No Mistakes Were Made
In toady’s edition, The Party intends making clear that no mistake has been made in our decision concerning Angela and her return to Germany.
Misguided Wraiths
A letter arrived from government Phosphorus-uk suggesting there might have been an error, but there wasn’t! The mistake was from the start when they challenged the Fair Lady of the English Folk and tried replacing Her with their own delusional aspirations. Then they tried out their experiments on the German Mother and She told them to go to Hell.
Their attempt at locking Angela up and exterminating the German Holy Child has been denied them and sister Hun will be returning from Mexico straight to Germany! There is no other option and any other idea is delusional. She cannot return to England and Herod shall not get to locking her up. As her brother, I have the duty to protect sister Hun and this includes preventing her being dragged to a prison by insane, demented zombies.
The German Holy Mother has made clear that Angela Germanica has to be able to do her work. She cannot be subdued to political, otherworldly or unholy agendas, including Sodom and Gomorrah and NHS political and experimental vax-shots, nor can my sister be threatened with foreign interference. The German Mother will not accept sacrifice to Moloch, my sister has nothing to do with Phosphorus-uk government-bond, and this is not a mistake but a statement!
Those people had their shot at challenging Jesus, God’s Son, and they have no place in the German Mother’s affairs. Times moved on, the situation changed, and the Spiritual Mother of the German Folk is interested in Her Church under the Full Moon of Heaven.
Money No-Money blah blah
Their favourite theme has always been to salivate over denying the Hun the financial means to help his sister in her work and to ignore her into silence. However, this is also the way to locking her up behind bars, and of-course it isn’t going to happen. They have their government bonds and can keep them, more importantly they have nothing to do with the Hun.
The road to the Rhine is a one-way-only direction now, there is no turning back. Only a fool who hates his own life and that of his loved ones would believe the liars, and that is not my case!
Here is today’s Party song.
These deranged characters had a go at humiliating the English Holy Mother, then they tried it out on the Spiritual Mother of the German Folk and now it’s their turn to be put right back in their place. They might have fooled the Italians, but since when do the Germans owe allegiance to the Prince of Wales or to his mother? Well they don’t! So these characters can take their ridiculous monkey boots and go elsewhere, but going and kicking in the door of the German Mother’s house and stamping about there is not allowed.
Adding to that, they have nothing to investigate into Angela Hun. What she did, is done, she fled to Mexico and when she does come back, she’ll be returning to Germany where those types have absolutely nothing to say. She’ll be crying many tears with laughter and there is nothing they will be able to do about it. When she came back to England to visit her brother for a week, they missed her. I warned her she was being hunted because there had been an unusual sound of monkey boots in town that day, and she said: * that! and went straight back to Mexico.
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In Conclusion
The Hun does not expect to be confronted with – or doubted by Phosphorus-uk-government-bond again, instead he is expecting to meet with the Germans to sign a contract with Alexandra so he can be paid his outstanding wages and get back to work again accordingly.
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