German Holy Mother’s Victory

Today, The Party is looking at some implications of German Victory in the Name of Jesus the Saviour, God’s Son.

Failed Code-Breakers

If Bletchley Park ever managed to steal Angela’s work to fill in two empty spaces, they would claim it came from their ‘queen’ and her servants. Then they would cancel Angela’s work on the origins of the English Church, rewriting it and packing lies into the text, all rounded off with myths and legends to exalt their own monarchy.

They would deny the UK died and perpetuate their mythology and continue promoting what is the figment of their own imagination. They’d try forcing Angela to hand over to them information on the German Church and sell this off to the Italian founding fathers of Europe to promote Babylon and the EU and assure that in return their ‘UK’ is recognised at international level. This equals Antichrist!

Angela Is Gone!

As Angela is gone, they have no way of stealing her work because they cannot force her to fill in the two empty spaces, and as a result it becomes apparent that they cannot steal her work on the German Church either, as she has never started it, denying the failed code-breakers their presumed glory. This way, they cannot cancel the Holy German Mother from Angela’s vocabulary and they cannot offer to Hell the Foundations of the Church that is under the Full Moon. In fact, they cannot get their hands on the Scroll that was found in the courtyard in Germany. That is Angela’s work, and she will do that under the guidance of the German Mother!

This means they are unable to replace the Holy Mother of the German Folk with Winston Churchill and failed to replace the Church under the Full Moon with prison and torment. They cannot perpetuate the UK! Instead they will keep Beelzebub, Moloch and Phosphorus, all of which they tried ramming onto Germany in place of Angela and Alexandra.

The German Mother will be victorious and will win!

Western Heights

Angela Will Return

When Angela returns from Mexico, it will be directly to Germany. Sister Hun will be free to proclaim the German Holy Mother and Child, and Germany will be able to look forward to One Church that is under the Full Moon and blessed by God’s Rainbow.

Brother Hun did his part in the downfall of the UK, which ended in the night of 31st August 2019, and Angela Hun did her part. In vain a haunt of demons tried groping around to get hold of Angela, but she is gone and instead they had to deal with brother Hun who remained, taking her place in prison.

In 2018 and again in 2019 I turned down their five pound notes, telling them to keep their Winston Churchill. In 2018, Angela and Alexandra had each already made their work offers to Germany in the Name of the German Holy Mother at The Party.

Bletchley Park was hoping the Hun would surrender in prison, humiliate himself and accept some five pound notes – alas he didn’t!

Here is today's Party march.

Great Humiliation

At The Party we believe the Italians will give up on placing their faith in Humpty Dumpty and will declare Winston Churchill a failure. Taking away credibility from a failed kingdom that tries replacing Jesus, King of the English Folk, with their human family and its institutions, is an honour for the Hun, and Alexandra in person opened the gates of England to the Germans, to come over and sign a work contract as mentioned in previous Party editions.

Which nation would want to replace Jesus the Saviour and Son of God with Humpty Dumpty or any other Mickey Mouse character or any other figment of the perverse imagination and be told that ‘God does not exist’?

Cutting Short Satanic Cult

The Italians had sent Beelzebub and Moloch to infiltrate England, and the latter was going around as “the suffering one who sacrifices itself for many nations”.

Then they tried infiltrating these two into Germany in 2018, and so, in early 2022, the German Mother had Moloch arrested, sentenced and crucified, the crucifixion taking place the very next morning. She does not allow that Her Child be sacrificed to them, and will not exchange the Resurrection of Jesus Son of God with the crucifixion that preceded it. Satan’s brood will not exchange the Resurrection with Child sacrifice.

Moloch's end will teach Beelzebub a lesson not to even bother showing up in Germany again! They are not going to transfer their Hell onto Germany!

The German Holy Mother has a Child, and She wants Angela in Germany to work with him and establish the foundations of the One German Church that leads to Jesus, Son of God. She does not want a cult centred around Beelzebub and its clan.

The Party is also aware of a case in High made by Italy against the Antichrist. That’s their problem, not Germany’s.


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