Mädel Waiting at the Lantern

Bei der Laterne

It was some ten years ago, after I had returned to my Freundin in England, that one night in a dream I was walking up a flight of stone steps towards a road leading to the sea, and there near the top next to a street lantern stood Mädel, and she said: Hallo!

Here is today’s first Party song.

At the time I pondered over this. Mädel was still going to school and was too young to be publicly known as my girlfriend, and she and Alexandra were both the best childhood friends of my sister Angela. However, a question arose in my mind: when greeting me, did she say this in English, or in German? In the vision it was night time and clearly she had been waiting for me there, knowing I’d be passing by.

As things stood back then, I already had the impression of having personally failed in England, but I had to remain on account of Angela and her two friends. And so the question later evolved into the realization that, if I were to depart one day from England, would Freundin wait for me and say: goodbye, making it impossible for me to go, or, would she come too?

Today I had to go out in the early afternoon because this vision from ten years ago suddenly became overwhelming and was drawing me to that street lamp near the top of the flight of stone steps. My final destination was a place I had been to with Alexandra a couple of months ago overlooking the sea, a hilltop situated just above those stone steps.

The Rainbow Appeared

Then, after ascending and passing by the street lamp where Freundin had once stood in the dream, I walked on to the top of the hill, and just as I reached the spot where I had stood with Alexandra two months ago as we talked about the Germans arriving to sign a contract, indeed in that precise location, the Rainbow appeared in Heaven, going from the sea straight into the countryside just on the other side of town! This was today in the early afternoon.

On returning from the hill, I explained all this to Mädel: the dream from ten years ago which I had never told her of before, the strong emotions of today as I approached the flight of steps, the Rainbow from Heaven. And then she told me, gently explaining that at the time, ten years ago, she had already decided, after discussing her own future aspirations together with my sister Angela and with Alexandra, that should the day come when we have all been turned down here, and knowing that I would consequently need to move on to Germany, she too would be coming!

She said it was a sign from Heaven that love and loyalty are stronger than Hell, that when destiny decides it is time to move on, we cannot part, but shall remain united and both move on together, to new pastures, to a new life, to a new home.

United We Remain

When Alexandra came round to visit us later in the afternoon, I told her too, and she replied that when we had ascended to that exact place on the Western Heights in December last year, she had been informed by the German Holy Mother to go there with me. The German Mother had told her She would be giving a sign from Heaven exactly there in the place which we were observing from the west, namely over the Eastern Heights. I did not forget that day when we stood there contemplating the arrival of the Germans, because the very same night The Party published the edition: Alexandra and the German March.

So today Alexandra revealed to me that the German Mother wanted to make sure my English girlfriend was ready to come too, for we cannot be separated. And Mädel told me today she has ‘lost nothing here’. Therefore, sie kommt mit!

When I described the Rainbow from Heaven appearing just as I reached that precise spot on the hill overlooking the sea where I was heading to, Mädel understood that the German Mother could not get Angela Hun and her brother back, and Alexandra, unless she came too. As stated, she had already made that decision around ten years ago seeing that I had come back to England out of love for her.

Blossoming Tree

The Road from West to East Following the Rainbow

All we need now is for the Germans to come to sign a contract, one that is binding, meaningful and in the Name of the German Holy Mother. Her road is now from West to East, it leads across the sea and on from France to Belgium, and to Aachen and the Rhine.

There is a Spiritual Mother who cannot allow Her Child to be sacrificed, who will not allow Her Church to be cursed and devastated and will not give any credence to those who have a track record of attempting precisely that!

Here is the link to our first Rainbow article of 19 January 2022, relating to another event that took place in a precise location I was headed to and at that precise moment I arrived there.

And here is today’s second Party song.


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