Mädel-in-Waiting in Germany

In Germany I made a long-term investment in Mädel whose qualities and skills were known to me, I only needed to get her to Germany once the time was mature.

Will Ye No Surrender? (No!)

Readers at The Party will have figured out that in the autumn of 2018, when they sent HM Revenues followed by the Liar, the British thought that sister and brother Huns would surrender in order to get some money, but we didn’t, she going to Mexico and I to prison.

When they realised it was her they needed to imprison more than me, Angela was already gone! Boris Johnson remained empty-handed and I left the British my last five pounds while keeping the Swiss francs.

They said I could even rot in the street with nothing, but knowing that Angela left two empty spaces, I laughed it off. As we know, those two blank frames are now in Germany in limbo.

Helping the German Lady

Alexandra helped out financially, Mädel made sure Boris Johnson got nowhere near her, I found 20 pounds in the street, gambled and lost it, and in communion the German Lady In High let me know I was doing this for Her. Knowing this, it was also clear to me that within time Germany will learn to distinguish between Her and the British, whatever it was they claimed or promised.

Going by the even longer telegram strategy I had put together in Germany when Freundin wanted me back in England, if she doesn’t succeed in England, that leaves only Germany!

This was clear to me as I had been shown that Prosperity would go either west or east along the road in Belgium in order to ultimately succeed. If it fails in the West, then it can only turn around and go East again, from where I had come, namely from the Land of the Rhine. At the time I had been residing in Aachen.

All I needed do was be fair on Mädel by giving her another chance in England where she hoped to take advantage of the England-Mexico alliance that Angela had established in September 2019. I had to bide my time as Freundin showed me her despair, for the rules were clear to me: only if they made her fail in England, and only then, could I get her to move to Germany. And she failed in England.

In the Wirtschaft

Eventually the German Lady came West and in the communion Mädel was in a restaurant behind the counter to serve people, yet there was no-one else there to serve but the German Lady and me, Alexandra standing nearby. There the German Mother offered Freundin the place in the German Wirtschaft, and Mädel, after lambasting her boyfriend, eventually agreed and some time later went East – in early July 2022.

Here is today’s Party march.

It’s as the Serbian Lady had shown me after Angela’s return from Valjevo following Easter: it will be either Germany or England. After speaking one phrase in German and one in English, she had then said to me in German I am the spiritual sister of your mother.

Hail the German Holy Mother!


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