If Mädel Failed in England … That Left Germany

Mädel’s English restaurant failed because I transferred Prosperity to the German-Italian alliance.


Going by stipulation, Mädel could only offer her services to a country which Angela either has worked for, or intends doing so. In order for Angela to return to Germany, Mädel had to leave England.

On the day the Jerusalem Scroll*, which originated in the land of the Rhine and was in safe-keeping in Mexico, passed from England to Germany in autumn 2021, Angela was destined to go back to German land.

One day Prosperity came over England by way of the Rainbow. This was meant for Freundin, the expert in economics. But knowing that Italy also fits the description for Mädel owing to Angela’s past, I the Hun, in order to disable the English who had declared me dead, was in a position to enable the Italiana by way of the Trojan Horse*.

This was specifically designed to prevent the German Folk being soaped over by the British while at the same time assuring that Angela’s Italian cornerstone is not flung out. It was in Angela’s best interests that I made sure Mädel didn’t stay in England – hence the empty English restaurant.

My line of reasoning was In England, they claimed Angela lied and achieved nothing, hence they deserve no restaurant!

In a recent Party publication In Communion In and Out of England, I wrote: “There was a Morrisons supermarket on English land that had just closed, for it was 10 o’clock at night.”

This makes sense, because the German Mother came to England, offered Freundin the place in the Wirtschaft, and she accepted and departed east in July 2022.

Here is today’s Party song.

The Transfer

Several days after activating the Trojan Horse, in communion it was shown me that the deed had set in motion the desired and intended result. The Prosperity meant for the English was transferred to the Italian Lady and Freundin’s dreams of an English restaurant went up in smoke!

At the time of doing this transfer my point was: If the English lose Mädel, then by default they lose Angela and Alexandra too. Loosing Angela meant she would not return from Mexico to England but to Germany.

The transfer that came about in England by way of the Trojan Horse enabled the Italiana: knowing that Mädel had failed in England, she understood that Angela could not return here. Based upon this state of affairs, the Fair Lady Britannia had no reason to take the Italian Scroll from Italy to England, for without Angela that Scroll cannot be used. And that’s how the Italian Mother got her own Scroll back in Chivasso.

War is War and I had been declared dead in England. The Hun having been taken down from behind in the country he was taking part in helping, what else could one have expected of me?

West or East?

A soldier trusts those behind him, but here it went differently, and once I was dead owing to the attack from behind, all that remained was the road East. Prosperity over Belgium, in a location somewhere between the Rhine and England, had gone hin und her, unsure whether to go one way or the other, so it went west and failed. Where else was it to go after that if not east?

Then we have the Mexican Santa Madre who had received the Jerusalem Scroll in safekeeping. Having taken my document, she was immediately aware of the visa and read some words exactly as described in our Mexican Events published here at The Party. She was still carefully studying my document when I last saw her that time in Ciudad de México.

I think a lot depended on how the English would behave, and whether or not they’d be taken over by the British establishment who seem to think they have the last word over the English. Had the British establishment not sent their known agents to disparage the Mexicans and ridicule the Mexican Holy Trinity, it may have gone differently. But when arrogant people insult the very Persons who, as arbiters, make the final decision, what can one say?

Door Open

I remembered that once, within the German House, the young blonde German Lady spoke words of sheer joy and, standing over me, blessed me by kissing me once on each eye as I lay asleep. There was never any doubt in my mind that if we failed here in the west, the road was open back to the Rhine.

This road being open, and the Trojan Horse at hand with the means to unlock it, the Hun did what was expected of him. The German Lady started a spiritual military operation towards England, the Italiana confronted Britannia in Italy and then crossed over too, and the rest we know.

The Keys

When we arrived in England the second time following Serbia and Italy, I had to continue funding my sister from my own means as the British had dodged any response to her written introduction presented during our first attempt. Within a short time Angela, grasping the situation, said Brother has three keys, but not can open Italian door in England!

She said we cannot do any research here for Italy regardless what the Italian State had envisaged. She was fully aware that this work, which will involve building upon the foundations of the Italian Church which she managed to present while in Italy, requires plenty of travelling, research and funding.

The exact same applied for any recipes that Mädel could one day put together in England, whether written in English or in Italian: they cannot be handed over to Italy here in England. Idem for Alexandra and her work.

Door Shut!

Clearly, the idea that the British could hand over to Italy … wasn’t ever going to happen, no matter which operations they put in place at Bletchley Park. The Hun was instructed by his sister, and in due course Mädel made sure I closed the open door through which they were spying on her.

The British underestimated Angela, they did the same with Freundin, and with Alexandra too, she being the one who, among her many skills, also listens in owing to her channelling capabilities.

The Trojan Horse enabled the German Mother and her Italian spiritual Sister because it transferred in the spirit from England over to the German-Italian alliance, something the British were unable to prevent. As for their material attempts at secretly freeloading … it got them nowhere!

*1 Also known as Rhine Scroll and German Scroll.

*2 A platform on wheels resembling a trailer on which an Italian caravan truck and the Italian ape-car were held in position with access to the doors being blocked.


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