How the War Unfolded
War is something sister and brother Huns could not afford to lose.
Imposing the Narrative
There are two narratives as to how Angela and I returned to England following Serbia. One is the official Party version whereby we arrived and I presented a written presentation of Angela’s proposed studies with the intention of securing a binding contract including funding, but got ignored on purpose by the establishment, following which we returned to Italy.
We then tried again about three years later with no contract and I having to fund Angela’s work on the foundations of the English Church myself, plus her work on the Scottish. In the meantime, between the first failed attempt and the second arrival in England, Angela worked in Italy on matters relating to the Church but again was ignored, this time by the Italian establishment, notwithstanding we contacted them with presentations of her work in Italian.
The official Italian and British versions are that neither I nor she ever worked in Italy or in England to do with church foundations and never will achieve such work. The last words the Thug said to me were: you are a liar and you are only capable of climbing ladders. That was in January 2019.
Angela was not in the house at the time and her work for the English Church had been completed eight (8) years earlier! Even today, the British still officially consider me as being dead. So their narrative is always imposed with a lie, denying Angela ever worked the way she did both in England and in Italy and denying her brother ever helped her.
Lying Together
However we mustn’t forget that the British were in the same bed as the Italians and that they each coordinated their lies and backed each other up, finding confidence in sheer numbers of institutional agents, lies and a no-money you don’t exist policy, already back then in Italy. Ignoring every presentation I made of Angela’s work was their favourite weapon of moral destruction.
In our most recent Party publication Trying to Pick Locks With Forged Keys, I penned: “Imagine someone saying: I can command the Holy Spirit with a forged key!”. These people were out to steal my sister’s work and use it for their own perverse ends.
Yet they were always afraid of her brother, someone who doesn’t count the years when it comes to War and had already confronted the British in Normandy, commanding a high place overlooking the sea. To the contrary, they assumed Angela to be a weak and vulnerable person, which is why she never works without her brother.
My duty is to make sure they do not steal her work, place it in someone else’s name after manipulating and altering the text, to then hide it inside a stone coffin and subsequently liquidate her – their plan of preference being to drop die Hunnin upside down in the Swamp opposite Italy in the name of the Byzantine Empire with whom they have an alliance: Expansion towards the East (see EU and NATO).
Italiana v. Britannia
While the German spiritual Mother enjoys an open door policy with the Italian Lady owing to an alliance, this has never been the case between the Italian Mother and the Fair Lady, of whom one is the other’s downfall.
In fact the Italians and the British are so intertwined and inseparable in their concerted efforts to rob and bring down Angela Hun, inspired as they are by sheer hate against her, that the Italian Mother associated the uk Antichrist to being a tool of Britannia sent as a diabolic plague to Italy to strike down Angela, where-as the Fair Lady considered Beelzebub and Moloch to be imported tools sent by the Italiana to frustrate Angela’s work in England.
In my view, the Italians and the British were as bad as each other and each betrayed their own spiritual Mother, similar as to the betrayal of the Serbian Mother and Child in the Swamp.
Teutonic Reasoning
Angela and I were both aware of this enmity between the Italian Lady and Britannia, for we each received our own information at a spiritual level. On my part, while honouring the Fair Lady, I was not however prepared to sacrifice the Italiana to her.
Being good Huns, both Angela and I had pledged our allegiance to the German spiritual Mother, an unending pledge of loyalty that is above all else. And while in Italy and later in England, I reasoned thus: if one day the Italiana is about to be thrown out and lost, I will help her!
As time passed, the British declared me dead, even leaving me with a bad flu in the autumn of 2019 after promising they would throw me out in the street. But as the pandemic spread, everyone else later on got fake money created out of thin air (to spend as real money) for staying at home and doing nothing or hiding inside skype coffins and transmitting live on the mainstream TV to avoid social contact. And I made the following decision: If I can drain prosperity from the British in their various identities, I will!
One day, as the pandemic was coming to an end and people in Britain were starting to leave their cupboards and venture out, as sure as the sun shines and some raindrops fall, Prosperity came to me as I was out walking.
And Mädel too let me know that she would look forward to another work offer in England – but as I had just opened the door to her room, I shut it again and walked away. Later, downstairs in the lounge, I explained to her: Mädel, you had your chance here in England in 2017, they turned you down, and I promised you to the German Mother should they ever do this to you. Sorry my Freundin, but you don’t get to having another chance here, I’ve invested too many years of my life in England and was left dead by the British!
I found a way of transferring Prosperity over to the Italiana, and it worked as was shown me shortly later in communion.
The British don’t deserve you, Mädel, I thought, they aren’t getting you!
I knew that once the War kicked off again between the Italiana, who now had a fair chance of getting the upper hand, and Britannia, the road would soon be free for the German Lady and I would at last walk out of a British prison and head home to the Rhine, followed by a gleeful Angela Hun from Mexico.
War is merciless!
Here is tonight’s first Party music.
What Happened Later
In the following weeks and months, the Rhine Scroll in Mexico was adjudicated to Germany, from where it had been taken at the start by the Fair Lady; the German Mother in Communion came and offered Freundin the place in the Wirtschaft and saved the English Child by bringing him to Germany; the Fair Lady invaded Italy and took the Italian Scroll but was left stranded in Chivasso with her army.
The Italiana triggered the Prosperity-draining event and caught up with her, and later in that same city reconfirmed her alliance with the German Lady, then landed in England and marched on the light tower church at the castle.
The German Mother after this gave me proof of her open-door policy in Italy where She is befriended with the Italiana, and la Santa Madre Mexicana had already declared Britannia’s alliance with Mexico as being over. This, ultimately, had been the trigger event, because the British had placed Boris Johnson in power and looked down their nose on the Mexican Holy Trinity – something they should never have done in the context of an alliance.
And …
And there was one more matter that needed sorting out: the British claimed that Angela and I had done nothing in Italy, had done nothing in England, that the English Church she worked for and the Scottish too never existed – in fact they declared me dead and Angela remained in Mexico to avoid the British prison, and all because of the Irish who hold to ransom. And they claimed they would do the same to the German Holy Mother and Child.
The uk police commander wanted the work on the Irish without a contract, whereby I pay them and climb up ladders, and they later replace Angela with their queen. And they sent the Thug!
This is what I made clear to Mädel: The Irish will not hold the German Mother and Child to ransom, sister Hun and I will personally make sure of this!
She understood and went to Germany and later I informed the Irish – along with the Welsh – that if they don’t surrender unconditionally to the German Holy Mother in Aachen, they can forget Britannia!
After all, they also held the Italiana to ransom, and we know now who She blamed for all this Unheil. I knew it all along, and so too did Angela.
So if you don’t surrender, you might as well go to Chivasso and it will be to no avail, I promise you this!
Here is tonight’s second Party presentation.
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