Angela Über Alle Berge

From Mother to Son

Many years ago, when the German Holy Mother showed me Her Church in the Rhine area of Germany standing under the Full Moon, and when in another occasion She bent down and kissed me once on each eye, this was to make sure I understood never to allow Angela to be bullied into someone else’s invented agenda – whichever that may be.

She relies on me to protect my sister once she gets back to work in Germany after having fled England to evade persecution. The Divine Mother of the German Folk does not want Angela’s work being adulterated by people following a false script and trying to ram onto her wrong ideas, to then attempt enforcing them through a money no-money policy.

Divine Conception

What matters is that Angela’s future work for the Foundations of the German Church is based on relevant historical events that really happened and that only she can find out. This is exactly how she operated when reaching the founding cornerstone of the English Church and later of the Scottish Church, and so it must be for Germany too.

There must also be clarity beyond doubt that the reciprocal tripping-up scenes between people in England and in Italy (whether or not they are actually English or from somewhere else operating in or through England) cannot have any place in Germany. Whatever Charles did in Italy, he cannot be allowed to do it again in Germany, and Angela will not be coerced by him and his henchmen and women.

Kentish Ring

Flowers for the German Lady

As far as the German Mother is concerned, She will not have Her flower-motive dress replaced with a rusty-nail sackcloth, and sadly England will be keeping Beelzebub and Moloch who were infiltrated here years ago. Importantly, Angela will be returning to Germany.

When she made her original offer in 2018 at The Party to research the foundations of the German Church, as we have seen, the Holy Mother of the German Folk absolutely refused to have her replaced by the Satanic characters that Phosphorus & Co. tried penetrating into Germany after shutting down Party space on 1st September 2019.

The hate mail being sent in October 2018 and the obnoxious request in early 2019 of worship to their ‘queen’ in return for some money – which was turned down, could not prevent the German Mother from remaining in contact with Angela and brother Huns. She wants the true foundations of Her ecclesiastic communion discovered and subsequently presented by Angela Hun Germanica. She does not want someone else’s otherworldly nonsense being presented on a dish and imposed through constriction and bullying.

Here is today’s Party song.

In Conclusion

The original scroll that was found in a courtyard in Germany has not been held, nor have its contents been seen, even by brother Hun, let alone the agents of Phosphorus. See our publication The German Holy Mother’s Scroll, where the opening paragraph states:

In previous editions, The Party has explained how the German Mother had a scroll buried in the ground within a courtyard in Germany in the land of the Rhine – an area known unto my sister and me as we used to live there. On that scroll depend the foundations of the Church that is under the Full Moon in Heaven.”

Angela will be working with this scroll and with her brother, and no adulterated contents are going to be inserted in her studies in place of what is written there.


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