The Germans, the Italians and the Trojan Horse
Only British fools could have sacrificed the Fair Lady’s alliance and tried changing it with something else.
Taking Another’s Church
It was in Italy following our last return from Serbia that Angela early in the morning as we were preparing to visit a nearby town told me what was to come one day in the future. She explained that an attack against the Faith would come from the North, indicating north of the Alps, precisely from the regions of Britannia.
The attack would concentrate on my room upstairs where at that time I kept my uniform underneath the bed, that a fight would break out betwixt two, and each would overthrow the other once.
In recent Party articles I have already given insight to the Fair Lady’s attempt at taking the foundation scroll of the Italiana’s national church while presuming to bring it to England.
East Not West
Today I found a Party publication dating 10th February 2022 which describes the pox event in Chivasso entitled Alexandra Exorcist Explains a Dream. It does in fact indicate that the road to follow in that town is not the one west to Turin, which would be the only route out of Italy and on to England, but north-east to German land.
What I did not print an edition on, was an event that took place not many days or weeks prior, when the Fair Lady and her group were in Chivasso trying to go west to England, which in turn was preceded by the event during which the actual attack on the scroll that was in my room took place. She didn’t make it out of Chivasso as we by now know, because the Italian Lady did not allow her to depart with that scroll, and so a second fight broke out.
Axis Italy-Germany
In the above-linked page it is apparent that what I saw in the communion therein presented was the aftermath of that second battle, the first one having taken place at the time the scroll was taken in my room in Italy, where the Fair Lady, blocked from leaving through the upper bedroom door, made an exit through the window with her raiding party, the Italiana being down below with her group but unable to stop her and thereby losing the parchment that had been taken. This would have equated to being overthrown in her own land, within her own house, impotent to do anything in front of her own doorstep as the intruder gets away!
However, an event was triggered there and then whereby she and her army were able to pick up from the ground the prosperity I had transferred over to her in England some months or so earlier in a way that I knew of. This transfer had not come about in a communion but physically by my own hands, but it was shortly later communicated to me as having been valid and successful.
It was only then that the Italian Lady was able to catch up with Britannia at Chivasso, which is where I had seen her stranded while she was waiting to proceed with her own group in the direction of Turin. Evidently unable to do so, she remained standing with the Italian scroll and the second battle took place when the Italiana arrived. What I saw later was the outcome as described above at the link, and the certainty that the only road available for me from that town from then on was north-east to German land, the road going west to Turin and on to England being inaccessible.
It was the Italiana herself who, in a separate set of events, had once assured me that if she could not find Britannia in one specific location at a certain point in time, the German Lady would fail, and it would be her ruination, which in turn had been shown me by the German Mother herself. It would have also been the downfall of the Italian Mother.
Dover Castle |
The Trojan Horse in England
This brings us to another communion episode in Italy, this too revealed before Angela and I returned to England: it was shown me that once she had completed her work for the English and the Scots, the British would try preventing her ever dedicating herself to the German Folk, using cheating methods at an institutional level while believing to have carried away a trophy from Italy.
This consisted of an Italian caravan-truck, that is, one chassis with the cabin in front and a large habitable space in the back, and an Italian ape car, a three-wheeler with a small space in the back for loading items and translated literally as bee-car, ape meaning the insect that is a bee.
Both these vehicles were on top of a trailer as if they had been captured and with no way of opening their doors owing to the sides of the trailer preventing access. But this later turned out to be a Trojan horse, because there was one person who found out how to open those doors and free the two vehicles, and that was I the Hun.
Going by what Angela had told me, I knew that only the Italiana could confront the Fair Lady, and so I knew that only she could enable the return of both myself and Angela to Germany owing to the German-Italian alliance. And Angela too of-course knew this.
When I transferred prosperity to the Italian Lady, I opened the Trojan Horse in England. I did so, because I knew it was possible and that the means would be provided if only I chose to make avail of them. I found those means and went and did it!
The Defeat
So when Britannia went to Italy to take the Italian parchment, although she won the first battle, she got no further than the town of Chivasso where she lost the second battle. My sister Hun and her brother could not afford to be immobilised by the British, we could not afford to lose the War, the Italian Lady always promised she’d help us both by finding Britannia at one crucial point in time in one specific place, and so I turned to her, the British having already declared me dead and my sister having already fled to avoid their prison with me being held in her place.
All the details that happened in the various communion events fit in with the details from other communion revelations, all as in one puzzle being placed together to form the greater picture. But there were two possible outcomes, and two only: one going west, which would have been the Fair Lady’s victory, the other going east, this being the German Lady’s victory.
Anyone with common sense and with a disposition towards fairness will tell you that only fools would scoff at and ridicule an alliance. This is what the British did with their 42 months of Boris Johnson, when they rubbished off the Fair Lady’s alliance with Mexico.
We know what happened, it’s been explained here at The Party, la Santa Madre Mexicana could not do anything else to help Britannia at that point in time when the British boasted, after insulting the Mexicans, that they would imprison and bug Angela who, however, was in the safe haven provided her by the Mexican Holy Mother. On that day the British virtually shot themselves in the head, because there was not a chance in Hell the Mexican Lady was going to sacrifice Angela!
The alliance between Germany and Italy, however, held, and so the only road is east, to the Rhine. The Prosperity that I transferred could have enabled Mädel to work in England, but as far as I was concerned, she was rejected here and her place of destination would be Germany.
War is brutal, we fought it by brutal means!
Here is today’s Party theme.
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