One Irish Church

Today’s Party publication is to express a declaration of intent, and as such it is related to our previous edition Ireland - The Easter Agreement.

X for Decimation, Ex for Gone

It’s important to understand that the Ex-UK was trying to sell off Our Fair Lady of all the British Isles, and this should not come as an exaggeration considering that as late as 2021, the official policy of Whitehall and the Westminster puppets under their command was to sell England out to the Chinese Communist party in return for the City establishment hanging on to money and power, as previously noted in The Party’s edition Boris Johnson's UK Dynasty

Even now, the UK ghouls are beholden to the private-family dynasty of Saudi Arabia and neighbouring dynasties in the Arabian peninsular. So it shouldn’t come across as exaggerated that these people had no qualms pitting the Irish against each other and against the English too. Their aim is decimation of the Faith, not unity, and ultimately the cancellation of the Faith. But this turned against them!

Neither the Chinese Communist party nor Whitehall’s Wahhabi uncle in Saudi Arabia were interested in the Fair Lady or in the Christian Faith at all, as they don’t believe in Mother and Child of a nation, so they are not the people who Whitehall intended selling Her to. These countries were instead interested in using their money to expand their own interests, both economical and ideological.

Mädel, the economics expert at the Ænglisc Rīce Chancellery, would never have worked for the City bankers and the Whitehall people elected by no-one, and as a result, selling England out in return for money from China and Saudi Arabia would not have been possible with her, and Whitehall was perfectly aware of this. So they wanted to sell her work off to Italy, an EU member state, because she had once gone on holiday there with the Hun and the Italians had tried stealing her work back then. In return, Italy would have proclaimed Whitehall’s HM Humpty Dumpty as ‘the rightful monarch’ in place of Jesus Christ, King of the English Folk, and continued recruiting countries into the EU and demolishing national sovereignty all over Europe. All this meant that the Fair Lady of the British Isles, whose road leads to Christ's Church, had to go, according to Whitehall.

Sabotaging One Nation and One Church

Looking closer, it transpires therefore that, according to this plan, Jesus could not be the King of any nation of the British Isles, including Ireland. And so it becomes clearer why Theresa May, under directions from Whitehall, cobbled together the Treason Bill, duly signed by Mickey Mouse in Buckingham palace, to bring the Irish into a state of civil strife and to create bad feelings between Irish and English. That way, there can be no One Irish Church either. With our Spiritual Mother gone, how would the City bankers and their Whitehall enablers – and the puppets in Westminster – ever get to being removed from their places in power and made to respond to public bankruptcy? They wanted to continue stuffing their pockets instead with more top salaries and bonuses!

In our previous publication, I have mentioned that Angela my sister, on visiting me from Mexico the other week, did not talk with me about Ireland, but about the German Folk who she intends working for and with whom she would like a binding contract. Angela is confident because she already has successfully carried out her research into the origins of the English Church and of the Scottish too. Contrary to those who the Bug works for, she can offer her own grain from her own sack, with her own name rightfully signed underneath. She is the one who went all the way to Serbia and took the spiritual church calendar and brought it to England!

Church Door

Faithful Huns

However, as a good Hun, I know that Our Fair Lady who my sister and I both work for has never given up on Her purpose to see the Irish Republic cross over to the Kingdom of Ireland that proclaims Jesus Son of God, and no other, as the eternal King.

From Angela’s point of view, though, it is a case of not having her other commitments taken away from her, which is why she returned to Mexico after personally making sure that I relay at The Party her intentions towards the Germans, providing they first of all accept a work contract with Alexandra.

Under no circumstance is the Bug ever going to get her work, for he would hide it away and waffle some rubbish to people of other countries telling them that his ‘queen’s government’ still has some other matters of importance to see to first, such as selling England out to Communist China and selling more weapons to Saudi Arabia to wage war on Yemen while City bankers line their pockets.

Therefore, Angela can never commit to any dedicated work unless through a binding contract with the country, or countries, that are the intended recipients, otherwise it would be stolen and hidden away by the Bug, Phosphorus and their circle. It would no longer be in her possession and she could forget asking for a binding agreement once the work were to be accomplished and then stolen. Whitehall would offer some garbage up and tell other people why ‘it is necessary they do nothing’. They would say: ‘Never mind Jesus, he can wait, we still have important projects to fulfil, but we have safely hidden the work under a rug’.

The Bug would get paid and walk off slinging bags of money, the evil deed accomplished, and Angela’s work would be left to rot. Alas she is not stupid and knows this! Those people sent the Demon in early 2019 hurling abuse and demanding I bow down to their ‘queen’ if I wanted any money, and I told them to keep their money. The Hun is not beholden to them, has never been paid by them and has no obligation towards them or any contract with them, neither explicit nor implied.

The German Mother

For sure is that Angela will never give up her intentions to work for the German Mother and Child, and for the Mexican Mother and Child, for there is no other option on her spiritual calendar going by the times and dates.

Yet the Irish could express the intention of renouncing both the fake monarchy which the Demon was proclaiming and the EU Communist empire. It is necessary to pledge Allegiance to the One Fair Lady of the British Isles and not be led into perdition by Theresa May’s Treason Deal, which was worked out in collaboration with alien commissars and signed by Humpty Dumpty and her ‘government’ of the ex-UK. There is no other national Mother of Ireland, and One Irish Child would not go to war against himself. One Irish Church means one Christian Faith, and Angela is the one who can manage this!

In the hope of having been of help to the Irish, I the Hun am waiting to meet with a representation from the Germans to establish a contract between Alexandra and Germany, on the understanding that she will be paid in advance with gold bars, as she owes me some of them for the work I have been helping her out in on the UK Exorcism.

The German Holy Mother expects Angela and her brother to commit to Her and the German Child, and good Huns will never abandon the German Mother!

Today The Party offers the following music presentation.


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