Exposing the British Antichrist Prison

The queen-worshipping British went to War Against Holy Mother and Child

Back to Work

In today’s Party publication we’ll be looking at how the British were given permission by other countries to shut down all and every reference to Holy Mother and Child of any nation with the promise that, in return, they can keep their queen worship. This the British did to the very bitter end, but then destiny caught up with them.

In our last Party print On Having Researched in Italy, it’s stated “The British claimed Angela never worked in Italy”. There I made clear how the Italian spiritual Mother has recently asked me to denounce in public the rogue secret services of the Italian state who sold out to the British and their queen, the reason being, She needs Angela back together with her brother in order to continue research in Italy into the foundations of the Italian church.

Going Rogue and Betraying

As is with the German Holy Mother, the Italiana too knows that I the Hun cannot be left to rot in a British prison, that instead I need a contract guaranteed by the Italian state that prevents their secret services from going rogue and shutting down the work that Angela intends presenting once she has accomplished it through laborious research involving travelling and studying and which will need to be officially funded.

It’s known that when sister Hun completed her assigned missions in England, she had no reason to be forced to hang around here while the British go about calling her a liar and trying to send her brother up a ladder sweeping chimneys while they sit there getting paid as spies. She fled to prevent them imprisoning her, but I took her place here and am still waiting to get out.

I am expecting to meet with a German delegation seeing that they know where I am as recently mentioned here at The Party. I am not expecting someone to come jumping out from a street corner saying: What about the Irish and the Welsh?

Useful Prisoners

The good thing about the Irish and the Welsh is that Angela, who already foresaw that the British were out to replace God with their cult centred around the worship of their queen, left two empty frames so that the German Mother can use them as useful bargaining chips. The Irish and the Welsh have never offered Angela or her brother a work contract, instead they are trying to hold the German Holy Mother and her Child to ransom as hostages in order to steal work that dos not come from them.

If Angela had filled in their empty frames, the British would have sent us both to Italy in an iron cage to their acquaintances of the rogue secret services there to be tormented in the name of whatever agenda they were working for. Meanwhile, a self-righteous British queen would have applied a seal underneath a falsified, altered and manipulated set of texts and carefully consigned them to a coffin.

As it stands, though, the empty frames of the Irish and the Welsh are prisoners in Germany, the German Lady having taken appropriate counter-measures to defend herself from hostage-takers who hold me in their prison while making false promises to others.


The Fair Lady would have been replaced with the queen, and Angela they’d have replaced with Moloch and some holy fathers in the Swamp opposite Italy. The German Lady they’d have sent to perdition while some people in Germany sit there hiding, and the Italian rogue secret services would have sold the Italian spiritual Mother on a flee market with a portrait of the British queen handed to them in return by the British spy services.

But Angela’s brother fought the British in Normandy and took her place in prison, reason for which the Italiana wants him out of there now so he can get back to caring for his sister.

Change in Government

Hopefully the change in government in Italy will cause the British to be exposed and put an end to the betrayal that was carried out when a group of people there tried selling off the Italian church in return for some human-made agendas cemented by British domination and a cult of worship around Beelzebub.

Had the British not betrayed the Fair Lady who had sought a peaceful alliance with Mexico, Boris Johnson wouldn’t have been able to go and kick off a war pitting neighbouring people against each other and bringing more misery to many countries in Europe.

We all know that the Hun is waiting to get the hell out of the British prison and back home to the Land of the Rhine and all he needs is for the German state to decide whose side they are on. Intending to work low-profile, I don’t want any British agents getting there first and poisoning people’s minds into believing my sister and I are criminals under investigation or that Mädel is plotting genocide. For this reason Alexandra and Freundin have kept their location in Germany secret and also their identity.

Here is today’s Party tune.


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