Sovereign Ireland or Italian Domination
Not Sovereign Ireland, but EU-UK
Readers at The Party will by now be acquainted with the background to how Whitehall operated over the years, functioning as a tool for the Italian ‘founding fathers of Europe’ and systematically opposing all and every reference to the spiritual history of the British Isles. The unity of Ireland as a sovereign nation was not what these people were going to promote, but the creation of one European empire, and thus, for them, there was no place for the Fair Lady of the British Isles, for One Irish Child and for the Irish Church as from its origins. In return, the EU offered guaranteed recognition of the City establishment and its cover-idol seated at Buckingham palace.
For they said: We don’t see God, he doesn’t exist, but we see the queen who we swore allegiance to, and so she is god.
This agreement between the Italian founding fathers of Europe and the oath-swearers allowed Whitehall and its Westminster chosen-ones to pursue their own policy of allegiance with the petrodollar families of Arabia and with the Communist Chinese Belt and Road initiative, something that was on the verge of seeing England sold out to China and which would have reached its completion under Boris Johnson. There was no place for the Holy Mother of any nation for those people, and that included Ireland as well.
Keeping Ireland Divided
And so we may better understand why the Treason Bill operated by Theresa May and signed by Boris Johnson was designed to keep Ireland divided between a fake kingdom on one side and the European Union on the other, where the Irish are supposed to be beholden to – and dependent on – foreign and alien powers to decide their destiny.
As we know, the UK died from syphilis and not even the Divorce Bill could prevent this. Jumping from the embrace of the EU fathers who they were working for into that of China was never going to save the kingdom of Buckingham palace & Whitehall from its destiny – it was too late. And even though Westminster styled for itself a rod called ‘Article 16’ with which to beat the Irish and all the nations of Great Britain and see-saw up and down with their EU Italian founding-fathers on the other side, ultimately, only Angela can work for the unity of the Irish Folk. And she emigrated away from England so as to escape the zombified institutions trying to steal her work and hand it over to their masters in Rome.
Celtic Origins |
What Agreement?
Angela never had an agreement with anyone to be shadowed by the ex-UK Whitehall operatives. She isn’t ever going to be locked up by anyone or have them take her work away and traffic it off to perdition, and that includes any worshippers of the ‘queen’ they swear allegiance to. She, as her brother, never swore allegiance to that person and we don’t pay homage to that family.
She went to Mexico and evades persecution by zombified ex-UK elements trying to bug her and take her work away. Angela Hun never joined them and has no contract whatsoever with their like. She said: They think can keep brother in prison and steal sister’s work, but she no allow!
According to my sister, they have a long list of brother Hun’s deeds and want to inflict spiteful vengeance on him. But she said: Sister Hun pull brother out, he always good to sister, she no have list of bad deeds against him.
As for me, I never joined them, so I don’t owe them anything.
Here is toady's music theme.
Readers at The Party will have understood that Angela is a researcher who does her own work, she won’t let bugs steal it, and she will get her brother back to work by her own means, such as supporting Alexandra who has offered a work contract to Germany by adding her own offer to it.
She doesn’t work for Winston Churchill or for the puppet in 10 Downing Street trying to emulate him, and as readers will be aware, brother Hun was not on that side. Life here is limited, and throwing it away for a Winston Churchill is not an option. It isn’t in Germany’s interests to exchange German Mother and Child for a clown in 10 Downing Street by throwing away the Gold and taking the wood of crucifixion.
Angela’s Codes
She alone can do her research into the foundations of the Irish Church, in her own name and with her brother at her side. No-one can take the codes from Angela, she’s not handing them over, and she cannot be bugged as she has gone back to Mexico. When she visited me the other week, my sister evaded the Police, they couldn’t follow her and so any plan to arrest her was made null.
Brother Hun has offered the framework for Irish unity as Angela had shown him years ago, he did this out of his own initiative as Angela had not mentioned Ireland during her recent stay in England, and it’s up to the Irish to decide who to believe. She won’t deal with anyone who denies her brother the freedom to work with her without being bugged and her work detracted!
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