Heim Ins Reich

Angela Kehrt Zurück

Today The Party is looking at some of the factors that led to Angela fleeing England on the 1st September 2019 and the consequent decision that she return directly from Mexico to Germany, where she once lived before moving to England.

Readers at The Party will no doubt be acquainted with the events of early 2019 when the Hun, on ceasing manual work, was asked to worship the queen, that this demand was combined with an offer of money, that he turned the offer down and was denied any form of income. Later the same year, when The Party in its original version was shut down on 1st September, Angela had already fled during the night of the 31st August, not least because it coincided with the demise of the UK.

Since then she has only come back once to visit me for a week wearing Mexican dress to evade detection. Since then it has been decided that next time she returns, it will be directly from Mexico to Germany. By that time, her brother will be out from behind bars and in Germany to greet her as her guardian.

They had said: the Hun is done! I replied: the Hun is never done!

Here is today’s first Party song.

Die Heilige Deutsche Mutter Gibt Bekannt

Before returning to England, many years ago in a vision I saw my sister Angela in Italy, and the Prince of Wales driving a car and knocking her down, to then drive off without caring less. This came about not long after Angela and I had returned from Serbia, because we had passed through Italy several times on our various journeys to Serbia, and we had stopped over in Italy on the way back.

Not long after that, in another vision I was shown by a divine Lawyer that the Italians In High had made a case in Heaven about this incident.

Whatever happened, it appeared that from then on, Italy and Britain were constantly stuck in a fight, whereby if one came along, the other was always there too arguing and fighting and trying to undo what the other was doing.

Within this context, the German Holy Mother made known that She cannot allow Angela to be compromised in England – where she could have researched the German Church back to its origins – with Charles Prince of Wales bent on trying to knock her over and then getting away with it.

Spiritual Interpretation

Of-course the event is based on a vision and is to be understood as a spiritual description, so as it was shown me, and I am not suggesting that Charles physically drove a car at someone and then fled the scene without bothering to stop and that he did it deliberately. But in the spiritual context of the vision he did all of that!

As for the decision of the German Mother, there is no doubt that the UK establishment has tried obliging me to worship their queen and denied me any form of income, and has knowingly sought to silence off all that Angela has researched on the English Church and the Scottish. The events of late 2018 and early 2019 were proof of this if ever one needed any.

The German Mother wants Angela back in Germany for her own safety. My sister will not bow down to the UK queen or her son and fled England in order not to stand trial for proclaiming the Kingdom of Jesus, the Son of God and rightful King of the English Folk. What she did is equal to declaring the demise of the UK, and the German Lady intervened to protect her from being grabbed and locked up by Charles' servants and followers.

Currently I am standing in Angela’s place but they want her because she could lead them to the German Child, and in getting to him and his Church foundations they could claim to have cancelled the Church under the Full Moon by hiding it away in darkness and in silence, claiming “no-one knows!”. This would further the Antichrist’s cause in challenging Jesus, Son of God and rightful King of the English.

Those people know that once Angela is successful in Germany, she will not hesitate to proclaim her work for the English Church and promote the rightful English King.

Whatever it is Charles Prince of Wales did to Italy to cancel the Son of God among the English, he is determined to do it again to Germany. He has an army of servants working for him.


Deutsches Reich

The Holy Mother of the German Folk wants Angela to write about the Son of God being the rightful Monarch while working her way back to the foundations of the German Church. Angela is the one who can work with the German Child and establish the cornerstone of the ecclesiastic body.

The dispute between Italy and the British Isles over what the UK did in Italy, or Italy did in Britain, is something that does not concern Germany, and so it is irrelevant to the German Spiritual Mother. She doesn’t want anyone chasing Angela down or trying to lock her up in a prison to be silenced off! Under the care of the German Holy Mother and brother Hun’s guardianship, Angela Hun will not need to flee the land and she won’t be starved of the necessary means to carry out her research and studies once a binding contract is established.

The Party has already explained in previous publications that Angela cannot be chained by ideologies such as ‘a united kingdom’ that is not that of Jesus, Son of God, or ‘the European Union’ claiming the Twelve Heavenly Stars.

Babylon is not Zion, Sodom and Gomorrah is not heavenly Jerusalem, and no agenda may be forced onto sister Hun, nor can she be shut down on account of other people’s personal aspirations. Angela has a mission, there is a Holy Mother waiting for Her and She has drawn the lines to protect her.

Please appreciate today’s second Party song.

By Cheating Means

The German Lady observed that Italy and Britain shared in common a pair of demons: Beelzebub and Moloch. These were playing one side off against the other and diverting onto themselves a cult of worship that clearly had nothing to do with Mother and Child in High. Then these same two were infiltrated into Germany in 2019. In the same period, The Party was shut down in order to cancel the work offers made there by Angela and Alexandra.

This was cheating, an attempt at replacing Alexandra and my sister – who had each made a work offer in public at The Party, with Satan and Moloch. The German Mother refused to accept this as She has never asked anyone to sign an agreement with Satan. As a result, Italy’s problems with the Prince of Wales can be taken somewhere else, together with Sledgehammer and its Moloch!


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