Alexandra and the German March

The Holocaust in Scripture

In this number, The Party will be summing up Alexandra’s proposed future research, which will take effect once Germany has made contact in England and a binding work contract is up and running. She is the only person who knows how to investigate the biblical origins of the holocaust and follow them through in reference to both Testaments in the Bible. This work will be of fundamental importance in understanding the Holy Scriptures, and Alexandra will be using Hebrew, English and German scriptural texts, as well as referencing rabbinical writings written separately to the Scriptures. This work will take a long time and is likely to be presented in various phases as her research evolves.

Please accept today’s Party march here.

German and Jewish Relations

In her previous offer made to Germany around 2018 at The Party and which was not taken up at the time, Alexandra had also intended doing a historical presentation of relations between Germans and Jews, an idea that would prove very favourable for both these nations. As we can see, she has plenty of studying to do and, as we know, I the Hun am Alexandra’s trusted adjutant. It is my job to go out and collect the books needed once she has given me the titles, to do manual work such as bookmarking pages, taking tomes down and placing them back on the shelves, preparing breakfast and coffee and keeping the music tracks running for the background.

Mädel gets on well with Alexandra, they are long-time friends and she is happy when I have employment that keeps me busy, as it gives me more motivation to invite her out in my free time and to cover expenses for the household upkeep. And Alexandra is a generous person and sees to it that I am paid handsomely. And this is also a reason why her upcoming contract with Germany needs to include an advance payment in sovereign gold! She has her own expenses to see to, and being a doctor, she knows that one cannot live from fresh air alone.

Betchy Garden

Betchy Garden Intelligence

Readers will be aware that our intelligence centre at the Garden is capable of tracking any intrusion, and I have written extensively about the Bug and his Bletchley Park association. I have some duties at Betchy Garden, mostly in relation to security measures after receiving indications and orders to act. The last time I saw them spying on Mädel, I shut and locked the door from within and left them out in the garden to rot! It will no doubt be the main reason why the City ordered my name to be cancelled from all registers of the living in England, as they tried applying similar treatment to that received by them from me. But this didn’t deter the Hun and it didn’t prevent Mädel ordering me, back in 2019, not to allow Boris Johnson to get anywhere near her work.

As she didn’t tell me much about her economical recipes, there is very little they could have got from me anyway, but what little that was I never told them.

No UK Socks for Germany

As for Alexandra, for Germany it is a question of whether to believe her and accept her work offer, or believe some sock puppets making false claims. Puppets don’t work of their own accord and even the ‘queen’s speech’ is always written for her by somebody else! So not even a group of socks claiming to worship their ‘queen’ is going to have any effect on a discerning person capable of distinguishing between reality and a fake. And so Germany should come to realise that the Bug is suffering from a figment of his own imagination and should not be taken at any face value – if he is still showing his face around, that is. By now one would have thought he’d have lost face altogether and given up.

As I explained in a recent publication, when the Police came for Angela, she had already gone back to Mexico. I guess they were using a black and white identity sketch drawn with a pencil, and on realising she had come back to England, walked through the border points and then gone back again while evading them, they didn’t have anything else to say, while I stood there looking at them with an inquisitive raised eyebrow.

And here is today’s Party chorus.


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