Die Heilige Deutsche Mutter

The Party is presenting the German Holy Mother’s interests in relation to Her own affairs.

We All Said No!

In 2019, an obnoxious demand was made that I worship the UK ‘queen’ in order to be freed from the implications of the October 2018 hate mail. However, by that time, Mädel’s offer to work for England had been turned down two years earlier.

Even more, in early 2018, Angela and Alexandra had already presented their offers to do research for the German Holy Mother in their respective realms of expertise. That means, the then-UK establishment tried cancelling all of this with a declaration of worship to their queen in return for some income and providing the Hun reduced himself to doing manual work while others got paid for humiliating him.

In response to their demands, every Party member said: No!

Here is today’s Party march.

Vested Interests

Further to that, they also assumed the Holy Mother of the German Folk would accept this and be replaced by their ‘queen’, and that Alexandra and my sister would be replaced by satanic entities. It was as diabolic as it came.

The Party has already stated that someone with a vested interest in his own mother being worshipped through the swearing of an oath of allegiance or the equivalent tried shutting down the English Church that Angela worked for. We upheld that he cannot simply try doing the same to Germany and expect to get away with it. He and his followers entered into a state of War against the German Lady In High and Her Child.

The Antichrist

They said they worship their queen and will install her son Charles the Prince of Wales onto the throne, they turned down the Fair Lady of the British Isles and out of hate towards Her they turned down Jesus Son of God the rightful King of the English Folk. The German Holy Mother, who they also tried getting rid of, has ordered the Hun be freed from prison so he can return to Germany and Angela too can come back to work.

The German Mother has informed the Hun to make publicly clear that She will not be replaced by the Prince of Wales, that She is the German Spiritual Mother and that he has no authority over Germany and the German Folk.

Whatever he did in Italy, he cannot and will not replace Angela and Alexandra with Satan and its Moloch of sacrifice. Consequently, I the Hun am waiting for the Germans to come meet me in England to sign a work contract with Alexandra, and this will enable both of us to move to Germany to commence work relating to her research.

Germany Is Not Wales

Germany is not subdued to the laws and decisions of the defunct UK, and Charles’ worshippers and followers cannot change this. They can go back to arguing with Italy instead over whatever he has done there from a spiritual perspective.

Whatever international recognition the Prince of Wales is claiming over the world, the German Spiritual Mother has rejected and opposed him and by way of The Party has made this public. She will not have Her Child and Church shut down by him! He is neither the prince of England nor the prince of Germany and the road between Rheindahlen and North Camp never touched his principality, as it never passed through Wales.


Permission Revoked

The original permission of the German Holy Mother to allow Angela to research the foundations of the German Church in England has been revoked as it was made impossible and my sister fled England to avoid being imprisoned. Furthermore, brother Hun has never bowed down and worshipped the Prince of Wales’ mother and therefore refused to surrender, choosing not to abandon the German Mother and Her Child and preferring instead to go without five pound notes.

The Hun never forgot who kissed his eyes and blessed him on the condition he uphold his sister Angela’s mission to work.


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