Engineering the Downfall of a Nation

In today’s Party publication, we’ll be looking at the necessity of grasping the importance of the national church as the soul of a nation, and not allowing third parties to take away that which is most precious to a country’s communion with the High City.

German Mother and Child

Readers at The Party are aware that Angela Hun travelled with her brother from England to Serbia at the outset of her studies into ecclesiastic constitution, she at the time being very small and unable to make such a journey on her own. It is by now well known that we went to Valjevo at the start, which was her destination, that she took the spiritual church calendar there and within due course had set about studying the origins of the Serbian Church, which she had found at the very top of her calendar under Easter. She spoke a lot about the Serbian Holy Mother and Child and had a sufficient vocabulary base of the Serbian language to organise her daily schedule.

However, a group of people using deceit and lies, in contact with the Italian ‘founding fathers of Europe’ and operating for the European Union, was intent on bringing down Serbia while styling themselves as a separate people, even though they had claimed to be Serbs. Eventually they formed a fake state, planned and paid for by the EU. Owing to the geography of Serbia, Angela and I had travelled through this area and sadly we were ambushed by them. They were hell-bent on selling Serbian Mother and Child and the Serbian Church, but they did not know that on Angela’s church calendar there is a place for Germany too, and it is now right at the top, next to England and Scotland.

Here is today’s first Party music presentation.

And this explains why both Alexandra and Angela are waiting for the Germans to make contact with brother Hun in England to establish an agreement. There needs to be a recipient for the intended work so that it is made public once accomplished and not hidden away to perdition, for, as previously mentioned, no-one at The Party works for bugs and maggots. The Germans therefore need to recognise the communal and public nature of the work proposal and not try sacrificing it to somebody’s insane and ruinous grandiose plans of creating a ‘European Union’ or any other man-made structure of Babylonian proportions.

English Port

In Likeness to the Folk

Holy Mother and Child are in the likeness of the nation they represent, and as a result it is not possible for Germany to delegate to another nation the original foundations of the German Church, not even in the guise of EU cheap labour policies, nor to exchange this Church with another, or with a Babylonian pantheon run by somebody or another and some obscure group hiding in dark corners and pulling strings. The price for doing so is losing one’s invitation altogether at the table, and so, while others are seated at their place, there would be an empty one! But this is not something that Angela is prepared to take into consideration, and in light of her refusal to be placed in a prison and bugged, there is no other option than for Germany to reconsider her offer, which is not the first one she has made.

There is only One German Mother and Child, only One German Church, and there is no-one who can replace Angela. No-one has the authority or the power to take away her calendar, and not even the Italian ‘founding fathers of Europe’ are going to prevail against her. Theirs is a lost cause. When taking away national sovereignty from many countries means going as far as suffocating the soul of a nation and burying its own Church under the ground, then it is time to choose between Zion and Hell, and the EU is on the side of the latter.

The Road to the Heavenly Temple

When Jesus ascended to The Father around forty days after the Resurrection, he began to work from the heavenly altar of Zion to bring the Faith to many nations. He guided the Word of Salvation to distant lands and shores, and Angela knows that tracing the way back to the original cornerstone of a national church means finding the way to its heavenly spiritual genesis, thus offering one ecclesiastic communion between Folk and Zion based on the original foundations. In this way, the Son of God, who is the Gateway to The Holy Father, will recognise his flock and administer to it accordingly. There cannot be different shepherds offering different ways to one herd, for there is only one way to The Father, and that is the Gateway of Redemption.

This gate is not to be found in the politburo of the EU, whose road leads to Sodom and Gomorrah and to perdition. We have seen that in the Treason Treaty of the Divorce Bill, Theresa May and the EU commissars assumed to coerce the Irish into accepting that Ireland’s future lies in a pendulum that moves between the EU on one side and the UK on the other, Article 16 being the rod. Designed to go back and forth from one side to the other, the pendulum completes a period, and then another, and another, as in a repetitive time loop, between EU and UK. The Irish are led to believe that there is no destiny outside of these two failed entities, one representing an empire run by commissars, the other a kingdom of a private family of human origin bearing messianic titles.

Easter Framework

And yet, Angela long ago showed me the picture for Irish unity, and it has absolutely nothing to do with what Theresa May presented, together with the Versailles Treaty whereby £39 billion must be handed over to the pigs of Animal Farm. We have seen in previous Party publications that the Easter Agreement is based on a framework that Angela presented years ago and brother Hun chose to make clear on Party space, in the hope that the people of Ireland will turn to Our Fair Lady of the British Isles, and in this respect, to Holy Mother and Irish Child.

There we have it: Germany does not need to run after any troubles in Ireland. The trouble was created by Theresa May and her Conservative party, and it was done with the intention of presenting the EU as ‘almighty’ and ‘of unquestionable authority’. Therefore, in complete contradiction to the Reign of Jesus Christ, the Gateway and Shepherd.

Here is today’s second Party march.


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