Head of the Global Economy

Privately Owned Oil Fields

In today’s edition, The Party is looking at who owns the largest stake in the world’s economy and how this individual wields tremendous power over Whitehall, Westminster and the United Nations. We’re talking here of the private family going by the name Saud, which personally owns a country named after it, Saudi Arabia, and oil fields currently producing around 13 million barrels of oil a day. Its current recognised leader, although a prince, is known to have had a dislike towards a journalist named Jamal Khashoggi who worked for the Washington Post and he managed to get away with using a Saudi embassy to have him dispatched. Jamal Khashoggi’s last words were: I can’t breathe!.

I Don’t Care!

At that time, the serving prime minister of the UK, Theresa May, was employing staff from the MoD to coordinate targets in Yemen for the Saudi air force to hit with missiles. Many of the planes and missiles were manufactured in Britain, and UK arms exports to Saudi Arabia increased exponentially since the Saudi invasion of Yemen in 2015. Various UK courts approved of the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia without regard for the immense suffering inflicted on Yemeni people as a result of the military intervention in Yemen on the part of the Saudi-led coalition that started in March 2015.

In the same vein, the United Nations and its officials have absolutely avoided any kind of expression or indeed decision that could offend the strongest man in global economy, opting instead to make it legal to sell weapons to the Saudi-backed contenders in the Yemen conflict, as well as to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, but not to their opponents. Adding to this, the UN recognises as ‘the legitimate president of Yemen’ a man whose mandate expired just before the war broke out in Yemen and who was reappointed as president by none other than the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, where he has lived in exile ever since owing to the fact that he is not welcome either in Sanaa, the capital of northern Yemen, or in Aden, the capital of the southern Yemenis.

A Mr. No-body elected by no-one is the sock puppet of Yemen through whom his master speaks, something similar with the people claiming to be the ‘government of the UK’, although these were re-elected on the sole grounds that they had deliberately mismanaged Brexit under Theresa May so as to hang on under Boris Johnson. In this regard, one should take into account that the private family that owns Saudi Arabia is likely to be the biggest foreign investor in the City and has traditionally kept numerous MPs in Westminster on their payroll, thus making them personally beholden.

Dictating to the British Empire

At The Party we have explained in a previous publication how the League of Nations had given the Mandate for Palestine to the British government shortly after the First World War, and how the Whitehall-Westminster club then passed to King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia all decisions concerning the mandate. This kingdom had been formed a few months earlier with the end of the Ottoman Empire and the withdrawal of the Turkish army from Arabia, and following a spate of wars against opposing Arab tribes in which the Saud emerged victorious.

The British Empire was interested in oil fields that were known to be hidden somewhere in the Arabian peninsular and in Mesopotamia, and consequently a number of Arab dynasty families were courted on the Arabian side of the Persian Gulf, including Ibn Saud. Once it became clear that the oil was to be found in the country named after him, the Saud was to become the predominant factor in determining how the Mandate for Palestine was to unfold.

While completely illegal from the point of view of international law as established by the League of Nations, Ibn Saud's decisions over Palestine became a precedent for Saudi influence in the affairs of the British Empire and later in Britain as a sole country. By this time, petrodollars had been established as the future replacement of the British Empire, the new great source of revenue destined to satisfy the East India Tea Company mentality of those who serve the City. The Jews didn’t count, the English didn’t count, and at the City it didn’t matter and they didn’t care. In particular, the Christian Faith did not count, lest there be accountability – which they learned to evade and avoid down to this very day.

English Faith

Human Deities

The similarity between the Saudi and the City establishments can be seen in the almighty-like presentation of a few families, one claiming to be the head of Islam, the other the head of the church. The ancestors of the Saud family were known in the 18th and 19th centuries as destroyers of places of worship of other Muslim communities, whether Shia or Sunni, and the ancestor of the City family became known as a destroyer of English churches and priories. Each claimed to be the sole interpreter of how people practise their faith, and each became immensely rich through the looting of places of worship.

The destruction or conversion of places of faith has continued to the present day, with both Arabia and England having to suffer constant desecration of buildings that were established in the Name of God, for these to be replaced with housing estates or other constructions that procure revenue to those who carry out the deed. And the result can often be seen in radical extremism on one side, and progressive atheism on the other, two characteristics that most Muslims and Christians tend to dislike.

Today The Party presents a Christmas song.

Angela Hun

Readers are aware that my sister went to Mexico and avoided being bugged, for she will not allow her work to be taken and hidden away. Those who serve the City do not serve the Holy Trinity, and because they cannot see what Angela and her brother know and work for, they try treating us like weak links in the chain. This is why we separated temporarily, because we work together, and without one or the other present, the City cannot possess work that is meant for spiritual use at national level. They cannot claim to have prevailed over a national Church – or various such Churches of different nations, be it in the name of the City, its petrodollars, or of the empire of the European Union.

Angela is waiting for a binding agreement to be established between Alexandra and Germany, following which she shall return in order to present her own work offer on the origins of the German Church as desired by the German Holy Mother and Child.


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