Celtic Monasticism in Church Origins

British Isles

This evening The Party is touching on the topic of Celtic origins within the national churches of the British Isles. Years ago, this was relevant in Angela’s work and had featured among some of the publications in my old website. But at that time, the local authorities and Whitehall cared not for the British Isles, they were working for Italy and for expansion of the EU all over Europe as according to the plans of the Italian founding fathers of Europe. Eventually, my sister told me they were not interested in promoting or sponsoring any form of nationality in the British Isles, but only in demoting national sovereignty along the ideological lines of the European Union, and as a result any reference to the origins of a national church was considered as an attack on the EU founding fathers.

Angela and I had been through all this in Serbia already, where some splinter political group funded by the EU had tried breaking away from Serbia into a ‘different people and country’ after having lied to us and claimed something about ‘being Serbian’.

It was all being repeated again, and all the time the Italian founding fathers of Europe were pulling the strings, just like they had been in Serbia. In the end, I was told in England that I don’t even exist. Well we must have angered some people who were not being paid to promote national churches as from their origins but rather to eradicate any research into their foundations. And then Angela emigrated to Mexico. This was after she had made an offer to Germany to study the birth of the German Church in the Name of German Holy Mother and Child, but was turned down.

At the time, I reckoned there were people in power hell-bent on preventing Angela from working and were probably claiming she was wrong. That the EU founding fathers from Italy were behind it is no doubt the case as far as I am concerned. Yet Angela’s recent visit to me in England, when she came all the way from Mexico to make sure I once again present her offer to Germany at The Party, assured me that she never gave up on her proposal, because she has her own spiritual contacts with the German Mother, as too do I.

Our first Party music theme is at this link.

Celtic Britain

This brings us back to the reference to Celtic monasticism, which, according to Angela, was fundamental in the foundations of national churches in the British Isles. Should it ever be of interest to the Irish, the origins of the Irish Church are no doubt to be found somewhere in this ambient. Long ago, Angela never managed to continue her studies in that direction, apart from what she achieved in regards to England and Scotland and the national Church of each of these nations.

So no, it wasn’t Henry VIII, and it wasn’t ‘the pope’, whoever that is supposed to be, who, from the Heavenly Altar of Zion, guided the ways of the Saints in those days of old, and it wasn’t the ‘founding fathers of Europe’ either and their ideological organization that demolishes national sovereignty and culture.

So long as there are people in places of power working for the EU or for the Tanner’s descendant and making unholy cheating decisions, such as ‘you don’t even exist’, Angela cannot do her work. Neither she nor her brother ever accepted or agreed to being cancelled out of life, regardless what the Italian founding fathers of Europe decide.


The Four Flags on One Fabric

After we returned to England, when Angela had taken the spiritual church calendar, she once showed me a squared flaxen cloth of four equal parts. From my point of view standing opposite and facing her, she had coloured in the top left corner with the English Flag, and the top right corner with the Scottish flag. The two bottom corners were empty, only the framework being present. These were to represent Ireland and Wales.

Angela told me this was her version of the Union Jack, adding, Brother make sure not dissect pieces of one corner to mix with other.

According to her rule, the Saltire cannot be cut up into pieces and placed as crucified around the Red Saint George, and neither can the Irish and Welsh flags - which she did not design - be placed in cut-up pieces around the English flag.

As we can see, she made the frame for the Irish flag, but did not colour it in. This space could not be filled in so long as there is not the One Irish Church presented as from its origins that only my sister Angela can work for. Our orders were to work only for the English and the Scottish, and then wait till these two national Churches have been publicly presented on the front pages of the national press in Angela’s name, promoted at national level!

Framework for the Easter Agreement

In the recent Party editions I have presented the framework within which the Irish need to prepare the way for the union of Ireland and of the Irish Folk around Our Fair Lady and One Child. Her road leads to Christ’s Church and a nation needs its own ecclesiastic body in order to be in Communion with our Saviour, he being the gateway to God the Father. There is no other unity of the Irish People.

Angela is the one who showed me this long ago, after she had taken the church calendar and we had come back to England. With her set of crayons and pens, she is creative, and her spiritual knowledge by way surpasses anything I her brother could arrive at. She can explain it so as it is, whether in words, in writing, or by drawing a picture.

Once Ulster and the Republic have each dropped a dead weight, one the fake monarchy, the other the EU commissars from foreign lands, and find a common cause in One Spiritual Mother and One Child, then Angela can do her research into the origins of the Celtic monastic missions, so long as her brother is given the right to exist. This is one of her personal preconditions!

The Road to Perdition Is Wide

If it had been for the powers that were, children in English schools would have been learning Mao’s red book and Whitehall would be continuing to operate according to the diktats of the Wahhabi private-family dynasty, cashing in petrodollars and legislating in return for payment, passing envelopes, covering up public inquiries and shutting down and pulling down churches to convert them into housing estates, more than in seventy years of Communism in Russia. That is the heritage received from seventy years of HM Humpty Dumpty and people swearing allegiance to that. And then there is Theresa May’s personal road to Sodom and Gomorrah, promoted in public and at school and pushed through from Whitehall.

The Gold

Mädel said that whoever turns down Angela has flung away the gold and taken the wood instead. I am expecting to meet a German representation in England bearing gold bars for a work contract with Alexandra, which later would be followed by one with Angela herself. I am owed gold by Alexandra for helping her in the Exorcism. She will pay me from her income, and by that time, as it will have become hers, it will be English gold!

Here is today’s second Party music presentation.


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