Inconceivable Pattern of Deceit
Holy Mother and Child of a Nation
When asking ourselves who would try replacing Holy Mother and Child, we can find the answer in the most obvious places: those who are in the act of creating an unholy empire and refuse to leave their broken dreams behind when the very foundations are crumbling from beneath their enterprise.
Our first Party tune today is of Christmas.
For all we know, the Prince of Wales may be pulling the strings from behind the scenes, as many institutions in Britain swear an oath of allegiance to his mother, and he may be trying to become the head of all faiths. However, he certainly won’t be promoting the One German Church. Somebody has been trying to replace Mother and Child with what has been described at The Party as a pendulum going between the UK and the EU. The architects behind this must have been working for a kingdom run by a private family on one side, and the Italian ‘founding fathers of Europe’ on the other, in other words they were working for the Prince of Wales and the Italian Illuminati. These people do not want the Irish to know about the Spiritual Mother and Child of Ireland, as it would put a line right through everything they concocted that goes by the name of ‘Divorce Bill’.
Exchanging Easter for Crucifixion
Angela’s framework for the Easter Agreement would be filled in not with the foundations of the Irish Church, but Sodom and Gomorrah. Of-course one needn’t wonder why she left England for Mexico and refuses to return. We all know who they swear an oath of allegiance to. Let us make just one suggestion and imagine they tried getting hold of Angela’s work through spyware, crossing out Holy Mother and Irish Child and replacing this with Humpty Dumpty and her son the Prince of Wales. Then they would erase Angela’s name, her work would be gone and it would be too late. This is how the Bug works, and in place of Easter we would get Hell! That said, it is exactly what they attempted to accomplish.
Angela works for the concept of Heavenly Marriage that unites the Holy Father and the Holy Spirit in the name of the Saviour who came for the redemption of mankind. This is the holy communion between Heaven and the nations, and it requires the foundation of the ecclesiastic body as from its origins.
Those who swore allegiance to Buckingham palace, however, redirected to Theresa May’s Divorce Bill, whereby children are taught at school ideas coming from the base instincts of perverted minds and the Faith has no place. The original Celtic Monasticism is replaced with Theresa May’s very personal preference for Sodom and Gomorrah. It fits in with UK and EU so-called values and imposes both of these institutions as fundamental and overriding.
This is how her Divorce Bill was designed, for England, for Scotland, for Wales and for all of Ireland, and not by chance does it hinge on the Northern Ireland Protocol, which is constructed to be the complete opposite of all that the Fair Lady of the British Isles offers: Theresa May’s profanity in place of Easter. It is meant to uphold and perpetuate the power of the EU and of the UK, not only over Ireland as a whole, but over many other countries too, including Germany. It was not by accident, but by design.
Queen Bertha |
Breaking the Spell
Once the Germans have understood how Theresa May – who swore allegiance to a private family member while at the same time working for the EU – has used the Divorce Bill to tie Germany to an illusion, then it will also become apparent how those people attempted to bury the German Child in the cold stone of Hell they had reserved for him. Phosphorus has no place in Germany’s affairs, and when they sent the Demon in early 2019, I told him to keep his five pound notes, and he went to Hell instead. And that is where I redirected him whenever he tried coming back. So it should be clear that Angela is right and that Alexandra’s offer of work is the best way forward. This will enable Angela herself to come back and sign a work contract of her own whereby she will be working with her brother for German Holy Mother and Child.
Heavenly Jerusalem is not Babylon, and sister Hun does not work for the latter, for it is not where Germany’s place is.
Here is today’s second tune offered at The Party.
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