
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