The Ardennes Offensive 2

The Road Is Free for Germany

Tonight’s Party publication is dedicated to Alexandra, who a few days ago came round to see me. She explained that all we need do is wait for the Germans to accept her offer and sign the work contract that has been prepared. She has personally put in a good word and explained that the road from Dover to North Camp is open for Germany and that there is no need to believe hogwash coming from Phosphorus Government Bond claiming something else.

Alexandra also infiltrated the police and managed to find out they were involved in some ‘do-gooder’ policy to steal Angela’s spiritual church calendar. She was wearing a police uniform and I was quite shocked on hearing this, until of-course it became evident she was not working for the police, but had bugged them. Alexandra smiled and distributed some delicious sweet cream cakes she had prepared, and stayed over for the night with Mädel and myself. There was no need for me to enquire how she managed this as Alexandra works at Betchy Garden, our Intelligence centre.

Please hear out today’s Party tune!

The Italian Illuminati

Readers at The Party know that Angela went to Mexico to avoid being followed and bugged by the Police, as that is the equivalent to stealing her work and then sabotaging it when she wants to get it published, because they would already have the work themselves and would send saboteurs along. So instead the Police got infiltrated by Alexandra to prevent them doing illegal things to which they have no right. In fact my lawyer once told me that bugging people to steal their work is illegal, and in this particular case it meant they were also working on behalf of a foreign power – in the Balkans.

High City and Town 

It could be that Alexandra detected a microchip and reverse engineered it back to the sender, this I don’t know, but it will probably never become clear what superior and secret skill took place and how. What counted is that she got the info we needed that they were after Angela’s calendar and trying to lock her up to steal her work – which, as noted, is an illicit practice! That’s how the Italian Illuminati work, they try to steal what they cannot receive and then set about manipulating the work of others. So for the police it’s either back to the drawing board or back to their adoptive Italian illuminati fathers again!

I like to make clear that no-one at The Party has ever made a contract with anyone here, and when they were caught spying on Mädel, I locked them out to rot in the garden. Later they sent the Demon in early 2019, but he went to Hell.

Alexandra is only going to do her next work as according to a signed contract with Germany, and later Angela will be committing to the same, and making this clear is the sole purpose of today’s edition.


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