Alexandra Exorcist Explains a Dream

The Pox

Today the Hun is presenting the explanation given by Alexandra to a dream that came to me not many hours ago shortly after dawn today.

I found myself having arrived alone in a place called Chivasso in Italy and remembered being there with Mädel when we had gone on an Italian holiday and walked through the town. Proceeding on foot from the station to the town centre, I recognised the central square with a large cathedral that stood there and the central street aligned with porticoes and columns. But I noticed that the pox seemed to be all over the place, including on the walls of the buildings, something like a black sheen through which one could distinguish the bricks or plaster underneath, albeit in a dark-coated film.

There were also people about, and they seemed to be in apprehension of the state their town was in, but not desperation. Having turned left heading to what I recalled was another square from where buses departed, I came instead to a different location where there were rows of benches as one sees at a bus station, and they all came across as rotten from the pox that had infested the area.

Here is today’s Party song.

A Helping Hand

Spontaneously I set about removing some benches, pulling the decaying timbers up and stacking them nearby, and then I found a hammer near me which came in useful to separate the pieces and flatten the protruding nails so that they could not cause injury to those who would later be removing the rotting heaps. Then there was one piece of wood with nails sticking out that could not be hammered down, in particular one which was so strong, it would not bend at all. It was clear that I could not solve this problem on my own or with conventional means, such as using a hammer, but at least I had separated these unbending nails from the planks they were holding together.

Nearby was a group of Italians standing and talking, and further away was another group surveying the pockmarked surroundings but unable or unwilling to start any removal or disinfection work. So I brought a heap of putrid wood and placed it nearby to be disposed of, laying the timbers down in a way that the iron nails faced downwards. One man among them, who happened to be a communal warden, asked me: But who is going to come and take this away?

He said it in Italian, but as I remembered the basic words, Mädel later translated it for me when I told her about the dream.

Goodbye in German

Not knowing what to answer, I returned to the first group to ask them the direction to Turin, knowing that the road leading through the square I was originally heading for crossed over a bridge and turned right to that city. However, they gave me a different answer, indicating another direction that leads north-east, and in a very friendly manner one man asked me: How do you say goodbye in German?

The dream terminated as I was walking in the direction they had said, namely north-east, and not towards Turin.


The Key

Alexandra, who is our exorcist at The Party, knew how to interpret this quite clearly. She explained that as I am going to Germany – indeed she’ll be coming too – the Italians directed me along the right way, namely a street going north-east, and not to Turin, which from Chivasso is in a south-westerly direction.

Furthermore, she clarified the meaning of the presence of the pox in the area, indicating that one day Italy will wake up from a very bad nightmare and want to purify itself from the disease, and that my presence there and the will to casually help out, indicated that one day Mädel, who speaks fluent Italian, will be able to help Italy too, and that only she can give the directives on how to remove the decay and take it away.

According to Alexandra, the chief surveyor knew I was helping out, but because Mädel wasn’t present, he was aware that the person who is needed to direct the work of removal of the pox-stricken infrastructure and the cleaning of the town’s walls and the disinfection of every portico lining the streets, was not at hand.

The Italians have also understood that Freundin is going to Germany with her Hun, so they showed the correct direction and not the one I had previously thought of taking.

In Conclusion

The realization that Mädel could never offer her expertise to Italy so long as the uk-city & co. are trying to exchange her with the Prince of Wales and the cult of worship to his mother, is all too apparent. That person certainly tried knocking her down and driving off and definitely couldn’t care less about the consequences for Italy.

Yet, Alexandra has explained that once we are gone and his influence has no more effect over her future, then Freundin can finally enjoy doing some work that only she is capable of. It is doubtful the Italians will want to exchange her for the hogwash that Phosphorus-uk-bond has to offer while he sits there trying to steal her work and flog it off in the name of his inane cult.

After she heard of the dream and Alexandra had given us the explanation, I said, Mädel, gib mir die Hand!, and she gave me her hand. She is learning more German, and her Hun knows how to bring over the language with words of love, which she understands and reciprocates, as she chose me and never repented.

Freundin never chose woodworm, and Phosphorus and his Antichrist never managed to steal from the Wirtschaft expert and replace her. I the Hun had once left them out in the garden to rot when they were trying to enter Mädel’s door and spy on her. She had complained that the door was always open and so I shut it, locking it from within!


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