Opposing Communism in Germany
Operation Overlord continued, and so too did our fight against their overlordship.
German Sovereign Nation
Readers at The Party will be aware that Mädel gives lectures in a private school in German land spreading the word of liberation from International Communism currently being enforced by the European Union.
Her identity is protected and her place of residence kept secret, as this prevents an arrest warrant from the “uk” being sent to Germany demanding her deportation. The British want to get hold of her economic policies that she never revealed to them and sell these on to the Commissariat of the EU and also use them in the milieu of City banking in London.
We also know that the so-called uk is unable to undo Sovereign England because the English Child made it from the German house to the high House owing to the German Holy Mother who saved him from Boris Johnson’s Anti-reign. It was Angela from Mexico who had told me precisely when to go to Folkestone as according to her spiritual calendar.
From the spiritual perspective, the uk police spying operation that was launched in England together with the secret services failed but Boris Johnson managed to trigger a war in Ukraine. Passing himself off as the second Winston Churchill, he has inflicted great misery on many people in Europe.
This however does not prevent Mädel from confronting the EU Communist empire and explaining why NATO too must leave Germany. Her security is guaranteed by Wolfgang, an officer in the German Army with his own Intelligence connections.
Here is today’s Party music song.
British-American Overlordship
In 1944, the British and Americans launched Operation Overlord against Normandy in France with the intention of establishing overlordship in almost every country on the European continent, an operation that didn’t terminate in 1945 and is still being fought against. Within the context of this War, Mädel is operating in Germany as described above.
In our last Party text From Alexandra to Angela, I revealed “Guess who was behind the concerted rants against the Jews!”. Yes it was the secret services in an attempt at trying to accuse the Hun of plotting genocide. Masterminded by Bletchley Park & Co., it didn’t achieve the results intended, which were to replace the Jews with the Irish as ‘the chosen people’, something Alexandra referred to as the Tea Tephi Codex.
Going by Angela’s version, however, the Irish are meant to be chosen in Ireland, in fact she left them a frame within that context, but the British elite tried hijacking this into the framework of their own agenda, ultimately to the disadvantage of the Irish.
While the City Babylon told the Irish to surrender unconditionally to the uk and its Dragon, Beast and Antichrist worship, Alexandra, who is destined to work together with Angela for the Church Under the Full Moon of the German spiritual Mother, is in Germany with her friend Mädel.
She is the one who gave me the notes on the Exorcism articles published on Party space, and owing to her trust in me as her adjutant, she got me to do the editing before I receive my wages because the importance of the content required its publishing.
Surrendering to Babylon is not an option, and this is evidently the reason why Angela never filled in the two empty frames of the Irish and the Welsh. Only die Hunnin's passage to the Full Moon Church of the Rhine can prevent the Antichrist claiming to be the head of Ireland and Wales. Once he is exposed, his claim as ‘defender of faiths’ is also exposed as being void.
The uk police commander knows this and he also knows his time is running out. If he isn’t able to get Angela’s scripts on the Irish and the Welsh, he will have lost all credibility and people will understand that he has only a hoax to offer as he stands there empty-handed claiming to be appointed by God to govern faiths.
It all pivoted on the Irish and the Welsh not being able to reach the foundations of their respective ecclesiastic origins in order to prove that Angela will not submit to those who sought to steal her work and then liquidate her and exchange the Reign of the Son of God for their own agendas and empires.
The Diabolic One
I the Hun fought the grandfathers of the British in Normandy, I will never surrender to the people who sent the Thug, and while I am aware that some individuals in Germany gave him their permission to launch his attack, they never had my permission to lock me in a prison to then hide behind the British and cheer them on.
If they trust the Thug and the British police who sent him, they will never get Angela and this is a fact, for she fled to Mexico and is not surrendering to anyone. Allowing the British to send the Devil instead of enabling her brother to fund his sister is not a good idea, because not Angela, not Alexandra and not Mädel are coming back to them!
The Hun refuses to forgive the British for what they did. I defended Angela from their satanic attack which was intended to wipe her out. It happened at one specific point in time, it was premeditated and cannot be repeated. It was that one-off occasion, and they did it because they lied and are cowards.
The Welsh and the Irish were involved in it, the attack came about with their representatives present and chipping in, and after the work offers made by Alexandra and Angela to Germany which the Thug knew about. So if the Welsh and the Irish don’t surrender to the German Holy Mother as described here at The Party, then they will not ever get work from sister Hun and their frames will remain empty!
Brother Hun’s word of honour!
Police Investigations:
“We investigated, Angela claimed to work with the Holy Spirit, we never saw this spirit, therefore she lied. Her brother defended her, we locked him in a prison and starved him of any income, and he refuses to surrender to us, saying instead that his sister fled to Mexico where we cannot find her and that he took her place behind bars.
We can only conclude that the god his sister works for does not exist, we swore allegiance to our queen and believe her because we see her, and he refused to submit to her claiming instead that Jesus is the rightful Monarch.
We cannot see Jesus and could not get any work on the Irish and the Welsh – nor did we ever ask him for it other than through obvious hints and suggestions that were impossible to misinterpret.
God save the queen!”
The Welsh Version:
Knock it out of your head!
The Irish Version:
You’re hanging around waiting for someone to die to inherit their money!
The Hun’s Reply
Kish mir in tokish!
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