Angela’s Work Obligations Being Prevented

The British prevented Angela from carrying out her studies by calling her a liar and locking her brother in a prison while in collusion with other countries.

La Santa Madre Mexicana

This is not a passport, it’s a visa, are the words she spoke twice to me. When I last saw her in the communion, she was still studying the document I had given her. It later occurred to me that the only visa present was the spiritual one placed in that passport by the French Gendarmes in Calais, when the commander, on handing the document back to me, said Don’t stay long in England!

In German Land

Readers at The Party will remember that in 2018, Angela requested a work contract with Germany to do her research for the German Holy Mother and Child, that Alexandra made her own request too, and that both were turned down. These were not just offers, but obligations towards the German Holy Mother and Child, as made clear at the time at The Party in its previous version.

The official German response about a year or a year and a half later in 2019 was “I don’t know what you are trying to tell me.”

The lady knew where to find me in the street and had come directly towards me, but at the time I was on my own and didn’t think fast enough to ask her for official credentials. Not that she would have necessarily shown them, but she had kept mentioning the British police following her around everywhere owing to her views.

Whatever she was trying to tell me, I can make very clear that the British police never got the content of the two empty frames from Angela who went to Mexico and that is because she never filled them in. Those empty frames are now in Germany out of reach – with the German Lady.

Once Germany has decided they do know what Angela and Alexandra asked for and have met me again in the street in England, with gold bars as upfront payment, special German travel documents and a pen and paper to sign the official contract that will allow Angela to return from Mexico and carry out her studies in Germany, then I can also cross over to France, move north to Belgium and cross east to the land of the Rhine.

As for Alexandra, she’s already in Germany, yet without Angela nothing is going, and die Hunnin is not returning until I am there first and am no longer sitting in a British prison where others are getting paid so Angela cannot work and fulfil her obligations towards the Church that is under the Full Moon

Even last night, the British officially threatened to throw me in the street to die! These are the people that officials in Germany and Italy allow to be let loose while sitting there saying nothing and pretending they know nothing.

After Chivasso

In our last page Angela’s Italian Church Foundations, I testified: “Before returning to England to where she had originally moved from Germany, Angela presented in Italy an introduction to the origins of the Italian Church.”

The Italian Spiritual Mother requires Angela’s return in Italy at some point in the future in order to continue her work on the Italian national church. This will be within time and after sister Hun has been able to initiate her studies in German land for the Full Moon Church. These are the pacts as according to the alliance, and no permission was given for this work to be delegated over to the British in any shape, form or fashion, whether divine or human.

According to the Italiana, the Fair Lady had some national Churches of her own and the British do not get to taking over Italy’s ecclesiastic affairs. There is no permission on the part of the Italian spiritual Mother for rogue arrangements which have clearly gone down the drain.

How Much You Give Me?

Paying agents to prevent my sister carrying out her studies for the Italian church was in line with Italian state agenda and based on lies and deceit, and now Italy needs to decide in favour of the interests of the Italian spiritual Mother, not ask the British ‘How much you give us?’. I need to be paid per contract to fund Angela, not others paid to shut her down. According to the Italian Lady, they tried selling the Italian Church for 30 pounds to the British.

Typically I rent a villa in Italy and these are not cheap, and travelling around researching with Angela will require plenty more lodging and other expenses, so we’re talking here of gold bars again. I’m sure my sister’s presentation of the Italian Church will be delightful and I know the Italiana, the spiritual Mother of the Italians, is not giving up.

Contracts and Documents

Angela’s brother expects to be in possession of German documents when he travels from German land to Italy and wishes to work low-profile in order to guarantee maximum protection for his sister.

His expenses requests will be justified and he doesn’t intend arguing over this fact or standing somewhere with no money while agents are getting paid to make his sister fail as they look on with foreign agendas in their head. He does not wish to be ever deported back to a prison and this must be on the contract. In the war he never fought against Italians and refuses to be punished for his past. He does not commemorate the ‘liberazione d’Italia’ as he fought against Winston Churchill and this needs to be respected!

Moloch was deported by order of the German Holy Mother from Germany to England after being infiltrated there and I do not expect it to turn up in Italy like a bad odour following me around and getting paid while trying to replace Angela and preventing her from doing her work. It’s either Moloch or Angela, and currently Italy chose Moloch.

The written texts resulting from Angela’s research on the Italian Church will be in her own name and dedicated to the Santa Madre Italiana. Her work will not be placed in someone else’s name! The original Scroll relating to her introduction work on this church is spiritually in Italy where she carried out the studies and presented the first texts of her work in Italian – without receiving a reply or approval. This will not happen again as her future work will be by State contract only!

At The Party, Latvian Law prevails and Mädel is in Germany. She too knows Italian and once went to Italy on holiday. The British never got her work and never managed to bug her either.

Here is tonight’s Party music presentation.


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