From Angela to Alexandra: Working in Accord

Where one will be working, the other will be there too.

Dort Wo die Angela Zuhause Ist

Passe gut auf deiner Schwester Hunnin auf daß sie nicht gesnatcht wird!

So hat mir die deutsche Heilige Mutter zu verstehen gegebn, daß die Angela ihre Arbeit in Deutschland ungehindert von politischen Parteien auszuführen hat. Das schließt ziemlich alles aus, was als Grund benützt werden könnte ihre Recherche einzuschränken.

Once the German state has decided that no alien agenda is allowed to prevent Angela from doing her investigative work for the Church Under the Full Moon in the Land of the Rhine where the German Scroll originates, then nothing should prevent her brother receiving special German travel documents enabling him to return, for only then will she too come back to where her original home is.

This is in alignment with what the Serbian Lady showed me soon after we returned to Italy from Valjevo, and it is the reason why Alexandra and Mädel both moved to Germany: in order to be in alignment with die Hunnin, exactly as was shown to me then in communion.

No Contract

Never having made out a contract to be locked in a prison by the British, I am waiting to receive contact from Germany to sign even just one agreement, the one that will allow Angela to carry out her studies in German land.

Any other agreement can come at another time, once I have returned to Germany, for example when Alexandra may make again her offer to work, seeing that she employs me as her adjutant. Her intentions too are bound to plenty of research and study, none of which can ever be achieved in a prison.

There is not a chance in Sheol she will submit to the British, but she could well promote good feelings between German and Jew, her range of interest transcending the stereotype presentations that are often the cause of animosity.

Paying the Bill

Alexandra also owes me outstanding wages for work accomplished at The Party, so once her contract is up and running, it will also include an advance payment to cover her existing obligations. In this regard, our agreement had been: Owing to the importance of the revelations, do the work first, I’ll pay you later.

Being her helper, I did not argue with this reasoning, and this also explains why she willingly moved to Germany with Mädel, for the relationship of trust between us is what it is, whereby Alexandra has someone who she can rely on and on my part I can find plenty of work owing to her.

Her mission in England being accomplished, she moved on and is waiting for my arrival. It so happens that her last mission was to do her part in making sure the Rhine Scroll passed to Germany. Here we can see that the British too had a bill to pay and Alexandra exacted a heavy price!

No Extradition

Precisely what secret information the British claim they could obtain from Alexandra concerning her part in the Church Under the Full Moon is unclear, unless it had to do with an extradition request to have her deported from Germany to a British prison.

In our last title Exposing the British Antichrist Prison, it’s written: “The queen-worshipping British went to War Against Holy Mother and Child.”

Alexandra’s location in Germany being unknown, uk police investigators cannot turn up claiming she’s a criminal under investigation and set about poisoning people’s minds and causing them to give her strange looks. Indeed, while swearing allegiance to a new person, claiming that the Antichrist wants her in a British prison wouldn’t look good, reason for which Alexandra assured me that the work I did for her without waiting to be paid first was so important.

In her superior wisdom, she prepared the way for my exit from behind British bars and prevented her own imprisonment too. In fact it’s too late now for the British police commander to come running out exclaiming Oh, I’ve just realised, we’ve got to arrest Alexandra because she too works for the Full Moon Church!

Well she’s gone now so forget it!

While still hopping around hoping Angela might release at The Party any sort of information on the Irish via video connection, he doesn’t know how to explain away how he became a gigantic casualty of the War, but I can explain that for him: Bletchley Park got Hunned!

Here is today’s Party presentation.


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