Resisting British Prison and Threats

Someone is sitting there hiding in Germany, someone is sitting there hiding in Italy.

Unsavoury and Hateful

From very early on, the British establishment made clear to me that I would always be a hated person, expressing these sentiments in public such as on a forum frequented by the local councils. For them, hate speech towards me was the norm.

Caring for Angela who was doing her studies in England as related in previous pages, I found it impossible to just up and go, and when eventually I did following the completion of Angela’s work here, Mädel wanted me back. I had been waiting to prepare the way for my sister’s return to Germany at the time, but Freundin is someone I could not turn down and I realised that, if I made a long-term investment, I could even get her over to Germany. But first I needed to return to her in England where she still went to private school.

The Threats

It’s no secret that in 2017 Mädel was finally ready to present her work offer in England, that she was turned down and insulted, with the arrogant request to send in a ‘fully-costed’ description of all her policies for the Tory party to download, take and then perpetuate itself while calling her a liar!

The rest we know: in 2018 Angela and Alexandra were ready to relocate to Germany, their offers were turned down by German officials on account of the British, the Thug came along with representatives of the Welsh and the Irish calling Angela a liar, me a liar, and launching a death threat: We will throw you out in the street.

Mädel was present and sat there contemplating such hate!

As they had already denied me any form of income and considering that I refused their work offer to climb ladders and breathe in intoxicating filth from walls and chimneys, that amounted to nothing less than a death threat.

Indeed it was no different to the one they had made some years earlier when they threatened that, if I don’t humiliate myself and do work I wasn’t meant to do, they’d force me to sleep under a bridge – which means to be left to rot and die with no income.

Even last night, one of their official agents assured me the British establishment will throw me out in the street, and this is the same death threat, as it means forcing me to rot and die. And they officially declared me dead anyway in early 2019. Back then it was just a matter of time before they’d come and arrest Angela, who however pre-empted them by a few days as seen here in other Party prints.


In our last Party publication Angela’s Work Obligations Being Prevented, it’s stated: “the British prevented Angela from carrying out her studies by calling her a liar and locking her brother in a prison while in collusion with other countries”.

Angela, we know, escaped them in 2019, Alexandra and Mädel got out in July this year, and the British establishment is still making its threats – which are nothing less than death threats, because enabled to do so by high-ranking officials in Germany and Italy who evidently decided to sacrifice the Church of the Full Moon and the Italian Church.

But because the British called Angela a liar and threatened her with death in 2018 – which is what they did, she is most vulnerable, because whenever die Hunnin wants to work, the British spy forces run in front of her claiming she is a liar, as they did in Germany. It is no different to what happened in Italy when the Italian Intelligence services did the same and made a Thirty Pounds arrangement with the British – intended as thirty silver pieces.

The Communist EU Agenda

If it wasn’t for the German and Italian state leaders pushing their communist agenda of EU domination and expansion along with NATO, and in so doing aligning with Whitehall, it’s probable that the British would not feel so sure of themselves when offering death threats to the Hun – who they always hated anyway and no doubt accused of wanting to commit genocide.

These people have accused me of many things I didn’t do and of many things which others did, including themselves. They are making me pay for it, and I will continue fighting them as I did then!

They told me this to my face more or less from the start. But they are being allowed to do so by governments of other countries or agents of former governments who decided to betray Angela while knowing full well about her and her intentions. This is why she fled to Mexico, because their empires hate her to death, want to steal her work, sign it over to another for restyling and adulterating, and wipe her out.

I took her place in prison, but she promised never to come back until I am first out of the prison. In her wisdom, she left two blank frames completely empty, and these are now hanging in limbo in Germany – where the German Holy Mother ultimately has Authority.

The German Child

Having duty to care for Angela who needs to get back to her work, I should not be expected to take these threats sitting. The British had demanded of Angela to the effect: do the work first, secretly, while we ignore you and your brother climbs a chimney and cleans the soot out, and when the work is done, we’ll set fire to the chimney.

Readers will understand why she left two frames empty, because had the British got that work too, they’d have set fire to the chimney.

The Italiana is aware that while Angela handed over an introduction on the Italian national Church in Italy years ago which outlined the birth of the Italian Ecclesia (the two different texts having been: one received by post, the other intercepted and detracted by state agents as we were about to present it in public), she has never carried out any work on the German Church. Therefore it’s evident that the German Holy Child is the one who the institutions have tried consigning to a stone hell under ground in place of the Full Moon Church, because he has nothing.

This is the reason for the Italian spiritual Mother’s alliance with the German Lady who she made clear is welcome in her land, for example should the German state betray her. But this is only possible if the £30 deal made between the Italian State and the British is declared null and void and I am out of prison.

As long as I am not free, Angela will not come back, because I’m the one who defends her and her interests, and this is not possible while I’m behind bars at institutional orders. On my part I will never surrender to the British regardless of their threats, as much as Mädel in Germany will not surrender to the Communist EU and its arm NATO, but I am denouncing these threats in public here at The Party.

The British are too cowardly to behave as they do on their own considering Angela’s multiple spiritual contacts, so they are backed by entities in other countries at high-ranking level who have given them their consent.

Here is tonight’s Party song.


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