The Road From Aachen

The road from the Rhine to North Camp passes through the Ardennes in Belgium, and it is well known to the German Holy Mother.

Prosperity Here or There

When the Hun returned to England, he came from Aachen where he had been staying. Mädel was waiting for me, and as she was still going to school, she expected one day to make a career in England. Shortly after returning to her, a vision came to me in which I found myself along the road from Germany to England, precisely in Belgium and not far from Brussels. Over me was Prosperity, it was undecided whether to go to England or to Germany from where I had just departed, and several times it went in one direction, to then turn round and travel on in the other: hin und her. Finally it decided for England, turned round again and went west.

From Rheindahlen to North Camp

Some years earlier, another vision had come to me, in which I was kneeling before the German Holy Mother. She was dressed in a robe adorned with flower motives and showed me that I was the person of Her interest, not some other people that have nought to do with The Party. In this particular communion, she showed me also a map with a road connecting Rheindahlen to North Camp. Along this road, between Dover and North Camp – therefore on the English part – were various buildings, including a beautiful Church which was clearly representative of the German Church Angela needs to research.

On this map, there were houses both in Rheindahlen and in North Camp, that is, on each end. I realised there is a reason for this particular layout: my earliest ties to Germany start in Rheindahlen, and my earliest ties to England start in North Camp. And it became clear that the road may be followed by me in one direction or the other. 

Here is today's Party march.

Along the Rhine

Some years before that, She had already shown me in a vision Her German Church standing in the countryside in the area of the Rhine under the Full Moon of Heaven. This came about in the same period of another spiritual communion: in this vision I was in a house in Germany where we used to live, lying asleep on a couch that happened to be situated in a room that connected the entrance door on one side of the house to the opposite door on the other side. The Young German Lady came and stood between the first door and the couch, standing where my head was resting, and then spoke in words I could not understand but were of a very happy tone, after which She leaned over my head and kissed me once on each eye.

Also in that period, it was in another house in Germany just on the other side of town that the Serbian Mother had once entered with the devojčica and spoke with the German Mother, as narrated in our publication From Serbian Mother to German Mother.

Going to Germany

Freundin knows she has been turned down and ridiculed by the UK establishment, she understands that her Hun always had these two options of going east or west along the road between the Rhine and North Camp, and she knows that I would never abandon her to the desolation they tried bringing onto her. Going east was the only option remaining on the map, Mädel knows this, and it is because a Mother In High left this road open with the possibility of coming back.

The only one condition Mädel has made is that she will never associate with the ‘UK’, she considers it dead, and no work she may ever accomplish can ever be used to further the cause of the Prince of Wales, his mother or anyone of his family in their quest to replace Jesus – God’s Son and rightful King of the English Folk – with the kingdom of those who tried replacing him with their Antichrist.

She will never allow the obnoxious Whitehall & City establishment to worm their way into her grain. They have no place in her vocabulary other than as the sons of perdition!

A New Home

As for me, I offered my old home to be her new home. She had chosen me and accepts that I came back to her in England, and now she accepts it is time for her to leave England with her Hun.

The Road

Mädel is creative, she is true and faithful, and only delusional fools would turn her down as they did here, people who believe in an other-worldly fantasy where a human being can replace God and become the object of a cult – something akin to Herod ‘the Great’. It’s a figment of their imagination which they never managed to part with, and so it stuck to them.

Deus Vult. Amen!


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